The Cursed Human

Chapter 10

‘It’s the strangest feeling

Midnight, I’m not leaving

No, for once, I think I’ll stay…..

I say your name, just listen

Doesn’t it sound different?

Never whispered it this way…..’


I woke up,


Feeling tired, drained, and terrified.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

But the above them all, I was feeling angry. I was angry at myself for trusting unworthy people . I didn’t realised that the people I regarded as loved ones were wolves disguised in sheep’s clothing and I trusted them. And thinking about all that brought warm tears as they started flowing through my eyes. I was trapped here, for how long? I didn’t knew.

I didn’t remembered anything before fainting. It was like the hard I tried, the harder it was getting. The last and only thing I remembered was two strong arms wrapping around me.

I didn’t remembered how many times did I fainted since I had been here. I didn’t even knew what day was this. And I wanted to go out but the room was locked. My body was not in best condition. Annndddd…

I was hungry.

I was starting to hate the dress I was wearing since I didn’t knew hong long. I wanted to get out of these stinky clothes now. I smelled like rotten tomatoes. My hairs were mess. And life was also a mess.

And most important thing…….

I still didn’t know why was I here.

I wiped away my tears and pushed the sheets away.

I walked around the room looking through things. These four walls were making my mind restless. A sharp scent of lavenders overpowered my surroundings. I looked around and saw the structure of the room. Four huge pillows, covered with plain white and red vevelt cases burst out from the light white walls behind them. Above the bulky bed, there was huge painting of wolves.


There were antiques, scupltures, paintings decorated here and there. And huge windown was covered with thick long curtains. I stood near the window and removed the curtains, making room fill with bright rays of sun. I closed my eyes instinctly due to sudden bright light and blinked few times to adjust myself.

Windows were closed and by the way there were bolts, I was sure that they were sealed from outside. But I could saw the beautiful view from here. This place was surrounded by trees, canopies, and I assumed that this place was somewhere near or surrounded by forest. Large walls, covered with metallic wires were surrounding tge perimeters.

There was a garden right below my window, spreaded in large fraction of area, with a beautiful fountain made up of marble in the midddle. The rays of sun were reflecting on marble making it look like diamond and the water was looking pure. There were numerous flowers with different colours. The view was simply beautiful.

Beautiful. A small smile made the way on my lips. Atleast there was one heart warming thing here.

I was so engrossed in the scenery that I didn’t even realised that somone had already entered the room.


I gritted when I heard someone calling me. I didn’t wanted to hear his voice not now when I was admiring something much more calming and soothing than him.

I didn’t bothered to turned back instead I completely ignored his existence. I didn’t wanted to saw his awful betraying ass after what he did to me. If he thought that I would forgive him then he had another thing coming his way.

“Sarah.” He called again. But I ignored him again.

I heard him sighing. I knew he was getting frustated. But I didn’t gave a damn about him.

“Sarah!” he growled.

“What?” I turned around swiftly and gave him my coldest glare.

“Get dressed and come with me.” he said clenching his fists.

“And why would I listen to you?” I folded my arms across my chest and leaned back on window. His jaw twitched as he took deep breaths. If he thought that he could made me do anything, then he was oh so very wrong.

“Don’t you want to know why you are here?” he said after moments.

I clenched my teeth.

“Okay.” I said and without any word he exited the room after locking it. I looked towards the bed when I saw few clothes laying on it. I picked them up saw fresh set of panties and a bra with a summer dress.

I didn’t wanted to obey his order but I myself was feeling nasty in this dress, so I decided to go with the flow.

I made my way towards bathroom and stripped from my red dress. I got in the shower. I took my time washing my body. It had been a whole damn day since I cleaned myself. I comfortably stood under showerhead and let water wash away my tears and stress.

When I walked out, I dried myself with towel and wore my clothes. I dried my hairs with towel and let them down. They were long so it would take time for them to get dry.

I exited the bathroom and stood near window. The door was locked as usual. I stared at those beautiful flowers. Atleast they were the one keeping me sane for now.

The door opened and walked in the maid.

“Come with me, my lady.” She said bowing her head down. I nodded. If I want to get out of here then I have to know this place.

She walked out with me following her. I looked around to see if I could use anything in my advantage but no! there was nothing.

This place was beyond beautiful with beautiful painting, decorations, flowers. It looks like I was in some type of castle. We went down the stairs, then took a left and then a right.

I looked at huge dinning room in front of me in awe. It looked so….


Two huge chandeliers were hanging on the ceiling just above the huge dinning table. There were sitting arrangement for atleast more than twenty people. The walls of dinning room were black with tint of Greg here and there. There was a huge windown just opposite to dinning table, emitting light in the room. There were few lamps, flower pots with white coloured flowers. Everything was just so lethal and beautiful.

“You are in the way, love”. A voice spoke behind me and I jumped started.

I knew that voice. Why did it felt like I had heard it before?

‘I’m not human, if that’s what you’re asking’

All the memories from yesterday came crashing down like a movie. I suddenly remembered everything. His red eyes, his voice.

No, no, no! It was the same man, same red eyed man.

Oh my god! H-He was not human.

I gulped without looking back. I didn’t knew what to do. I stood there frozen like I didn’t knew how to walk. It was the same man. Now I remembered everything, I went somewhere with Falcon, he left me there, a red eyed man, shattering of lamp, me freezing in one point, cold and dark room. A shiver ran down my spine after recalling everything.

I was shaking uncontrollably as I tried to calm my beating heart. I dared not to look back.

I heard him chuckle behind me.

Nothing was good about him. His voice alone was enough to slice my heart in thousands. This much intimidation and dominating aura he carried aeound himself was making me choke on it.

“I’m hungry, love. Unless you want me to eat you, which I don’t mind.” My eyes widened and I unintentionally turned back with the speed of light. I took a step back immediately when I found him too close to me.

Yesterday when I saw him, there was pitch black in the room but now, in broad daylight, I could saw him clearly.

God look-alike. The man standing in front of me had beauty of god and eyes glimmering with devil in them. Tall was not even the word to describe his status, he was huge with muscles ripping through his white colored shirt, which was rolled up to his elbows.

His eyes held same side siter look he had yesterday. His mountains peak cheekbones appeared chiseled into shape by a master craftsman. He was nothing like men I had ever met.

He stood there towering over me with his hands gracefully resting in his pockets. His dark hairs were messy but still tamed as few strands fell on his forehead. Darkness around him was engulfing me slowly and painfully. The little twitch in his lips, as he half smiled was giving me thousand electric shocks.

And at the same time only one thing was in my mind.

He was not a human.

I took one step back remembering his words. And I made small observation, the room was starting to get cold.


No, no, no, no, no! Not again!

My breathing was heavy now as fear slowly creped inside me. My hands were trembling as sweet beads rolled down my head. And when I looked his way, he seemed rather amused by all this.

I eyed the door at his right. I couldn’t stay here with him. His presence terrified me like nothing else. I knew behind his beautiful mask, he was a monster. He planted fear in me.

His eyes were fixated on me watching me like hawk looking at his prey.

All of sudden all the lights in the room starts flickering.

I knew he was doing this.

I looked fearfully between him and the door as I moved back from him. My sympathetic nervous system worked as my fight or flight ignited as I looked at the door leading outside the room once again.

“Don’t.” he said firmly, like he knew what I was going to do. He looked calm and composed, his lips were curled up in a sinister grin.

His grin was halfway a smile, halfway a threat, dating me to go against him.

But I was not going to listen. I choose flight as I ran towards the door with all my strength and when I thought I was close enough, a scream left my lips when I felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist. I screamed as loudly as I could until my voice came out hoarsed.

“Stop! No! Let go of me! Help somebody! Help! Let me go!” I screamed hysterically.

And that’s when I concluded.

Oh my god! What have I gotten myself into!

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