The Fated Match


” Is this the right address?” I whispered to myself as maps brought me across the city to this small yet private house.

Last night i spoke to my father for over an hour and agreed to come and meet him today. I didn’t tell anyone about this because i know that they wouldnt let me come alone.

I did tell Tina though since I wouldnt be in work today.

I cut off the engine and stepped out.

The house was hidden behind these big trees. It wasnt big but i guess it was big enough for him. I walked up to the entrance and pushed open the gate, i heard the faint sound of a dark barking.

I noticed a delivery man carrying a parcel as a k9 barked at him. We locked eyes and i could see his fear.

The big dog spotted me, my heart started beating rapidly because i thought i was going to be next but surprisingly it calmed down and sniffed at my legs.

” take it please” the young delivery driver said handing me a big amazon box.

I nodded.

” crazy dog” he muttered jumping over the plants decorating the front garden and into his amazon truck.

My hand slowly reached down and rubbing behind the dogs ears.

” Are you my fathers dog hmm, do you know me?” i asked the dog, i was confused how calm he was being with me.

Do i smell like my dad is that it.

The dog ran up infront of me leading to the front door. I knocked twice and stepped back. After a few silent seconds the door opened, revealing a random face. My instant thought was that this woman was my dads girlfriend or something but i noticed that she was in a uniform.

“Care assistant” i whispered the badge she had on her shirt.

Her eyes brightened up ” oh you must be Daniel’s daughter please you’re just on time” the woman stepped back and closed the door after.

” I guess daniels training worked, Bond knows you already” she said as she stroked down the dogs head.

It barked at the mention of his name.

” you’re here” i turned to spot my father standing in the hallway, he wore a simple adidas tracksuit.

“A promise is a promise” i said walking over. I handed him the delivery box from outside.

” your dog attacked the poor delivery man” i said. Bond went over to dad and scratched at the box.

” well he’s doing his job then” dad said scratching behind it’s ears.

” can you make some coffee Julia” Dad said looking behind me at the woman.

She quickly left us and headed to the kitchen. I watched her walk out. ” She’s just a carer” i heard him say.

I turned back around ” i dont care who she is, mom moved on so should you” i said being honest.

“Why do you have a carer” i asked confused. ” are you sick”

He sighed deeply. ” thats what i wanted to talk to you about, can we atleast have a drink first” he motioned to the sofa when Julia brought the drinks out.

My eyes stared at the pills that Julia brought over to my father. ” I’m not here by coincidence. Your father asked me to come this afternoon because he was adamant that you wouldnt believe him” julia spoke up as she sat next to dad.

I watched her body language, he may say shes nothing but a carer but she definitely cared for him.

” making me feel guilty” i said quietly.” im just being honest” he said quickly.

He swallowed down the pills and followed with the water.

” Your father has PTSD, has had it since he was young” i looked at dad, he didnt show any emotion only the slight shake of his eyes from left to right.

” so how did you work for that man, surely you werent fit to work” i needed to figure out if he was lying to me.

I noticed Julia sigh angrily but my father grabbed her arm. It’s not like i said anything horrible, it really was just a question.

” its fine”

” Hunter gave me a chance, i went through weeks of trials and tests and luckily i was allowed to work for them. My job was to protect this man, i never got too close which was good for me” he explained to me.

Bond went over and placed his nose on my dads lap. Dad immeiately stroked his fur. ” without him and without Bond, i don’t know where i would be Elle”

My eyes softened. Damn you weak heart.

” Are you trying to tell me the reason you hurt mom was because you was dealing with this illness” i asked him, connecting the dots.

I watched him lower his head. ” your father dealth with stress, guilt and anger on a weekly basis. There are no excuses for him hurting your mother but the ptsd did influence it” Julia spoke for him.

Did I ask you?

” can i have a moment with my father, alone” i turned to her, emphasising on alone. I came here to speak to my father not this woman.

She hesitated. ” It’s okay” dad aid softly. I was thankful when Julia left the room.

I didnt like this woman.

I pulled my bag with me and sat next to him. ” Did mom know that you had PTSD” I asked him.

” she knew something but she refused to admit that it was ptsd, she just thought i had anger issues”

My hand tightened on my bag strap.

” but this isn’t her fault, i hurt her, this was all me” he quickly said obviously seeing my reaction.

I sighed, she wasnt getting out of this, we needed to have a serious talk when i got home.

” I can’t forgive you for that dad, no matter what your illness is but i can let you back in my life, im willing to do it” i said placing my hand on his arm.

” I’m sorry for acting like a monster. Sometimes i dont even know what im saying or doing” i nodded.

Its difficult because i can not forgive him for hurting my mother but i understand that it was influenced by his illness.

” Promise me you’ll be better. I dont care what your doctor says, that woman is controlling you” i said, clenching my teeth.

He tiled his head back letting out a small laugh ” i knew you didnt like her, it’s okay i dont consider her anything more than my nurse”

Thank fuck for that.

“I brought this from home, mom wants you to have it” i pulled out the small album out from my bag.

He grabbed it and opened up the first page. ” i remember this day you know. Its hard to believe that you hated swimming when you were younger” he said turning over the page.

He was in his own little moment as he flipped through the pages. I took this time to walk around the room.

I picked up a frame that laid on the table.

” where did you get this?” i asked picking up the familiar picture. It wasnt that i had seen this picture before but recognised what the picture was of.

I felt him walk up behind me. ” oh that, i took it”

“You were there, at my competition” i asked , i really couldnt believe it.

” Huntera gave me the day off to go see it. I watched you win and become the woman you are today, it really made me so proud of you. Even though i was a terrible father it still made me proud”

The picture showed me standing on the podium after winning my gold medal.

” why did it take you this long to come back?” i asked as we left the house. I managed to get him out so we could walk bond without julia following us.

” i was convinced that i would ruin whatever relationship we had if i showed my face ever again. I heard that you went to japan aswell so evertime i came close it just didnt work out. your grandfather was adamant that it would be a mistake.”

I stopped walking at the mention of my grandfather.

” you spoke with him?”

He bowed his head. ” My father never forgave me for what i did to this family, but he always knew about my ptsd from an early age after a few experiences as a child”

He knew?

” But you weren’t at the funeral?” i remember asking everyone if he had shown up. Surely he would come to his fathers funeral.

” Not at the ceremony but i came the evening before and say my goodbye, i couldnt risk anyone seeing me so i did it in private”

I was there that evening too. To think i could have passed my father then.

” I dont want you to go and tell your brother this. He will never believe it and i dont think i deserve it either” he told me as we reached his house again. Bond ran upto the door as julia stepped out.

” He will know, but its upto him if he wants to reach out” i said as wrapped my arm around him. It wasn’t a real hug but it was something.

He held on longer.

” here is my number” i typed my number into his phone and handed it back. ” All i want is for you to be a better man dad. Don’t feel scared to reach out”

His eyes stared into mine. He shook his head almsot like he couldnt beleieve it. ” i’d never thought i would hear you ever call me dad again” he said quietly.

I squeezed his hand and walked back out to my car.

When i got back into the car i could hear Bond barking loudly as they all stood at the door.

I managed to put the car into first gear and exit the street. It was nearly 6 in the evening now. I decided to head to The’s restaurant.

When i parked in the car park i checked my phone.

Surprisingly there weren’t many messages from people just from Ryan asking about a few admin things for the competition coming up.

When i walked into the restaurant i found Theo talking to a group of guests, only to relaise that it was the boys from the team.

” wrong room sorry” i cracked a smile as i turned around going to exit only for them to cackle and shout for me to come in.

“Thats not very nice” kyle said as he grabbed a chair spinning it around and putting it between the boys.

I didnt get the chance to sit as Theo pulled my arm. ” pack it in” he said to kyle. Theo dragged through the restaurant and into a private room which they used for special parties.

“Are you crazy, why did you go there alone” Theo said holding onto my arms.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

I looked up at him cnfusd. “Wait how did you know”

Damn it, can’t Tina keep her mouth shut for once.

” so you did go and meet you father, without me. Without anyone” he said his voice becoming stern.

” Look, I’m grateful that you’re worried but it was fine i wasnt alone and as you can clearly see i am fine” i said bringing my hand up to stroke his jaw.

” calm down Theo” i said. He roughly pulled me to his chest. ” you scared me” he whispered as he pressed his lips to my head.

I wrapped my arms around him and stroked his back. ” My dad has PTSD”

He pulled away, “what”

I nodded ” yeah, i went there and he has a day carer who helps him out. He really isnt a monster Theo” i said.

” i need to go see my mom. I have to ask her if she knew about it because apparently she did” i said bending down to retrieve my bag.

Theo stared at me confused.

” thats going to be a little difficult Elle, Jai wanted to tell you but your mom and brother have gone back to australia”

Wait, what.

” you dont think she did that on purpose do you” he asked me when he saw my expression.

I shook my head. “Surely not” i said quietly yet there was doubt in my mind.

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