The Fated Match


I have a habit of avoiding people and by people I mean Theo.

“you’re real jumpy these days did you know that coach” Jenny said from the opposite seat in my office, we were going through next weeks schedule since she would be off for a few days because of her wisdom teeth extraction. A memory I don’t like to relive.

“I’m not jumpy” I defended myself. I just want to be ready if Theo plans to come in here.

Jenny just stared at me before going back to her laptop. Ever since Theo admitted that he had missed me I have been constantly thinking about us wondering what will happen now. Do I really trust him not to change his mind again.

Michelle seemed to completely be out the picture, but she really wasn’t the problem.

Both me and jenny walked out of the office and headed for the pool, the guys have a meet coming up this week so there doing extra time.

“stop giving Hannah a hard time Scott, let her look at your arm” I said impatiently. Poor Hannah shes got the experience but you need some serious balls to deal with the guys. Bryony isn’t as bad as she was when I first joined but I can tell they’re testing her.

Scott reluctantly let Hannah look at his arm. “should heal in about a week, you’re going to have to sit out of this week’s competition” Hannah said to Scott who looked pissed.

I stared at him “It’s your own fault” I said to him. He hated my answer, but he also knew I was right.

“Before you leave do you mind checking Thomas I want to make sure he’s okay for next week” Hannah smiled grabbing her stuff and heading out.

Hannah was a breath of fresh air she enjoyed her job and right now that’s all she cared about. Surprisingly she was getting on with Michelle considerably well. I guess they had things in common that, me or Tina didn’t have with Michelle. I just advised her to not let Michelle take advantage of her.

I walked out of the office 10 minutes later locking the door with my key, I saw bryony and Scott walking out together. I stopped in my steps when I saw who was leaning against my car.

“careful you’ll dent her” I said pushing Theo to the side. He laughed staring at the car. “oh, you’re right, my big muscles are no match for your car” he said standing back.

I proceeded to open the boot and threw my duffle bag inside. “Are you busy tonight?” he asked me standing to my side. I gave him a glance seeing that charming smile. “No, who’s asking”

He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’d like to show you something, it’s an hour’s drive though” I thought about it for a second. Maybe now is the good time to stop ignoring him and enjoy myself for a night.

“is it worth my precious time” I had already made up my mind but its always nice to see him try harder.

“Depends whether you like it but surely I’m worth your time” my smile dropped.

I closed the boot to my car and stood tall “you’re going to have to wait at least an hour. I need to drop by the house first” his worried expression soon morphed into a smile and relief.

Was he worried I wouldn’t agree with joining him. I mean it did cross my mind.

“okay, I’ll come by at 6” he suggested leaving the question open.

“okay cool” I said as I walked around to the drivers seat. I opened the car door and stepping inside.

Before I could even close the door Theo held the door open. “oh, and this is a date Elle” he said before closing the door to my car and running off.

I leant my head back “a date?” I whispered to myself.

I reversed out of the parking instantly and headed home. my mind already racing with where we were possibly going and what the hell I was going to wear. I wanted to play it cool so I didn’t ask him what I should where.

As soon as I arrived home and ran upstairs stripping off my clothes leaving it in a pile on my bathroom floor.

I reached for my shampoo when Aika’s shampoo caught my eye. She left last night and even still I miss her even though I just saw her. I made her a promise, sealed with my pinky and everything that I would visit her and everyone in japan twice a year. My salary was plenty enough.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

A part of me once to go with Theo once. But surely I can’t be thinking about that. just because he asked me on a date. Well asked is putting it lightly he gave me no choice.

I stood staring at the clothes in my wardrobe when I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

Theo – I’m sure you’re excited for our date tonight but I thought you might want to know what to wear. We are doing something adventurous so dress comfy. See you in 30 x

Sure know how to make a girls life easier. I replied to him. He instantly started to type.

You’re welcome beautiful x I tried not to smile too much at his reply. Elle snap out of it.

I bent down grabbing my favourite jeans shorts and decided on a somewhat dressy top to pair it with. I grabbed my newest pair of Nike sneakers to go with it.

I ended up putting my hair up in a high ponytail and leaving my makeup relatively light.

I was standing in my kitchen when I heard him pull up outside my house.

I peeked out the window watching him step out of the car. He had also changed his clothes from what he was wearing earlier. He looks good, way too good I was staring long enough that he spotted me and pressed his face to the window before turning his head.

“who are you drooling at Elle” he turned back a smirk printed on his face. I groaned and turned around marching to the door. When I opened it up he stood tall and proud.

“let’s go” I said barging past him. He couldn’t help himself clearly as he laughed behind me.

We both got into his car and when we were both safely in he started the drive. It seems as though he knew exactly where we were going but that really wasn’t making sense the further he drove.

Where was he taking me. “you’re using my attraction towards you as a weapon against me and o don’t like it, not one bit” I said after he kept sneaking smiled at me.

“I’d do no such thing Elle” he said still grinning like a mad man. I crossed my arms and just stared outside.

We eventually arrived at our destination. Theo came over to my side and led us both further. I couldn’t believe that this place was just behind the city.

“My friends having a private football match its for charity I thought you’d enjoy it” he said as we kept on walking. My head was turning from left to right frantically. There was so many people here.

Is that, no way is that. There were famous sports people here I think I just saw England’s captain.

“how were we just in the city, this doesn’t look like it belongs here” I said letting him pull me along. It was getting busier every single second as the place got more crowded.

Theo’s hold was extremely tight. “That’s what makes it so special” Theo had managed to drag me over to a much clearer space. A girl stood in front of us. “hi, I’m Sarah. I’m guessing you’re the famous Elle” she quickly wrapped her arms around me.

“yeah I guess so. This is really cool thanks for having me” I said sending her a small smile. At first I was a little sceptical when Sarah and Theo were giggling and chatting with each other but Theo reassured me by pulling me to his side.

“I’ll go get us a drink” Theo whispered into my ear before disappearing into the crowd. Sarah stayed back and pulled me to sit down on the edge of the stage.

“That idiot over there, the one with the stupid hat on. That’s my husband. Him and Theo have known each other for years back when they were professional footballers” she pointed out a funny looking guy in the crowd.

“when I invited Theo he practically begged me to let him bring you along” she wiggled her brows at me “the guy is smitten with you” I smiled at her words, she was probably trying to make me feel better.

I wondered if Theo asked her to do this. “he wasn’t saying that a week ago” I said quietly but she heard. She laughed “I heard, Theo has high standards but I think he just needed some time. Its sad that as a result you were hurt though”

I couldn’t agree more.

“c’mon, are you playing?” she asks me as we walk over. I found Theo talking to Sarah’s husband our drinks in his hands.

I looked around “why not, all for charity right” she grinned at me “that’s the spirit”.

Sarah proceeded to scribble down my name. Theo looked over her shoulder, his eyes widened. ” you’re playing?” he sounded so surprised. Surely he knew me better than that.

“aren’t you” surely he is playing.

The guy beside him turned around “of course he is, hi Elle is it. Ilya this guy’s best friend” he brought his hand out waiting for me to shake it.

“nice to meet you” I said shaking his hand firmly. Theo had never mentioned any of these people before but I guess we haven’t really talking that much.

10 minutes later I found myself standing in a group of people ranging from generally sporty people to professionals looking to raise money for charity. Theo and Josh who was Sarah’s husband and Theo’s old team mate, they were the team captains and were picking their teams.

Theo was next, they were picking out names from a box.

“23, who’s that” I grinned up at him. I stepped forward. As soon as I did Theo’s friends hollered and whistled.

“It’s a fix!” someone shouted from the crowd. I joined Theo, standing to his side ignoring the random calls from people around.

When the teams were full the game had begun. I wasn’t an amazing player so I pretty much stayed back and left it for the professionals. I would intervene occasionally and pass the ball to the strikers. Mainly Theo.

For the majority of the time I was staring at Theo watching him work the ball like he was born to do. He had serious skill that was even more sexy to see in person. I laughed like a hyena when he scored, the guys all jumped on him celebrating with him.

I made my way over. I didn’t care how sweaty we both were I just wrapped my arms around him as he lifted me up. I think I surprised both of us by kissing him on the cheek.

Theo was the man of the match, I watched with pride as the announced it at the end of the game. In the end we managed to raise a lot of money. 463, 000 to be exact. This was a one day even it had been going on throughout the week with different events and fundraisers.

This is what sports is all about and I don’t think I could be prouder that I could be a part of it.

“Thank you Elle, you kicked some ass out on that field” Josh said as me and Theo were getting ready to leave. It was half 9 already and it was beginning to get dark. Knowing that I had a 6am wakeup call in the morning Theo suggested we head back.

“No problem I had so much fun, congrats on raising so much money” I hugged him before stepping back and into the arms of Theo.

We started our walk back to the car. I made a brave move and wrapped my hand around his arm. “Thank you, this was perfect for our first date” I said to I’m as we made it to his car. He helped me get inside before shutting the door and going around to the other side.

” does that mean youre open for more” he asked as he started up the engine and warmed up the cars by starting the heaters.

” yeah, id love to” I said almost shyly. Theo grinned over at me his hand squeezing my thigh before starting to reverse out of the car park.

I rested my head back letting the heat warm up my body from head to toe. He started the music on his phone, “How long have you known them for then?” I asked when we hit the motorway. He lowered the volume.” About 6 years, I went to football camp with Josh, so I’ve known his for longer but llya and Sarah I’ve only know for 4 years” he told me.

“I like them” I say quietly. Theo comes to a hard stop at a red light, my body lunged forward.

“I said like, not love Theo you didn’t have to kill me” I rubbed my arms from the pain of bashing into the door.

He stared at me ” I’m sorry, you said it with a weird look in your eyes” I shook my head, a ghost of a smile on my lips.

The rest of the ride was silent with the exception of Theo’s road rage for the stupid drivers on the road.

“USE YOUR SIGNAL” was used more than 10 times in the hour it took for us to arrive back at my house.

“ill walk you up” he jumped out of his seat. I smiled as I exited the car. Theo was by my side as we walked up to my door. I was wondering if I was going to get a goodnight kiss since this is our date.

But I had this gut feeling that Theo was going to hold himself back.

“I’m sorry I forced you out on an unsuspected date but I’m hoping that you enjoyed it” he said as he turned to me. I quietly pushed the door open. “its cold Theo get inside” I said when he made no move to get inside.

In the end I had to pull him inside.

” I did enjoy it, I know that you didn’t like how I handled things in the past but I hope you know that I am a good person and I want to give people a chance but sometimes I am going to make mistakes. Today seeing all the money we raised that’s what I enjoy so this was the perfect date for us” Theo smiled at my words.

It wouldn’t be a total loss if he walked away now but I don’t think the night would really end without it.

“I hope that I am someone that you want to be with. I’m willing to get better if you’ll give me the chance” I said in a whisper as I leaned closer. Theo’s height over me was his advantage.

“be quiet” he whispered his hand going behind my head, cradling it.

I parted my lips “why”

His eyes closed before opening back up “The Elle I met weeks ago was a woman with beauty and confidence, she never doubted herself she wouldn’t change herself for anyone so hearing you say this is like piercing my chest. I don’t want you to change for me, or for anyone.” He said his hand moving round to my jaw lifting it up.

His lips were extremely close to mine now. “The fact that you’re willing to change for me tells me that maybe I don’t deserve you, but the thing is I’m too selfish to let some other guy have you” he brushed his lips with mine. “I found you first” he said against my lips.

I gulped as I closed my eyes waiting for his lips. Just kiss me god damn it.

“I know what you want, you want me to kiss you right now but I can’t” my eyes instantly snapped open.

You what now.

I stepped back, I felt super embarrassed right now, how fucking humiliating.

Before I could turn around Theo grabbed my waist bringing me back. “not until you agree to being my girlfriend that is”

I couldn’t even hold it, I burst out laughing as soon as his words registered within me. you’re an idiot Elle.

“yes, I will, oh god you gave me a heart attack” I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

He grinned that charming grin before swooping down and finally claiming my lips. He leaned into me kissing my lips individually his hands moving down my legs before lifting me up.

Now that I was at a height advantage I kissed him hard. Passing my tongue over his lips igniting a moan to slip out.

I was surprised when he placed me down leaning me into the wall. He quickly spun me around and pushed my hair out of the way. His fingers traced the tattoo on my neck.

I forgot about his love for this tattoo. He placed wet open mouth kisses all over it. Now I was one moaning out from the pleasure he was giving me.

And I wanted so much more.

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