The Cursed Human

Chapter 8

When it rained, the world usually softened around the edges; streets and sidewalks became a liquid mirror onto which lights and colours bleed. When it rained, everything became beautiful for a while. But that was not what troubled her.

She loved the rain. She loved the way it softened the outlines of things. How the world became softly blurred and it felt like she would melt right into it.

But not anymore. Nothing was same about the droplets those were hitting the ground. She could hear loud and clear, thundering of storms and falling of rain drops on soft grass. But, nothing was beautiful. Everything was dark and cold just like the room she was trapped in.

She was wide awake for past few hours. Her mind was doing flip-flops. She was scared of those bright red eyes and it was a bad thing that she could still imagine them staring right back at her whenever she looked at that couch. The room was dark and cold but not that much cold like earlier.

Her thoughts were consumed by those wine eyes, who those belonged to? They terrified her more than anything. She tried to open the door when she wake up but her efforts were in vain. After trying hundred times and screaming for help, she felt exhausted. Now she was sitting in the corner hugging her knees with her head between them. Her body shook with every sob escaped her, her hands trembling. Her eyes were closed as tears were falling out of them. She felt so helpless. Her father was right next to her in this masion, her once so called best friends were in this mansion but no one tried to help her. She felt betrayed.

All the windows were locked. All the doors were locked expect for bathroom.

Her body stiffened when she heard someone unlocking the door. She sat frozen in her spot. She looked up from where she was sitting and saw a women wearing black slim skirt with white blouse, coming inside the room. Rope of anticipation gripped her.

Sarah didn’t dared to get up from her spot. She didn’t knew what she should do. Woman looked around the room and placed something on table right next to bed. It was then when Sarah noticed something was in her hands. Sarah looked at her with emotion less face.

“You are requested by Lord.” The women said looking at her. Her eyes held warmth but Sarah was not going to be fooled by someone else too.

Sarah didn’t said anything instead kept looking at her, her gaze was hard, making the women nervous.

‘who is this Lord of her? Is he the same person with red eyes? What did he want from me? Why is he doing this? Do I know him?’

Her train of thoughts kept running. She didn’t wanted to see those red eyes again. The mere thought of seeing them again send shivers running down her spine.

“I’m not going anywhere.” she said with adamant voice. Her voice was lace with venom. She never thought that she would ever speak with this much venom in her voice.

The woman’s eyes widen for a second.

“Please, its not a choice but a order and I’m afraid if you don’t do what he asked, you will be in trouble.” Woman said and bowed down her head and walked out of the room. Sarah was not affected, she was not someone’s puppet. She would do what she wanted.

But deep down she also wondered if whatever the women said was true, would she really be in trouble?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang of the door. She almost screamed when her eyes immediately follow the noise.

The door was opened by none other than Falcon. He was angry and she didn’t wanted to know why. He was standing near the door with a frown on his face.

She looked at him and scrunched her face in utmost disgust. He wasn’t bothered by this, not even a bit. He made his way towards her, grabbed her upper arm and her pulled her towards him. She yanked her arm back and took a step back.

“Don’t touch me with those filthy hands, you asshole!” she said with gritted teeth. He didn’t said anything. But his actions were enough. He again made a move to grab her but she moved backwards, glaring at him.

“I SAID STAY AWAY!” she yelled. His eyes softened for a second before he glared at her. She was scared he could tell.

“Don’t make this hard for yourself, Sarah. Please just come with me.” he said with pleading eyes. His voice was soft unlike his heart.

“Everything is already hard for me.” she whispered with toxicity. He took a step forward and again grabbed her arm but this time gently but with tight hold. She tried to yank her arm but his grip was strong. It was not hurting but it was not light. She screamed at him but he kept dragging her towards the door.

“Let me go you moron!” she screamed but unheard. Falcon crossed hallway. She couldn’t keep up with his pace. He was fast. His long legs were making it difficult to cope up with him. She stumbled and lost her balance when her feet tumbled and she almost fell. But before she could hit the floor, warm pair of hands wrapped around her delicate waist and hoisted her up. Falcon positioned his hand under her knees, other on her back and picked her up bridal style.

She gasped all of sudden and started thrashing in his hold.

“Put me down Falcon!” She yelled at him. But he paid no attention to her. He was getting late. His Lord had ordered him to brought her to his office. And he knew if he would put her down, she wouldn’t be able to catch up. And he couldn’t delay anymore. She hit him on his shoulder. But Falcon remained unaffected.

Falcon took a right turn. After like two minutes, they stopped in front of two large wooden doors. Falcon put her down and grabbed her arm. She tried to move but her attempts were in vain.

“Where are you taking me?!” She asked looking at him with anger. He looked down at her. His eyes roam around her body. She was wearing same dress. Her hairs were messed up. She had dark circles around her eyes. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying. She was a mess.

‘A beautiful mess’ he thought.

Falcon opened the door with his other hand and dragged her along.

As she entered the room, the hairs on her body stood up. She had goosebumps all over her body. Without a single word, Falcon left the room, locking it from outside.

Sarah gasped when she heard the click of door. She ran towards the door, tried to open it but it was locked.

Her body was trembling because of two reasons, first the room was awfully cold and second she was petrified. She looked around but couldn’t see a thing, the room was dark, only light in the room was coming from a small lamp at corner. She could make out her surroundings but not clearly.

As she looked towards her front when a scream left her lips. Her back hit the door as she backed away.

Those red eyes were staring at her.

She banged on door hard.

“Open the door please! Help! Falcon please help me!” She screamed. Her eyes were blurry because of tears flowing through them. She breathed heavily as anxiousness swallowed her.

She froze when she heard someone chuckle behind her. At this moment she was scared, horror- stricken. She slowly turn around and looked at those eyes. But she couldn’t see a thing. The lamp was still on but her blurry eyes were making it dificult for her to see anything. The red eyes were gone all of sudden.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

She was having a panic attack. Her breathing was uneven, heart was pounding heavily. She was sweating, having chills. Her body was trembling. Her hands were numb.

“Don’t go fainting on me again,” she screamed in pure terror as the voice whispered near her ears. And she did only thing she has been doing since she had been kidnapped.

She screamed.

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