The Lost Luna Is In Our Midst (Moon Goddess)


Mrs. Belinda, feeling the weight of the recent events, decided to take a moment for herself. With a sigh, she quietly went to the bathroom to take a shower, seeking a brief peace from the emotional rage that had unfolded in her home.

Before stepping into the bathroom, Mrs. Belinda, with a motherly instinct, prepared a cup of tea for both Angel and Luna. The aroma of chamomile and warmth hovered through the air as she carefully placed the cups on the table. The two little girls, still processing the chaos they had witnessed, sat down on the couch, their heads bowed deep in thought.

Angel, despite her physical leg healing, carried the weight of a heart still very much broken. Her emotions were a storm of anger and embarrassment. The memory of her father’s drunken state lingered, casting a shadow over her fragile sense of security.

As Angel sipped her tea, the steam rising and enveloping her face, she couldn’t shake the feeling of embarrassment that clung to her. The image of her father, consumed by alcohol, haunted her thoughts, and the vulnerability of that moment left scars on her young heart.

Luna, sitting beside Angel, sensed the heaviness in her friend’s spirit. She gently reached out, placing a comforting hand on Angel’s shoulder.

Luna’s touch on Angel’s shoulder conveyed a silent understanding, a gesture of friendship that spoke volumes in the midst of their shared turmoil. The warmth of Luna’s hand served as a gentle anchor, grounding Angel in the present moment and reminding her that she wasn’t alone.

Luna: “We’re friends, Angel. Friends help each other, right?”

Angel, touched by Luna’s sincerity, nodded slowly. The weight on her shoulders seemed to lighten ever so slightly, and she found solace in Luna’s company.

As the two girls sat on the couch, Luna decided to break the heavy silence with a gentle question, hoping to provide an avenue for Angel to express her feelings.

Luna: “Do you want to talk about what happened, Angel? Sometimes, talking helps.”

Angel hesitated, her gaze fixed on the cup of tea in her hands. The steam curled upward, carrying unspoken emotions into the air.

Angel: “It’s just… my dad. When he’s like that, I don’t know him. It scares me.”

Luna listened attentively, her presence a reassuring pillar for Angel to lean on.

Luna: “My papa says grown-ups sometimes make bad choices, but it doesn’t mean they don’t love us. Maybe your daddy needs help too.”

Angel sighed, a mix of frustration and sadness in her eyes.

Angel: “I wish he’d get help. I hate seeing my mom hurt, and I hate feeling embarrassed about my family.”

Luna, wise beyond her years, offered a viewpoint that only innocence could bring.

Luna: “Maybe your mom can help him understand like my mom helps when my papa feels sad. Families are like puzzles; sometimes, we just need to find the right pieces to fit.”

Angel’s features softened, her friend’s words bringing a glimmer of hope.

Angel: “I want my family to be a happy puzzle, Luna.”

Luna smiled, a shared understanding passing between them.

Luna: “We’ll figure it out together, Angel. Like a team.”

Luna: “It’s okay, Angel. My papa says time can heal hurts. We’ll figure this out together.”

Angel, her eyes still reflecting the turmoil within, managed a faint smile, appreciating Luna’s attempt to offer comfort.

As Mrs. Belinda engaged herself in the soothing water of the shower, the quiet in the living room. The tea, a simple gesture of comfort, served as a reminder that even in the midst of chaos, moments of warmth and connection could still be found. The journey toward healing had just begun, and Mrs. Belinda hoped that, in time, the scars on Angel’s heart would find solace in the embrace of love and understanding.

As for Luna, it was not a new thing. Several times, James, Angel’s father comes home drunk, and he ends up pouring his frustration on his wife and little daughter.

He once accused Mrs Belinda of witchcraft, according to him, she was the barrier to his destiny. That time, a long fight broke out, and Mrs Belinda happened to be the injured one, that didn’t go well with Angel and since then, she has been harboring a deep hatred for her father. She hates the sight of him, she hates talking to him, she hates moving closer to him.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Even when they are both at home, on a normal day, under normal conditions, Angel would lock herself up in her room, and she would refuse to tell him anything meaningful about her life. The once warm and welcoming home had become a place filled with tension and fear.

Luna, being a frequent visitor to Angel’s house, had inadvertently become a silent witness to the unsettling events that unfolded behind closed doors. The heavy scent of alcohol, the raised voices, and the strained atmosphere were all too familiar to her.

On one evening like that, Luna arrived for a playdate only to find the air thick with tension. The house, once filled with laughter, now felt like a place shrouded in shadows. As she entered, Luna could hear the echoes of an argument, the words piercing through the walls like thorns.

She found Angel, visibly distressed, waiting at the doorway.

Angel (whispering): “It’s one of those days, Luna. Daddy’s not in a good mood.”

Luna, sensing the seriousness of the situation, nodded understandingly. This wasn’t the first time she had seen Angel wear the heavy veil of distress.

As the evening unfolded, Luna and Angel retreated to the safety of Angel’s room. The muffled sounds of disagreement reached them, causing Angel to jerk with every raised voice. Luna, determined to be a source of comfort, decided to distract Angel with tales of adventures and imaginary worlds.

Luna: “Let’s pretend we’re on a magical journey, far away from here. Just close your eyes and imagine.”

Angel, grateful for the temporary escape, closed her eyes and allowed Luna’s words to weave a comforting shield around them. In those moments, the troubles outside seemed to fade, if only for a little while.

As Luna continued to be a constant in Angel’s life, she learned about the specific incident that had left a lasting scar on Angel’s heart-the night James accused Mrs. Belinda of being a barrier to his destiny. The mere mention of that accusation triggered a visible change in Angel, a mix of anger and sorrow painted across her face.

Luna (softly): “Why does your daddy say such terrible things?”

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