The Gift chronicles

Book 1 Chapter 8

Book 1 Chapter 8

Book 1 Chapter 8

I woke up in a panic, gasping for air.

Not recognizing my surroundings due to post— depression nap confusion, I summoned a small knife

and held it in front of me.

The man next to me raised his eyebrows.

The events came rushing back to me all at once.

Alpha Cain held out his hand expectantly.

I scowled and handed over my knife to him.

It's not like I was short on weapons.

He inspected the blade, and then the hilt. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

He grunted in approval.

"Very sturdy, and extremely sharp.

Not bad.

Can you summon other weapons, or are you just a one trick pony?” I didn’t make an effort to respond

to his question.

The less he knew about me, the easier it would be for me to escape.

I wondered what his Gift was.

Being such a powerful Alpha, he probably had a really strong offensive power.

As I was long in my own thoughts, he grabbed my chin and jerked it up to look at him.

"When I ask you a question, I expect you to answer it.

Even if you can’t speak, you can still nod or otherwise communicate.” Once again, I spat in his face.

I guess I really am a one trick pony.

Immediately, he slapped me across the face.

It wasn't the worst hit I had ever taken, but he certainly did not make it gentle.

"The next time you disrespect me, I will do a lot worse than a slap.

I don't care if you're a female or if you're my mate.

I'm the Alpha here, and I will beat you into submission."

His grip on my chin tightened, and for the second time since I met him, I really thought he would break

my jaw.

I didn't nod or show him my neck in submission.

Luckily, we pulled up in front of a large house.

House didn't even begin to describe the enormous mansion in front of me.

Alpha Cain withdrew his hand from my chin.

"We're home."

I didn’t miss the intentional emphasis he put on the word "home".

I rolled my eyes, and went to open my side of the car door.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his side of the car.

"You don't walk outside of the pack house on your own.

I will carry you anytime you step foot outside of the pack house.

No Luna has walked herself outside since my pack was developed.” I opened my mouth in shock.

I was okay with him slapping me, I spat on him knowing he would punish me in some way.

It was in an Alpha's nature to be dominant and punish any signs of disobedience.

But not even letting me walk myself? That is a new level of controlling.

Alpha Cain stepped out of the car and took me out, cradling me like a baby.

Being held this way by him was getting to be seriously embarrassing.

I have killed hundreds of wolves, and here I was being treated like a porcelain doll.

That is, if porcelain dolls get slapped somewhat hard.

He must have picked up on my disgust and confusion at being carried, because he explained further.

“It is seen as weak for an Alpha to let his Luna walk herself.

Carrying his Luna demonstrates respect for her—"

I snorted at the word respect.

How is stealing me from my pack and taking away my person liberties respectful? Alpha Cain growled

lowly as a warning before continuing.

"When an Alpha carries his Luna, it demonstrates that he will provide and do everything for her."

He continued carrying me through the threshold of the pack house, and carried me upstairs.

The inside of the Pack House was extremely cozy.

Whereas the Red Crescent Pack House was modernly designed with impeccable decor that made the

Pack House feel more like an Ikea demo room, the Blood Lake Pack House looked extremely personal,

and warm.

Fur pelts were scattered on the floor as rugs, folded on couches like throw blankets, and all of the

furniture was wooden rather than metal.

It all felt very homely, and I was angered by how comfortable I felt in his domain.

"You should feel comfortable here, little wolf."

Alpha Cain whispered as he finished climbing up 4 flights of stairs.

My eyes widened in shock.

How did he know I felt comfortable in here? He couldn't read my thoughts yet or feel my emotions, he

would have to mark me in order to that.

I shuddered in disgust at him taking a bit out of my fucking neck.

"I can see it in your eyes.

I will be able to read more of your emotions when you pull down the cloth covering half your face and

let me see all of you."

He answered, staring into my eyes.

For a brief second, I wished I could talk so I could tell him that technically he could only see it in my

eye, since only one of them is capable of emotion.

Then, I realized the extent of what he said.

He would take off my mask and see everything.

Hopefully, he would be so disgusted he would release me, and everything would go back to the way it


Life at Red Crescent was perfect, and I was free.

I stayed silent as he walked to the end of the hallway on the 4th floor.

Being on the 4th floor would make it harder for me to leave the house undetected, which I'm assuming

is why he was putting me in a room on this floor.

What a dick.

To my surprise, when he opened the door, instead of being greeted by a guest room, we were in his


I could tell by the way his scent was overwhelmingly flooding the room.

This meant he expected me to sleep with him.

I struggled in his arms.

He laughed, and set me down on the floor.

My legs almost gave out when I landed on the floor from not walking for a few hours.

Alpha Cain grabbed my hips, stabilizing me.

I smacked his hands away.

"You may go shower before I put you to bed.” I rolled my eyes.

I hate the way he said put me to bed, as if I was a pup.

"The next time you roll your eyes at me, I'm taking you across my knee and then marking you.

Go get in the shower.” I looked down at my clothes, then back at him as if to say, I don't have any clean


He went into his closet, and came out with a pair of boxers and a white short sleeve t—shirt.

I growled, knowing he intentionally chose clothes that would show the least amount of skin.

I summoned a knife, and cut through the t-shirt and boxers.

I threw the knife and cut up clothes to the side on the floor, and walked into the closet myself.

I went through his drawers until I found sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt.

They were both soft, and smelled so much like him it made my head spin.

I walked out of the closet, and went into the bathroom without looking at him.

I undressed, staring at my naked body in the mirror.

If I could help it, Alpha Cain would never see all of the marks all over my body.

Nobody had ever seen the full extent, and that was for a reason.

I got into the steaming hot shower, my muscles relaxing under the heat.

The only soap he had in there was a bottle of 3—in—1 shampoo/ conditioner/ body wash.

I hate men.

My poor hair.

I didn't have many options, so I used it anyways.

The mate attraction is so strong, I wasn't able to recognize the smell of his body wash, since the smell

of him overpowered everything else.

I fixed my long blonde hair in the mirror so that it covered my semi—ear.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, Alpha Cain was undressed, only in boxers, sitting up against his

headboard on the bed.

When he looked up at me, his eyes widened.

"You're perfect."

I stared blankly at him, fighting the urge to roll my eyes.

"That's okay, you don't need to say thanks.

You can tell me tomorrow after I mark you.” He probably thought that would get a reaction out of me,

but I acted like I didn't hear him.

I would be gone by tomorrow.

I could tell that the glass on the windows was thin, and I would jump from off the 4th floor if I had to.

He had no idea how far I'm willing to go.

I laid down on the floor, ready to go to bed.

Alpha Cain sighed heavily, and I could hear him getting off the bed and walking over to where I was

laying on the ground.

He picked me up from off the ground, and I didn't bother fighting him.

I knew he wouldn't let me sleep on the floor, but I had to at least try.

"Please stop fighting me, Ares.” Against my will, my heart quickened when he said my name.

The Moon Goddess made it so hard to fight the mate pull.

He dumped me on the bed and tucked me in.

After he turned off the lights, he got in next to me, and I stiffened as he pulled me in close to him.

"Don't fight the mate bond, pup.

You were made for me.”

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