The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

I lounge for a good ten minutes in perfect comfort, letting my mind turn where it will, brushing my fingers through my hair and wishing for a proper brush instead of the scanty little combs that the Academy provides to its boys, who apparently have no real need for hair care.

I’m passively wondering if there’s some way to requisition’a proper brush when suddenly the little bell on the dumbwaiter rings. Eager, a little excited, I jump up and scurry over to it, delighted when I open the door to find a little plated lunch waiting for me – just a sandwich and a glass of apple juice, but still.

I mean, it’s not a power bar, right?

I whisper my thank–you to the dumbwaiter, which I realize is stupid even as I do it, pressing the door shut with my shoulder as I carry my food over to my nook. There, I climb into bed with it, digging into my sandwich as I simultaneously open my Chemistry book, getting started where I left off this morning.

The material is fascinating to me, thank goodness. I mean, I’ve studied chemistry before, but as I work my way through our assigned chapters I realize that this text has been specifically designed for precisely the kind of chemical study that an assassin might need. I frown for a moment but am ultimately unsurprised when I flip to the front of the book, looking for the author’s name.

I find it, immediately under the title. Dr. Francis Neumann. I laugh, shaking my head – of course he wrote it, just for us.

The next few hours pass easily as I sink into the text, eagerly consuming the information and taking notes that I hope will be useful for review tomorrow morning. As I read I rebraid my hair on my head, gathering my discarded clothes and putting them back on after a trip to the bathroom to take a hasty shower and get cleaned up. Because as much as I’m enjoying my alone time, I am aware that my brother and my cousin are going to come back eventually, probably with Ben and Luca in tow.

And even though I suspect that all of the boys know my secret now…

Well, it’s not going to be good to get caught in my underwear, is it?

So towards the end of my study hall I pull my cap back onto my head and tuck myself beneath by blankets fully dressed, wanting to be cozy and warm while I have the chance, as Rafe’s probably going to make me go work out in some cold gym.

The plan backfires, unfortunately, and I get a little too cozy.

So cozy that my eyes start to drift shut bit by bit, my exhaustion from yesterday catching up with my sleepness night, which combines with the fascinating but difficult information in the book.

Eventually I stop fighting it, letting my eyes close and my head drift back onto my pillow, promising myself…just a moment to rest my eyes…

Aaaand I fall in to a deep, consuming, dreamless snooze that lasts way, way longer than five

minutes. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

The next thing I know, something is gently drawing a line down my cheek…

I breathe in a deep breath, my eyelids slowly lifting, and I turn towards whatever is touching me, confused

My eyes focus, a little, on a hand that pulls away from me, tucking itself into the pocket of a pair of black pants.

“Time to get up, Shrimp,” the voice says, and my eyes widen. “You were really out.”

I stare, and then startle, and then sit up dead straight to stare up into Luca’s face, my mouth slightly open.

What what the hell is Luca doing here during my study break!? Why

But then I glance past him, seeing that the room is bizarrely full

Rafe and Jesse, sitting on their armchairs, talking easily about their workouts that day. Ben sitting on the floor, cushions spread out around him, leaning back on his hands, laughing at something Jesse said…

What…what the…

“It’s almost dinner time.” Luca says, laughing a little. “Seriously, that was one hell of a nap.”

“Luca,” I whisper, looking up at him, my eyes suddenly full of pleading. Because I want nothing more than to know that it’s okay between us that he forgives me for the secrets I had to keep from him.

But Luca – either he doesn’t notice the question in my eyes or he ignores it. Because he just shrugs and turns back to the room. “Come on,” he calls back to me, heading for his corner of the couch. “Let’s eat.”

I just stare as I watch him – because this was our moment. No one was going to notice if we had a private chat for a few seconds –

But Luca, he walked away like…like he doesn’t want to have that chat.

Or doesn’t know we need it? I groan a tiny little groan, putting my face in my hands for a second, trying to deal with my frustration even as I simultaneously try to wake up.

“Are you okay, Ari?” Rafe says as Luca falls gracefully onto the sofa, grabbing a book out of his bag as he stretches out his legs, taking up nearly the entire length. “We had a consultation about whether or not to wake you a fairly loud consultation – and when you slept through it Jesse persuaded me to let you out of workout tonight and let you rest.”

“You’re a prince, Jesse,” I call to him, my words muffled against my palms.

“Duke,” he corrects, standing and heading for the dumbwaiter when the bell sounds again.

Seriously? How can it be time for dinner, when I just ate…

But when my stomach grumbles, I realize that I must have slept much, much more than I thought.

I get up, stretching myself before heading to my corner of the couch, but when I get there… Luca doesn’t move his feet.

“Luca,” I say, swatting the toe of his boot with my hand. “One, boots off the furniture.”

He smirks, but doesn’t look up at me.


“And two,” I continue, putting my hands on my hips. “Move! You’re in my spot.”

“Sorry, Shrimp,” he murmurs, turning his page, his eyes fastened to his text. “You’ll have to find a new space we’re having a studious dinner tonight, and I need to lounge while I study. Otherwise the info

doesn’t stick.” He taps his temple with his finger, letting me see precisely where he wants the info to go.

My jaw drops. “Luca!” I say, swatting him again. “This is my room! My furniture!”

“And you,” he says, looking up at me now with a little smirk on his lips, “have an entire nook to yourself, complete with bed and desk! I would suggest you make use of your surplus of study spots and leave me to the paltry couch!”

I just stare at him, realizing, quite suddenly that…

That Luca is icing me out.

That he doesn’t give a shit about studying that he’s actively refusing to talk to me.

As Luca sees me put the pieces together, his smirk


Oh my god, I say internally, glaring at him. You are so god damn petty.

He grins, shaking his head almost like he understood my words through my expression, dropping his head again to his book.

Punishment! I can almost hear him saying, every smug line in his body confirming it. You’re withholding secrets from me for weeks? Time for a taste of your own medicine.

I scoff, bitter, but storm away, climbing back into my bed and pulling my chemistry book into my lap, so angry that I could spit. I mean, seriously? He wants to play games now!?

Fine. Fine. If Luca wants to be petty, then two can play at this game. I seethe, attempting to concentrate on my textbook, blocking out all sound and distraction from the outside world. I scribble

furiously in my notebook, not truly processing the information, but not caring because I’m so livid at my stupid mate that I can’t even

A plate appears in front of me, wrapped knife and fork perched neatly on its side.


Chapter 56


“Oh,” I say, and then I laugh at myself for being surprised. I mean, obviously I knew dinner was coming, I heard the dumbwaiter and saw Jesse get up to receive it. “Thanks,” I murmur, lifting my eyes to show my gratitude to whoever…

But I freeze immediately, completely shocked to see my mate holding the plate out to me.

But not Luca.

The other one.

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