The Girl Named Mirage

Chapter 17 Reminiscing and Moving On

Elven leans on the door and slowly slides down until he’s slumped on the floor. He roamed his eyes all over the room. In every corner of it, he can clearly see Belle. This room was filled with nothing but her beautiful memories. His heart started to get heavy again. And tears started to well up one more time. He tried so hard to stop it from falling but he just couldn’t. How could he? When she’s everything that means to him?

Her smiles, her love, her laughter…

They’re all so real and they’re still here with him.

He let himself fall on the ground next to their bed. Elven’s face contorted in pain. A tear fell down on his cheek, then another. His voice was trembling.

“Why do you have to leave me? ”

That word made Elven break into a new round of crying. He buried his head between his knees and tried to suppress his cries, his body shaking uncontrollably. He didn’t know how long he spent there but when he finally calmed down a bit, his mind drifted back to Belle. The thought of never seeing her smile again brought fresh tears to his eyes. It hurts so much. All these emotions are just too much for him, he can’t handle them any longer. His whole body shook as he sobbed, his fists clutching the sheets on the bed.

Why does it need to happen? Why did things have to end like this?

It’s really true that he was taken for granted by his own family. They see him only as a fvcking ATM. He’s been living his life in an utterly boring and dreadful cycle. He’s just living everyday in the sense of just living.

No other reasons. No other meaning. Just breathing.

Until he met Belle.

They bumped into each other and since then, he often sees her every morning on the way to work. Somehow, she became the reason he began to like going to work. She became something or rather someone he looks forward to seeing every single day. And whenever she sees him, she would give him an awkward but sincere smile and that makes him get through the day.

But one day, he stopped seeing her.

He doesn’t know how it happened, maybe because of work or maybe it was some kind of misunderstanding, who knows. All he knew was that one day, she wasn’t there anymore. He looked everywhere for her, but he didn’t even know who to ask about her.

Days turned to weeks then months. He feels unbelievably sad. He thinks that he should have asked for her name at least. His days became black and gray again. Everything is dull and lifeless.

Then after 6 months, he sees her again. As they walk towards each other, his heart beats faster and louder and crazier. When the gap between them gets shorter and he is able to reach her, he could see her flushed cheeks and her eyes wandering around but him.

He gathered all his courage to stop and say hi without stuttering.

” Hi! We met again. How are you? ”

She was obviously surprised as her eyes got wider as she looked at him straight on his face. Her face then shows that she just couldn’t believe he was actually asking her.

” He-hello! I-i’m fine. ”

She stuttered. Startled and embarrassed. She even pinched herself and winced as she felt the pain. Elven finds her a little amusing that he can’t help but chuckle.

” Hi! I mean, I’m doing great! How are you? ”

His heart felt warm at her words. He always thought she was nice. And as long as she was happy and smiling at him, he’d be okay.

” I’m doing good too.”

He smiled widely, trying to hide his inner turmoil. Because he’s not really okay when he’s not seeing her.

” What are you up to today? I haven’t seen you lately. Have you found a new job? ”

He asked so many questions that she let out a laugh that sounded like music in his ears. He embarrassingly scratches his head. He remembered that he didn’t even introduce himself.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

” My name is Elven. Elven Sanford. ”

And he stretched his hand in front of her.

” Arabelle. Arabelle Vernon. ”

And she gladly took his hand.

He asked her for a cup of coffee and she agreed. He then found out the reason she’s gone for 6 months. She was transferred to another branch to train some newbies. She was a coordinator of a clothing brand and he was a manager of a hardware store. They exchanged numbers and talked about work until it’s time for them to go and fulfil their respective jobs.

They separate ways with sparkling eyes and unfazed smiles. It doesn’t take an expert to see that they already have special feelings for each other.

Another 6 months have passed and finally they are officially in a relationship.

Elven is elated that his love was reciprocated. They decided to start their relationship properly. They went on dates, held hands, cuddled and kissed each other whenever they had the opportunity. They were happy together. They both liked it. They were ready to start a family together and live a wonderful life.

They never got into a serious fight and they only had a few small arguments throughout their relationship. Wondering about those few small arguments? They were mainly because of Elven’s family. They always look down at Belle and belittle her as she’s not from a rich family. Though they were also never rich in the first place.

And this puts Elven discouraged every now and then. He was ashamed and embarrassed that he wanted a break up to give her a peace of mind.

Who wouldn’t be?

Every time he heard about it, he couldn’t help but feel guilty. One particular day was particularly bad because his family were telling him that he shouldn’t marry her. They were very blunt about their comments while they ate dinner together. Their tone of voice was harsh and he couldn’t understand what was happening.

When he asked them to explain, they said they think that Belle isn’t worthy of his attention. They were convinced that he deserves someone better. That she will end up hurting him and that she won’t make him happy.

This angered him greatly.

But Belle is always forgiving. She doesn’t mind or she just pretends that she doesn’t mind so Elven doesn’t feel guilty at all. She reasons out that she will not be married to his family but to him alone and that somehow convinced him that everything is going to be alright.

But his family just proves him wrong.

He shakes his head to put out those memories of his family’s ill treatment towards his wife. He tried to be understanding and give them the things they needed in the hope that they would change. But they’re far from it. They’re hopeless.

And so he decides to cut them off from his life. He’s better off without them. He needs some time for himself. Alone.

He started to pack his things. Carefully picking up the things he needs and leaving those with memories of Belle and their daughter.

He’s gonna leave this house and live somewhere else. Away from all those happy memories that make living everyday unbearably painful. He only misses them each and every day and it just makes it harder for him to breathe. There’s no other way. He has to find some way to be free from this pain.

The moment he’s done packing his bags, he lets his eyes wander around the room one more time. As another teardrop escapes his eye, he tightly grips his bag and suitcase.

He promised himself that he was going to go back to this house and liven out those precious memories once again when he finally forced himself to move on.

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