The Lost Luna Is In Our Midst (Moon Goddess)

Belinda’s marriage

Years ago, as Belinda excitedly brought James to meet her parents, the atmosphere was tense with anticipation. Her parents, seated in the cozy living room, exchanged uneasy glances as they awaited the arrival of the man who had captured their daughter’s heart.

When James finally entered, the room fell silent for a moment, broken only by the polite greetings exchanged. Belinda, oblivious to the undercurrents, introduced James with a radiant smile.

Belinda: “Mom, Dad, this is James. The man I’ve been telling you about.”

Her mother, trying to hide her concern behind a strained smile, responded, “Nice to meet you, James. Belinda has spoken highly of you.”

James, projecting an air of confidence, extended his hand, “Likewise. I’ve heard a lot about both of you.”

Belinda’s father, a stern figure with a protective demeanor, studied James with a discerning gaze. “Sit down. Let’s have a chat.”

As they gathered in the living room, the conversation started on a polite note, but the tension simmered beneath the surface.

Father: “So, James, what do you do for a living?”

James: “I work in sales. It’s a demanding job, but I enjoy the challenges.”

Mother, probing further, asked, “And your family? Tell us more about them.”

James, evasive in his responses, shared minimal details, steering the conversation away from his personal life.

Father, not easily swayed, continued, “Belinda is our only daughter. We’ve always envisioned the best for her. What are your intentions?”

James, sensing the gravity of the question, replied, “I love Belinda, and I intend to make her happy. I understand the responsibility of being a good husband.”

The air grew heavier as Belinda’s parents exchanged glances, their concerns deepening.

Mother: “Belinda is our treasure. We want to make sure she’s in good hands. Marriage is a lifelong commitment.”

Father, sternly addressing James, asserted, “We need assurance that you’re ready for that commitment and that you’ll treat our daughter with the respect and love she deserves.”

James, his confidence momentarily faltering, assured them, “I love Belinda, and I’ll do everything to make her happy. You have my word.”

The meeting ended on a polite note, but the unease lingered. As James and Belinda left, her parents exchanged a silent conversation, their worry etched on their faces.

Mother, watching them leave, whispered to her husband, “I have reservations about him. Something doesn’t feel right.”

Father, his protective instincts kicking in, sighed, “We can only hope she sees the truth before it’s too late.”

… … …

Belinda’s mother, expressing her worries, cautioned her daughter, “Belinda, my love, I’ve seen the world, and I fear James may not be the right match for you. There’s something about him that doesn’t sit well with me.”

Belinda’s father, a stern yet caring figure, added, “Sweetheart, we only want what’s best for you. Take some time to reconsider. Marriage is a lifelong commitment.”

Despite her parents pleas, she decided to turn deaf ears to it.

As days passed after the meeting with her parents, Belinda found herself caught between the love she felt for James and the growing tension with her family. Determined to bridge the gap, she tried to convey the depth of her feelings to her parents.

Belinda: “Mom, Dad, I know you have concerns, but James and I share something special. Our love is strong, and I believe it can overcome any challenge.”

Her mother, folding laundry in the living room, glanced up with worry etched on her face.

Mother: “Belinda, it’s not that we doubt your feelings. We just want to be sure he’s the right match for you.”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Belinda, frustration creeping into her voice, insisted, “He is the right match for me. You just need to give him a chance. You’ll see how much he loves me.”

Her father, sitting at the kitchen table, sighed deeply.

Father: “Belinda, love is essential, but it’s not the only factor in a successful marriage. We want what’s best for you, and we worry that James might not be the right fit.”

Belinda, feeling a sense of isolation, responded defensively, “You don’t understand, Dad. James is everything to me. We’re building a life together, and I need your support.”

Her parents exchanged glances, their concern deepening. Despite their reservations, they couldn’t bear to see their daughter in distress.

Mother: “Belinda, it’s not about us not supporting you. We just want to be sure you’re making the right choice. Sometimes, love can blind us to red flags.”

Belinda, growing increasingly frustrated, insisted, “There are no red flags! James loves me, and we’ll prove you wrong.”

The tension in the house escalated as the days turned into weeks. Belinda, caught between her family and the man she loved, felt a growing sense of isolation. Late one evening, she confronted her parents in a desperate attempt to make them understand.

Belinda: “I can’t live like this. James and I are getting married, and I want you to be a part of our happiness. Please, just try to see the love we share.”

Father, trying to maintain a calm demeanor, responded, “Belinda, we love you. We just want to protect you. If this is what you truly want, we’ll support you, but we can’t ignore our concerns.”

Belinda, feeling the weight of her decision, tearfully replied, “You don’t get it. This is tearing our family apart. I can’t lose you, but I can’t lose James either.”

Her mother, embracing her daughter, whispered, “Belinda, we don’t want to lose you either. We just want you to be happy.”

Despite her parents’ pleas and attempts to reason with her, Belinda chose to marry James against their wishes. The decision strained her relationship with her family, leading to a heartbreaking rift.

As Belinda exchanged vows with James, the air was thick with conflicting emotions. Her heart, once filled with anticipation and dreams of a joyous union, now carried the burden of knowing she had chosen a path that distanced her from those who had cared for her the most.

The wedding ceremony, adorned with flowers and promises of forever, became a somber occasion for Belinda. The guests, unaware of the familial rift, celebrated the union with smiles and well-wishes. Yet, for Belinda, the joy felt hollow, overshadowed by the lingering sadness that clung to her like a shadow.

As she looked into James’ eyes, professing her commitment, a part of her couldn’t escape the memory of tearful conversations and strained moments with her parents. The weight of their disapproval bore down on her, turning what should have been a moment of profound happiness into one of bittersweet reflection.

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