The Heiress Mage

Chapter 25 – Searching for a Cure

Calux’s POV

“Ashleigh! Wake up! Ash!” Stheno said worriedly and patted her friend on the cheek.

“She still doesn’t wake up. What’s wrong with her?” Shreya said worriedly.

Stheno’s mother immediately approached and touched Ashleigh’s wrist.

“Her wrist has no pulse. We need to take her to a room right now!” Duchess Matilda’s command.

“There is a vacant room in the east wing, maids help them and take them to the vacant room there right now!” command our father.

“Right away, Your Majesty.” the maids immediately preceded them to take Ashleigh to the east wing.

I was left with our parents to help them with the guests.

“Calux, follow them. We’ll take it from here.” said my father.

I just nodded and immediately ran upstairs and to follow them to the east wing. When I got there, Ashleigh’s friends were gathering by the bed, while my older brother was standing quietly waiting for Duchess Matilda to finish casting a spell on Ashleigh’s body to cure her malady.

“Someone used black magic on her to stop her heartbeat. Good thing that we immediately found out her malady, otherwise…” Duchess stopped and looked away.

“Otherwise what? Your Grace?” curiosity is obvious from my older brother’s question.

Duchess Matilda sighed before speaking.

“If we don’t prevent it right away… she could die.” a serious explanation by Duchess Matilda.

“Fortunately, I noticed this immediately, only when she touched her chest could it be seen that there was something wrong with her heartbeat. I’m afraid that it won’t last long either. You need to find a cure to get rid of her malady.” she added seriously.

“W-what?!” unbelievable says Elgin.

“How and where can we get medicine for her malady?” Cadmus asked and then approached Stheno’s mother.

“Well… There is, There is a magical waterfall in the world of Zennon. It is said that that waterfall has water that can cure any ailment, that water is called ‘Miracle Water’ its water is colored pink and anyone who is sick can drink its water. Or any black magic will disappear. ” serious explanation of Stheno’s mother.

“I-In my home?” Shreya asked in astonishment.

“Yes, Your Highness.” answered Duchess Matilda.

“Where in Zennon can we find this mother?” Stheno asked.

“The elders said it would be found in a forest in Zennon but I don’t know exactly where it is.” Duchess Matilda replied.

“In that case, we need to leave to get the cure for Ashleigh’s malady.” said my older brother and stood up in his seat.

“You have to get it before sunrise. If not… She might die.” said Duchess Matilda seriously.

Stheno suddenly approached Ashleigh and held her hand tightly.

“Don’t worry Ashleigh. We’ll be right back with the cure for the black magic on your body. We won’t let anything bad happen to you or… lose you” Stheno said.

“The portal to Zennon is open. Let’s hurry.” said Elgin.

“You just go, I will be here in the palace in case the three men who attacked her earlier come back. Brother… Be careful.” I said and held my brother by the shoulder.

“All right…” he answered shortly and kissed the back of Ashleigh’s hand. “We’ll be right back, Milady.” he said and then left to enter the portal.

“Be careful Stheno!” said Stheno’s mother.

“You too, mother, and… Thank you, mother, for helping my friend.” said Stheno who immediately hugged her mother and finally entered the portal.

“You’re welcome, sweetie.” said her mother when Stheno left.

I waited for Stheno’s mother to come out of the room and when she came out I immediately sat on my older brother’s seat next to Ashleigh’s bed. I gasped and stared at her face.

‘She’s beautiful when she’s asleep.’ I said in my mind and stared intently at her face.

‘I never thought you would look so good up close.’

I reached for her hand and held it tightly.

‘Wake up. There are many people waiting for you when you wake up. ‘Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

I immediately stood up and stared at her again before leaving the room. When I came out, I immediately went downstairs.

“So? How is she?” worried my mother asked Duchess Matilda.

“She’s fine… for now.” Duchess Matilda’s skeptical answer.

“What do you mean… For now?” Queen Felicia asked.

“There was black magic used on her. I think… the black magic was added to the wine she was drinking earlier.” Duchess Matilda explained and crossed her arms.

“Who would do that to a girl like her?” Queen Felicia asked obviously worried and surprised.

“Do you think she has enemies in the academy?” my mother asked me while staring at me.

I looked away and bit my lip.

“I-I don’t know… mother.” I answered while averting my eyes.

“Or maybe someone is jealous of her? Didn’t she say earlier that she was a Sun Attuned? Sun Attuned magus is very rare.” my father said.

“Yes… maybe there are those who envy her but, why did it lead to almost killing her?” Duke Andreas asked in astonishment.

Of course, all I knew was that she was very quiet. She has no enemy… except for me, I always bully her in each of our classes. and I even heard that Ashleigh the stupid is always with Stheno and Shreya’s group. How can she have an enemy? Hmm, maybe my father was right when he said that maybe someone is jealous of her. Because our grades are almost the same… I will not be surprised, because she really has talent even though she is just a beginner in our academy.

“Where are your brother and the others?” my father asked.

“Your Majesty, His Highness joins my daughter and her friends to Zennon.” said Duchess Matilda.

“Why?” Duke Andreas asked.

“They were looking for a cure for Ashleigh’s malady.”

“Are you referring to Miracle Water?” King Ashton asked.

“Yes… to get rid of the black magic in her body. Her heartbeat is slowly stopping. I used magic that can stop the black magic from spreading rapidly in her body. But I am afraid that she might die if… “Duchess Matilda sighed and grabbed her arm. “If… it is not cured immediately. She is in a coma stage right now. And I hope they can find Miracle Water immediately before it is too late.” looking down says, Duchess Matilda.

I clenched my fist and excused myself from them and climbed upstairs again. I turned to the east wing where the room where Ashleigh is staying today is located. I did not expect that my tears would suddenly drip from my eyes and I would bite my lip so hard.

Stheno’s POV

“Here we are.” said Elgin and waited for us all to get out of the portal.

“Wow, our location in front of our palace is correct.” Shreya said smiling.

“It’s been a while since my sister and I last came here.” Lizette said as she exited the portal.

“I miss being able to come back here again.” said Cadmus.

“I agree.” Ember agreed.

Demian was speechless when he came out of the portal. I just ignored that and just looked at the big gate of Shreya’s family palace.

“Let’s go in.” said Shreya and suddenly the gates opened.

It is not like my uncle and auntie’s palace. but I can say that even if it is not as big as their palace it is simple. it is full of water. everywhere you look it is surrounded by water.

When we entered the palace, Shreya’s mother immediately greeted us.

“Shreya.” Queen Seana said and extended her arms for her daughter.


Shreya suddenly ran and hugged her mother.

“What are you doing here honey?” her mother asked in astonishment.

“Because mom, we were looking for… Waterfall with colored pink water.” Shreya explained to her mother.

“You mean… the Miracle Water?” her mother asked again.

“Yes yes, mommy!” Shreya immediately replied to her mother.

“Why are you looking for that? And for what reason?” Queen Seana asked.

“We would like to get some water for our friend’s malady.” I answered.

“That sounds serious… okay, I’ll just call Constable Vins. Come on in.” said Queen Seana and went inside first.

When we all entered. I noticed that Demian is still silent and, he seemed to be thinking deeply. I decided to stop walking and as a result, he stopped too.

“What?” he asked while raising an eyebrow.

He and Calux were both snobbish… Though Calux is arrogant and snobbish. Demian is the opposite of him, Demian is more silent but a bit snobbish well let’s just say.. he is a man of few words.

I first looked at those with us who had already walked before I turned to him.

“The things you did to Ashleigh earlier, did you just show it? Or do you have another reason?” I asked him.

He stared at me seriously and crossed his arms.

“Hmm? Think about what you want to think. But that’s not an act.” he said and walked away.

Arriving at the throne room of the Zenno palace, Constable Vins immediately confronted us.

“I can accompany you in your waterfall search if you wish, Young Majesties.” said Constable Vins.

“There is no need for it Constable Vins… we will take care of it, just tell us where it can be found and we will go ourselves.” Shreya said seriously.

“As you wish, Your Highness… The elders say that the Miracle Waterfall can be seen in the forest just near the palace. It is located in the center of the forest. Before you arrive you will pass moonflowers that are definitely blooming these days. and then the stone bridge that was cut short and surrounded by leaves. And as you go through that you will find the waterfall you are looking for. “a long explanation by Constable Vins.

“Thank you, constable.” said Shreya.

“Okay, guys… we need to hurry. The sun will soon be up in a few hours. We need to get a cure for Ashleigh before the sun rises. Now let’s go!” I said and we immediately ran out.

To be continued…

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