The Kings Series #1 His Beauty Queen

Chapter 34 Dream Of Me Anna May

Human. Wake up! It’s time.

Time for what? I can’t move. Help me.

Concentrate. Give me control.

How… How?

Her eyes were heavy like she had been sleeping for days. And there was a loud banging on the door. Damn! Her eardrums hurt.

I am you. Remember? Anna frowned. Was she talking to someone from the mindlink?

Why are you in my head? Who are you?

I am you, silly.

An explosion outside made her body jerk. The digits on her hands and feet twitched.

Why couldn’t she open her eyes? And her whole body was stiffed, almost paralyzed. No!

You can and you will. Concentrate.

Growls and screams were heard from outside. Some intense fighting was taking place near her. The question was…

Where is she?

You are annoying, human!

Anna May ignored the familiar voice talking to her. She needed to concentrate. Last she remembered was Alexander carrying her convulsing body from their building. The NorthAm. And the evil voice

A gasped escapes her lips. How long has it been?


Mia anima?! I’m coming for you.

Their link worked once more. She could hear more explosions and the wall somewhere to her left was blasted.

Loud dangerous growls made her submit. Her neck tilted to the side.

It was her mate’s lycan. She couldn’t see him. Why the fuck can’t she open her eyes?NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

Darling. I can’t see. My eyes won’t open.

Your wolf looks so beautiful, baby girl.

“You’ve found your queen.” Her head tilted to the direction of the unfamiliar voice.

“You fucking coward! Show yourself!” Alexander’s murderous voice thundered. She could hear him pacing the confines of the room.

“In due time, King. Be thankful I don’t have a taste for comatose women or your queen will be bleeding from her womb by now.” That old voice jeered. She shivered, deciphering his meaning. “Her wolf is clever, showing at the last minute.”

“I will not stop until I kill you with my bare hands. That’s a fucking promise, asshole.” Her mate roared. Uncontrolled rage in his rough voice. She quaked in fear. This was a different side of her mate. Instinctively she knew he was her haven. She was safe with him.

Alexander’s arms reached her, petting her fur…

What fur?

“I will come for your queen when you least expect it. Until the next time, Anna May.” The threatening voice echoed in the room. Then silence.

Anna whimpered in uncertainty. No. She does not want to be parted from Xander again. Their pups needed him.

“Shhh… baby girl. You are safe now. Open your eyes.” His face nuzzled her neck. She whined at his scent of pinewood and apples. It was stronger than before.

There was a constant throbbing behind her eyelids. Fighting it, she opened her eyes. And blinked several times. Dazed, she looked around her, finally settled on her anxious mate. He was naked.

He chuckled. She growled. Why couldn’t she speak?

Let’s use the mind link, mia anima.

Why can’t I shift back?

I will help you shift back later.

Now, Alexander.

Bossy. I like it.

She growled once more. Unimpressed with his humor.

He exhaled heavily before crushing her in his embrace.

I thought I’d lost you. The pain was unbearable, mia anima. I would have died if something bad has happened to you.

She whined in sorrow at the smell of his tears and instinctively licked the wetness from his cheeks.

I love you, Xander. You won’t lose me.

You heard him. He is still out there. Hiding.

And you will find him and kill him. I know you will not stop until you do so.

You are right. Nothing will stop me from killing each and every one of them. I love you so much, baby girl.

Let’s go. The pups are hungry.

Our pups are ok?

Yes, soulmate. They are happy their daddy is here.

He carried her wolf out of the room effortlessly. Anna felt his love and protectiveness through the bond.

“You will need to wait in the car, my love. I have to check on Mish and Xavier. They are somewhere in this building.” Alexander deposited her gently at the back of the car and draped her in a blanket.

Wait. Why is my sister here?

Oh shit!



This was the first time his beloved will see him in his pure vampiric form.

Mish’s eyes widened but not in fright. The pained expression on her face showed relief.

“Beloved,” she whimpered. His Mish was sick once more. Her face was pasty and she was shivering in Victor’s arms.

“Release her!” The fucker shuddered from the command in his voice. He will be dead before the sun rises.

“Fuck you, King. You can’t do anything to me while she is here.” He watched in horror when Victor’s fangs graze Mish’s swanlike neck, his venom dripping from it.

“Give her to me. I will let you go. Just.. just release her.” Oliver waited outside. Victor won’t go far.

“Desperate are we? Have you tasted a virgin’s blood before? It tastes like the most expensive wine in the world. Sweet and heady. The purest of all.” The deranged councilman opened his mouth wider and sank his teeth on her shoulders. Mish’s body convulsed from the force mark.

“No!” With his vampire speed, he reached them before he drew blood. Victor pushed his beloved’s body to him and escaped in a flash. “Mish, baby?”

The scuffling outside the door registered. They had the fucker.

“Xavier,” Her voice was so weak. It was killing him. He shrugged out of his coat to cover her shivering thinly cloth body. Goddess. She was cold. Barely breathing from her wheezes.

“You will know what to do, Vampire King, ” Xavier glanced at Esmeralda’s glowing silhouette at the door. “Only your mark and blood can save her now.”

His precious beloved lay weightless in his arms, the bite on her shoulders was turning blue from the venom. That was Victor’s ultimate goal. To kill his soulmate. Knowing it will kill him too.

His Anna Michelle will not die. He will make sure of it.

With no time to spare. His canines bit his lips until he drew blood. He leaned down to kiss her softly until drops of blood filled her mouth.

Two fingers press her nose, urging her to swallow. She did while she choked at the taste. His blood will help her heal.

“Mark her, Vampire King.” The white witch instructed.

“You know what will happen if I mark her, I won’t be able to control myself from consummating our bond.” His decision was clouded at the moment. With love. With anguished. He thanked the priestess for her guidance.

“Then she will die. There is a solution. Mark her and disappear. Stay as far away as possible. Hibernate. Come back to your queen when it’s time.” Could he bear the pain from their forced separation? Does he have a choice?

“She will feel empty from our distance,” he stated in misery. “Wipe her memory of me. That will lessen her pain. Her heartbreak.”

Yes. He can carry the burden alone. As long as his beloved lived. He will come back to her when it’s time.

“Are you sure? Can you bear the burden?” The sadness in the High Priestess eyes was a small consolation.

“I’m sure. Promise me you will do it and give my beloved a protection spell while I’m gone.” Beyond the universe was the limit for his queen.

“I admire your selflessness, Xavier and I will help in any way. I will give you time with your beloved.” Esmeralda bowed in respect to both of them.

He watched her go with tears blurring his vision.

“Mish, my love, my beloved. You are my heart and my soul. You may have no memory of me but your heart will remember. Because your’s and mine beats as one. I’ll come for you.” With a shaky breath, he began to murmur in their ancient vampire language.

“I,  Xavier Moravia Rastislav claim you, Anna Michelle Greyson as my queen, my soulmate for all eternity. Until we both rest in eternal bliss. Hear me with your heart. Dream of me with your soul. Until we meet again, my Mish.” With tears in his eyes, he sank his teeth on her neck. Sobbing as he claimed his beloved Anna Michelle.

Until we meet again, my precious love.



Author’s Note

I’m sorry. It has to be done. I can assure you though, it not the end of their story.

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