The Fated Match



“Elle” Tina groaned from the sofa. Her eyes narrowing at me.

I looked up from my phone. I was about to leave and grab Theo from his room, but I needed to make sure everything was all good with the others. I made sure to give every student my mobile number and give them a talk.

I wanted them to go around and explore. They were all going to New York for the rest of the day whilst me and Theo would meet up with them later on for dinner at a nice restaurant.

“is coach still stressing, c’ mon girl we’re not children you don’t have to worry about us” Scott came in casually and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

I glared at him “sometimes you act like children, can’t blame me for being worried can you” this statement was for everyone. They must know that if anything goes wrong it’s on my case.

Try going back to London with a missing student, ill be in my office packing before you could even blink an eye.

“seriously Elle, just go and spent some time with my brother I will let you know if anything happens” Jenny now joins the group shoving a baseball cap on.

She winked at me. I still feel slightly weird that I’m somewhat seeing her brother, it’s not like she minds at all but to me its still weird.

I watched them all run out the doors and into two taxi’s to take them to the subway.

Once they were all gone, I ran up the stairs heading towards Theo’s room. I silently knocked on his door waiting for it to open but when he didn’t answer I started to get worried.

After a few more minutes waiting, I carefully opened the door calling out for him. When I stepped inside and had a quick look around, I breathed out in relief.

Theo was sleeping on the bed, his hair wet from a shower and simply a pair of sweatpants. God if this isn’t an invasion of privacy, I don’t know what is.

I turned around to leave the room. As much as I want to spend the day out with, I’m I had to appreciate how tired he may be.

“where do you think you’re going” his voice paused my steps completely.

I watched his head lift up to peek at me. I probably looked so sketchy right now.

“I thought you were sleeping; I was coming to tell you about plans I made for us but if you’re tired, I can wait” I proceeded to exit the room only this time it wasn’t his voice that stopped me.

I looked down and saw that he had grabbed my arm. Somehow the once tired, knocked out Theo had practically leapt over the bed stopping me.

“we have plans?” I hummed. A smile made its way onto his face “You didn’t have to make time for me Elle, I’m a grown man”

I stopped him “I know that, “I said looking down at his body “but this is what I want. Everyone’s gone ahead we can meet them later and play games this evening” I didn’t have to spend all the time with the students, but I would make sure I did.

“Okay let me get ready, I’ll be 10 minutes tops,” he says ripping off the sheets and rushing towards his suitcase.

I smiled on my way out.

I waited patiently for him downstairs. I sent a message into the groups chat.

Is everything good? – Elle

Seriously coach? – Bryony

Told you, Melissa, she barely lasted 30 minutes – Thomas

Betting on coach is such a good investment for me I swear – Scott

I glared at my phone screen at scots comment. The little shit.

All good Elle, we’re just on the train now, I’ll let you know when we’re there – Tina

At least I could rely on somebody.

“Dillan my boy you need to eat, I know you miss me but I’ll be home soon” Theo came down the stairs speaking into the phone.

Bless him.

Poor Dillan probably misses his father like crazy. It actually makes me feel guilty for dragging Theo with me.

He hung up not long after talking to his ex-girlfriend telling her when he was coming home and some other minor details.

“are you ready,” I asked him after he slipped on some trainers.

He worked his feet into his vans and patted his jeans checking for his stuff. He made sure he had his phone and wallet.

Let’s be honest we all do that pat check before we leave anywhere.

We both climbed into a taxi and headed for the train station to get our train into Denver.

“how’s Dillan²?” I asked him. He smiled down into his phone.

“The boy is throwing tantrums with his mom; all he wants to do is eat ice-cream and play,” he tells me.

I laughed slightly, the dream life of a little boy.

“probably because that’s what he does with you am I right” he didn’t even have to say anything I’ve seen it with my own eyes.

“I have to treat him because his mother is vegan and wants to influence my sons eating habits just like her “his tone was light, but I could sense that he wasn’t a fan of that lifestyle.

Neither am I.

We had finally arrived at the station. We climbed out of the taxi and headed to the right platform. Luckily for us, there was a train already there and all we needed to do was jump on this one.

“I think I went once with my dad but that’s about it,” Theo said as he stared out of the train’s window watching everything outside.

Denver is a totally different atmosphere to LA or New York. I always found it to be very peaceful and I liked growing up here where everything was peaceful and calm, I think it helped a lot with training and school.

“football isn’t big here in the states so there was no real reason for me to come here,” he tells me.

He ‘s right, the Americans call it soccer here and although they play it isn’t a big sport here not like in England.

England go crazy for football.

My mind drifted to the mention of his dad. “Do you see your dad often, you told me he lives in Japan right?”

“He tries to visit me A few times a year but travelling for him is becoming a lot harder these days” I watched his eyes glaze over like he was remembering something.

I didn’t want to be pushy. “I plan to fly out when Dillon turns one since they have the same birthday week since my dad hasn’t met him, yet I think it would be a great surprise” the way he spoke about it made me excited.

I’m sure his dad would love that.

“Hey c’ mon this is our stop” he grabbed my hand and walked towards the exit. As soon as the doors opened a rush of people came barging inside. Clearly, they weren’t used to the common courtesy of letting people off the train.

Theo grabbed on to my waist pushing me behind him as he made his way through the mass of people.

I grinned slightly at his actions making sure I wasn’t roughly barged past in the process.

“that’s one thing I don’t miss, how people are so rude. I originally thought Londoners were the worst “I said as we walked away from the crowd and into an open space.

Theo checked me, turning me around and dusting off my jacket.

Theo and I ended up walking around and doing very touristy things like sightseeing and taking pictures.

When I lived here, I was so focused on training and competitions that I never got the chance to really explore it. The coach would organise days for all of us to go to aspen or go hiking as a way of relaxing and relieving our stress.

Throughout the day Theo would find ways to touch me whether it was simply holding my hand or offering to carry me on his back as we went up to the hills.

“Do you know of any places we could stop to drink, I’m desperate for a coffee” I could tell from his voice that he was thirsty.

We were about 10 minutes away from one of my favourite café’s.

“yeah follow me I know the exact place” I smoothed my fingers down his arm and laced them with his own.

I tried to not be bothered by it, but it was hard to ignore that smile that graced his lips all because of me.

Theo pulled open the door for me as I led him to the cafe I was talking about. Some parts of me had hoped that the previous owners were still here but I know that the chances were very slim.

“can you order for me I need to use the bathroom,” Theo said as he let go of my hand. I watched him disappear into the back where the toilets were.

I looked around and spotted a small table in the corner.

I had opened the menu and was looking to see if they had anything new. This was my go-to café when training. After a morning run, they would often have a bottle of water ready for when I arrived.

“Hey, would you like to order,” a woman said standing next to me. she had a small notepad in her hands as she waited for me to start speaking.

“yeah, ill have 1 Caffe Latte and one americano please” I folded up the small menu and gave it back to her.

When I looked up to Smile since I realised not once had I made eye contact with her, I suddenly had a feeling like I knew her or that she seemed familiar.

My blank stare at her must have been uncomfortable she looked young.

I blinked out of my stare “I’m sorry, I just … you look familiar” I blurted out.

Her eyes widened “I’m sorry I don’t think we’ve ever met” she said. When Theo came to join me, she decided to leave the table rushing to the back.

I had thought about this clearly it isn’t impossible that I would recognise people I did used to live here and I was a regular at many places around if they didn’t follow the national team.

“Hey, look at that, they’re swimmers too” Theo pointed to a group of people who just walked inside.

I recognised the athletic jackets immediately. They must be part of the junior team. I didn’t recognise them but seeing them come in here was a sight to see.

“this must have been your go-to place too,” Theo said sitting down.

Its conveniently near the swimming centre and not far from shops and restaurants so I’m not surprised by that.

“I ran by here every morning, I used to be really close to the owners which makes me wonder why I recognised that girl” I looked back over to the kitchen wondering If I knew her.

Probably scared her as well.

“maybe she just looks like someone you knew,” he said helping me.

I guess I could be mistaken.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” a voice interrupted us and, in the process, interrupting the whole café.

Both me and Theo froze staring at each other before turning to the voice.

As my eyes drifted to the woman speaking, I knew why she looked so familiar.

“You silly girl, how could you not remember my little Elle” the woman I knew as Sharon the owner of this café said, smacking the girl from earlier.

I stood up and wrapped my arms around Sharon.

“it’s so good to see you, Sharon, I’ve missed you,” I said rubbing her back. She let out little whimpers as she tried to hide her tears but failed miserably.

This crazy woman.

She seemed to have recovered well when she pulled away and slapped my shoulder. “it’s only taken you this long to come to see me, what wrong with you” she said angrily even though she was smiling.

“I’ve been busy,” I said looking away shyly.

She looked at me with disappointment. “I know that, but I’ve missed you” I laughed at her multiple personalities.

As we broke into a light laugh her attention seemed to skip past me and land on Theo who stood next to us quietly.

“Busy with swimming or busy with your handsome boyfriend” I raised my eyebrows. Oh, here we go. The younger girl smiled as Theo stared back at Sharon.

“Sharon this is my close friend Theo from England” I introduced Theo to Sharon. I know I called him my close friend but honestly, that’s what we were.

Sharon slapped me again. “It’s nice to meet you, Theo, I’m Sharon the owner of this café and this is my daughter Talia” Theo kindly shook both of their hands before moving back over to me.

“pleasure to meet you both,” he said and immediately he had Sharon falling in love with him. I mean that accent could melt any girl.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Hang on a minute.

A sweet laugh escaped Talia as I spun to look at her.

This girl is Talia. From what I could remember Sharon’s daughter was a shy, closed off girl who would sit in the corner of the café most days. She used to have really long black hair that she would have in a tight ponytail with big bold glasses covering half her face.

Now what I see is a confident girl who now has shoulder length hair and is rid of those glasses.

“Hi Elle,” she said slightly smirking at me.

Now it was me who was doing the hitting. “Don’t hi Elle me you little “Theo placed his hand on my shoulder quickly calming me down.

“I thought I was going crazy when you said we’d never met. I just didn’t recognise you with this new look which I’m digging by the way” I smirked at her. These days she didn’t shy away from compliments.

“don’t you think Theo, she looks amazing” I tapped Theo’s shoulder.

We all turned to Theo who looked slightly uncomfortable. “I mean I didn’t know what you looked like before but yes very pretty. As a close friend of Elle, I would like to apologise for her behaviour” he said wrapping his arm around me.

Why do I feel like he is punishing me for calling him, my close friend?

“don’t worry we can see the chemistry between you both” Talia spoke up silently moving closer to Sharon who smiled evilly at me.

Ooooh, Talia’s got some nerve now I like it.

“you hear that Elle,” Theo said into my ear, brushing his lips on my cheek.

I rolled my eyes at these weirdos.

“yeah yeah whatever,” I said waving them off and sitting back down.

I never expected to meet Sharon and Talia on my trip here but I’m glad I did because it made me realise how much I missed them and how much I owe them for helping me out when I was growing up.

All three of them quietly sat down joining me.

Theo placed his hand on my leg soothing my rapidly beating heart as my lips couldn’t stop talking. My questions shooting at them at lightning speed.

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