The Fated Match


Theo POV

“what’s going on with coach today, I can’t catch a fucking break,” Scott said wheezing as he ran up to me on the track.

I pulled out a fresh bottle of water and handed it over to him. I felt sorry for him and the rest of the team today. Judging by the date today was going to be a hard day for Elle. Which isn’t a surprise that she is clearly taking it out on her students.

“today is a bad day, just try and not get her mad because I can’t salvage any of that” I said staring at Elle currently yelling at one of her students as they do laps around the track.

Scott sighs as he limps back, his hand pressed into his side.

Today was the anniversary of her grandfather’s death. This morning we started it by lighting candles at the nearest church. She was feeling all kinds of emotions today.

“you really think she should be working today?” Ryan says jogging up to me.

“you know she’s using every minute with her team, and plus it’s probably the perfect distraction” I replied.

Elle had only 4 days until the competition and we were 2 weeks away from the big game, so stress levels were high right now. The minute we got back from the airport Elle was already planning out the next few days of training.

“I guess you’re right. I hope she doesn’t over work herself because that can’t be healthy”

Agreed, but Elle knows her limits I have every bit of faith in her that she will be fine.

“Jesus, look at those two. I’m just waiting for Elle to go all crazy on them” Ryan said looking over at my sister and Jackson.

“I actually want that to happen” I mumble looking in with distaste.

Ever since the event they have been stuck together, it’s like they hadn’t been together in months by the way that they were acting.

“looks like our wish is coming truuue” Ryan sang out. I watched Elle beeline straight for the pair. Scott watching with a giant grin on his face, he probably told Elle.

She smacked Jackson on the arm and started saying something to him, pointing her finger at his head then at his lower region.

I laughed at Jacksons reaction.

“damn, she has got some big balls that woman” Ryan whistled. Damn right she has.

“alright movies over I really got to do some work” I said looking away. As much is, I would love to just watch Elle all day, the team needs me.

“well yeah, that’s what I’m paying you for right” Ryan said.

Not nearly enough I thought. But I wasn’t going to say that to him. Being a professional footballer really helped my bank accounts, I have enough to last me my life.

I jogged up to Jackson. “you couldn’t just wait a few hours” I asked him as he is watching Jenny leave. He glanced over at me. “I wasn’t even doing anything bad, its not my fault she’s having a bad day” he grunted.This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

I instantly slapped his back hard. “don’t be a prick Jackson, you don’t know what she’s going though so don’t make stupid assumptions” I said seriously to him.

Jackson went tense. “why, what’s happened” he asked instantly. I knew that he had big respect for Elle.

“just don’t make assumptions on things you don’t know Jackson and get back to being a captain of your team” I said walking away and heading to coach.

Us boys can be real idiots sometimes. Me included.

After training was finally over, I headed to her office. Tina had told me that Elle locked herself away in the office for the remainder of the day.

“why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” I asked Scott as I found him outside the office, his bag over his shoulder.

He scratched his neck. “I think I just confirmed my death” he muttered.

I rolled my eyes. If he weren’tan exceptional swimmer, he’d make one hell of an actor that’s for sure.

“I just walked in and caught her crying; I’m definitely not going to make it to 22” he added.

This piqued my interest.

“don’t be so dramatic, just go home and take it easy” I said patting him on the back.

Elle hates for people to see her as anything as weak so I can understand why Scott is so scared.

After he finally left, I opened her office door. At first, I couldn’t see her, but I soon found her sitting cross legged on the floor.

“how scared was Scott out there, I may have snapped at him” she asks with a guilty look.

I sighed as I joined her on the floor. Our backs leaning against her large desk. I reached for her hand and brought it on my lap.

“he’s a little shaken but he is okay, maybe go easy on his tomorrow though”

She nods. “do you think I was overboard today?” she asks me. I squeezed her hand, giving her the support, she needed.

“no, I think it was good for them. To get them ready for the competition” I said honestly. It was true they needed to sense of urgency.

“I may have insulted Jacksons dick earlier” she mumbles, a secret smile on her face.

I knew it.

“I saw that, both me and Ryan did. It was funnier than anything”

Elle slowly leant her head on my shoulder.

“in the future, only think about my dick okay” I whispered, placing a kiss on her head.

Her laughter made me smile. “duly noted” she whispered

“my dad sent me something this morning” I said reaching into my bag and grabbing my phone.

I went to the messages and pressed play to a video that my dad sent me this morning. Way too early this morning

” wait, is that me?” she whispered, pulling the phone closer to her.

On the video, Elle was standing in front of her grandfather as he completed a tattoo on someone. She looked no older than 5 years old maybe, in this video.

” Apparently you were 5 here and you had just finished your shower but sneaked out to see this” I said, just repeating what my father had told me.

Elle looked on in silence. At this point she was practically on my lap.

“It got to the point to where they just gave up and let me be there” she said still watching on.

The video soon ended when Elle realised that she was being filmed and ran to the camera which cut the video short.

“Thank you” Elle finally whispered as she gave me back my phone. I noticed her staring at the screen for longer, securing the image of her grandfather in her mind for just a little while longer.

” come on, its been a long day why don’t we get some dinner” I helped her up. Elle cleaned up her desk and grabbed her bag with her keys and phone in her other hand.

We both headed out. There were still people in the gym, I noticed some of the football guys in there. Its good to see some of them taking it more seriously.

By the time we were in my car and heading out to the city it was 7 in the evening already. Elle was persistent that she wanted to clean up and wear something nice. I felt bad that she tried a lot whereas me I just wore a t-shirt and jeans but luckily for me Elle didn’t care that much.

I found out about this Japanese restaurant. Much smaller and cosy than mine where you sat on the floor and ate small dishes where you could have a picnic style dinner.

I also found out that they were fans of Elle’s grandfather and offered a special dinner for us to celebrate.

” are you trying to make me cry” Elle said as soon as the couple left us after introducing themselves to us.

I grabbed her hand. ” of course not, I don’t think you need to distract yourself that much. We should remember him and not be ashamed to cry that he’s gone” I said. I leant forward kissing her on the lips. v

” Aww” we pulled back when the couple returned back to us with their hands full of small plates of food.

Elle pressed her finger to her lips as she turned to face them. I held back my smile.

” this really isn’t necessary” Elle says as the couple placed down multiple plates of food. I hate to admit it but it brings some on my menu to shame.

” don’t even mention it, your grandfather did a lot more for us than we could ever pay back, its an honour” the man said. He clearly was the one with better English.

Incredible English actually.

Elle smiled back. ” can I ask what he did for you” she asks them.

” oh not like that, we didn’t know him but as you know his influence was huge in japan and we risked a lot on this business. He gave us that strength that we could do anything”

This mans impact continues to blow my mind. Growing up I heard about him but never really understood it. My father saw him as some kind of king.

Elle nodded her head. ” he would have loved it here. He only ever ate on the floor too” Elle chuckled.

Does that mean he would hate my restaurant. To be honest I cant imagine what he would think of me knowing I was dating his granddaughter.

My life would be substantially harder if he was alive, I know that for definite.

Eventually they left to attend more customers. I’m sure if they had a choice they would stay and talk to Elle all night but they did have a business to run.

Soon enough we finished eating and started to head home. I was going to drop Elle off before heading to pick up Dillon since my ex needed to go to France to see her parents over the next week.

It would be difficult to look after Dillon with training increased but the boys loved having Dillon at training.

Elle was asleep by the time I arrived at her house. She was clearly exhausted from today both physically and mentally which didn’t surprise me at all.

I managed to find her keys and unlock her door. Elle pressed her face into my neck as I climbed the stairs to her room.

“fuck” I whispered as I stumbled over a wire on the floor. It was dark so I couldn’t see. The jump woke Elle up. I managed to get her on the bed without hurting her or myself.

” sorry” she whispered as she laid down on the bed but leant on her elbows to see me as I finally turned on her bedside lamp.

Her hair straightener wire was the problem, clearly she got out this morning in a rush.

“its fine, I’m just glad id dint drop you” I chuckled. But honestly I think I would have died right there if I had hurt her. Even though technically it wasn’t my fault.

Id like to think that with me, she can always be safe.

Elle quickly showered before joining me back in her room.

She walked in between my legs as I sat at the end of her bed. Her arms wrapped around my neck. ” Thank you for today” she whispered, her lips hovering over my own.

I pulled her in and pressed my lips against hers. Kissed her softly, wetting her lips with my tongue and tasting her sweetness.

” are you sure you cant stay” she asks me. I bit my lip annoyed that I couldn’t.

And why did she have to say it like that, it makes it even harder.

” I really do have to drive and pick up Dillon but tomorrow we can all stay at mine after training” I suggested. I stroked the back of her neck.

She moaned as my fingers passed over her delicate skin.

” okay, what time will you be back tomorrow?” she asks me. I think about it. My flight gets back at 2 in the afternoon so depending on how tired Dillon is it will probably be just before training is finished.

” maybe 5, I’ll pick you up after training”

She hummed in agreement. ” I guess I’ll have to let you go” she says after sighing.

I pinched her chin and lifted her face up. ” you won’t even notice I’m gone Elle. But try and go easy on your students tomorrow” I remind her.

She licks her dry lips. ” if I have to ” she teases. I knew that she would be nice to them tomorrow after realising that she was acting on emotions today and not being the coach that they needed.

I’m not only saying this because she’s my girlfriend but she really is an amazing coach.

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