The fate of the Rejected Alpha

23. Mates, part 3.


“It was the right choice,” Mary whispers to herself, trying to convince herself she did the right thing as she heads toward her room.

It’s been two hours since dinner ended. Sasha’s scent was very strong, bothering everyone’s nose. Mary helped her take a bath properly. On the rare times that the girl cleaned herself in her old home, it was only with a damp cloth in the intimacy between her legs and armpits. Her teeth were only brushed once on the day she ran away. But Mary gave her a toothbrush just for her to use.

The second floor of the base has only two bathrooms, one is inside Mary’s room and the other at the last door of the hallway. The first to shower was Margaret, Mary decided that she would take a bath with Sasha in the hallway bathroom and Occisor was last in line.

That night, it was the first time that the young woman’s black hair had been washed and smelled good, untangled. Her nails were cleaned, leaving no dirt on the corners. Mary gave her several pieces of clothing, promising that sometime soon she would have more clothes.

Sasha felt like she was in a dream, one where she was well cared for and seen as a person and not an object. The only person who ever treated her like that was Guila. How she wishes Guila could also feel this joy. The life of a luna cimex is not easy.

The day she was first punished by her father and Bruno took her to Guila to tend to her injuries, she discovered that Guila was not ill, but rather all bruised from having been forced to lie with another Lycan who went to spend the night in the castle of the genuine and was enchanted by her beauty. Sasha still remembers every purple on her dear Guila’s face, the broken teeth Bruno had to pull out one by one so her body could produce new ones. The body of a luna cimex has a very weak healing process, and if it is not given enough time, the body dies as if it were a normal human.

But her mind soon plummets from a wonderful dream to a dark reality as she hears the words coming out of Mary’s mouth: “Your mate’s bed is also yours” – and now, she’s in his room, while he was in the bathroom.

I hope he doesn’t kill me for lying in his bed, she thinks and after several minutes standing just there staring at the bed, she lies in it. The bed is different from the one she had in the castle, it’s soft and her body sinks when she lies down. In the castle she had only furs and a straw mat. This one is made of soft fabrics. It’s even more comfortable than the makeshift bed she slept in on her first night of freedom.

Her eyes are heavy with sleep and without the strength to stop them, they close and as she surrenders to the darkness, eager to get some rest. It’s only her second night of freedom and it’s a blessing she doesn’t have to transform to protect her body from the cold.

A few minutes after Sasha falls into a deep sleep, the bedroom door opens and there is Occisor, with only one towel surrounding his waist and another one he uses to dry his hair. He closes the door behind him and walks right past the bed to put away the towels. When he finally approaches the bed and in his field of vision he finds several locks of black hair scattered on his pillow, his blood boils.

“Damn it! Why are you here?” He shouts and pokes Sasha with his foot, who in response only sighs and turns her back to him.

This must be Mary’s doing. He rolls his eyes. With nothing left to do about this situation, he walks towards the other side of the bed and lies down. He can’t resist and looks at her face, sleeping so calmly. This calm and serene expression suits her better, it’s better than when she’s crying or scared for her life. She’s beautiful like this, he thinks, but soon runs his hands through his hair to ward off that thought.

I don’t care if she’s beautiful, I need to find a way to get rid of her. He closes his eyes and turns. And in just a few seconds, Occisor too surrenders to sleep.

In the morning the day is gray as always, but something feels different. Occisor feels something heavy on his chest, a warm breath on his stomach. His palm is resting on a plump mount of flesh and there’s a leg tangled with his own.

Please, don’t let it be what I think it is, he thinks without opening his eyes.

He opens and closes his fingers, trying to get a better feel of the round shape and smooth skin under his palm. I have my hand on her ass, he sighs. Opening his eyes, he stares at the ceiling for a few seconds. He lifts his head a little and first sees her hair spread all over his chest. He fidgets in an attempt to get her off of him, but all she does in response is squeeze her arms even tighter around his waist.

“Hey, wake up,” he nudges her shoulders, receiving incoherent grumbles in response this time. “Come on, girl. The sun is already out and I have things to do,” he says louder and nudges the young woman’s shoulders harder.

Gradually, she opens her eyes. Sleepy, she doesn’t realize what, or who, lies beneath her and hugs him tightly, touching him absently, lowering her hand further and further down his body. Upon touching a totally strange part, she squeezes the soft piece of flesh tightly, making the man beneath her growl in pain, which in turn makes her startle, rising from the bed quickly.

Her eyes widen and she can’t stop herself from staring at the sight of the naked man on the bed, caressing his intimacy to ease the pain. Her face burns all over. She’s dressed in a white lace thing that marks her nipples and this doesn’t go unnoticed by Occisor’s eyes.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“What’s so scary? You’ve never seen a hot man before, have you?” Occisor teases, sitting up and rubbing his face.

“I… This is nothing, I’ve seen better,” she lies.

She didn’t say that. With his gaze fixed on the girl, Occisor gets up from the bed and his dick is already half hard because this is how his friend wakes up in the mornings. He wants to take a piss, but he won’t let go of what she said.

With firm steps, he approaches her and takes her by her shoulders, forcing her to rotate on her heels. He pushes her towards the bed and throws her into it. He lies on top of her, fitting one leg between hers and holds her wrists beside her head, leaving her totally at his mercy.

Sasha’s whole body goes rigid. A. naked man is on top of her. No male has ever been this close with her. Her whole face is burning. What was she supposed to do? Is this the moment they should consummate their union?

Is it going to hurt? Will it fit? Will they have a puppy? She closes her eyes in an attempt to hide her shame and excitement. It’s the first time she’s felt that excitement.

Occisor inhales her scent. Before she smelled like something bad, but now she smells like roses and the scent that her feminine center exuded was driving him out of control. It smells delicious. It makes Occisor close his eyes and draws even closer to her.

“I just don’t make you scream my name right here and right now because your body has no appeal to me. You skinny girl.”

He lets go of her wrists and gets out of bed, walks to his basket of clothes and dresses as quickly as possible. He couldn’t stay in that room, her scent was driving him insane with want. Without looking at her even once, he leaves.

Sasha feels her eyes sting and tears fall hot down the sides of her face. Her body was rejected. He doesn’t want her, so why is she here?

I have nowhere else to go, so I better behave myself and stay out of trouble. She swallows the tears and gets up from the bed. She goes to the basket that Mary gave her and picks up a dress and, after she ties her hair, she leaves the room.

In the living room, she finds the three sitting on the sofa and a human handing some papers to Mary.

“Good morning,” she says shyly.

The human responds nothing and continues ignoring her presence, and as soon as Mary picks up the papers, he withdraws from the private area. Mary is the only one who returns the young woman’s greeting.

“Margaret, we’re gonna need to go on a mission. Occisor, you’ll take good care of Sasha. Right?

“You don’t have any mission for me?” He didn’t like the idea of having to babysit the girl.

“No, this time it’s just me and Margaret,” she lies. She does have a mission for him. But she wants him to spend some time with his mate.


Mary walks over to Sasha and kisses her forehead.

“Don’t let him scare you, okay?”

Sasha nods.

“May the goddess protect you.”

Margaret rolls her eyes.

“Your goddess is responsible only for your race, don’t mix us up,” she spits and leaves the room, going to her bedroom.

“Don’t mind what she says. May the goddess protect you too, dear.”

Sasha smiles in response and Mary also walks toward her bedroom.

The young woman walks to the couch and sits down. After a few seconds, Occisor sighs and leaves too.

I hope she doesn’t take too long to get back, Sasha thinks and lies down on the small sofa.

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