The cost

The cost 24

Chapter 24

Elizabeth’s bracelet had sliced into he

Linto her wrist, blood trickling down in crimson droplets

“It hurts so much… Elizabeth cried in tears

just as John led Matthew over.

Mr. Reed, and I couldn’t stop her

John’s eyes widened in alarm. “Mr. Blackwood, Ms. Blackwood insisted on visiting Ms. Reed, and I

There was Elizabeth, sprawled on the floor, her wrist bleeding and her soft cries echoing through the ward. “Matt, please don’t blame Mia. It was an accident.

Mia watched the scene unfold with an icy detachment. Her lips curled into a smirk as she observed Elizabeth’s dramatic performance. Matthew’s gaze harde

don’t know!

hardened as he looked between Mia and Elizabeth. He thought, ‘How can Mia be so ruthless? Why is there always a side of her!

“Are you out of your mind, Mia!” Matthew’s voice was laced with panic as he knelt beside Elizabeth, carefully removing the bracelet and pressing a handkerchief to her bleeding wrist..

Elizabeth, sull playing the victim, gazed up at Matthew with tear–filled eyes. “Mart, I’m so sorry..

Mia stifled a yawn, clearly bored with Elizabeth’s sob story. Mia casually pulled out her phone and replayed the video she’d just recorded. The screen displayed Elizabeth’s venomous remarks about Mia’s pregnancy and insinuations about the child’s paternity.

“Don’t think your pregnancy will.. Your child’s father is not him… I’ll make sure you regret ir Elizabeth’s voice in the video echoed in the room. John’s jaw dropped as he watched, the footage revealing Elizabeth’s true, malicious nature.

Elizabeth’s face went ashen as she realized she’d been caught red–handed. She got so panicky that she dared not look at Matthew. She never expected to be outsmarted by Mix

Mia tilted her head, her smirk widening. “Matthew, meet the real Elizabeth. Isn’t she a piece of work?”

Matthew’s eyes narrowed as he thought, ‘Has Beth really been treating Mia like this for five years!

Yet, even as his anger flared, he couldn’t ignore the sight of Elizabeth’s tearstreaked face and her bleeding wrist, his heart softening.

Matthew remembered the days when Elizabeth would gently hold his hand and say, “Matt, don’t worry, I believe in you. Her words had been his anchor during his loneliest moments, the encouragement that kept him going when he felt the most isolated. For him, she had been the strength that fueled him through those difficult years. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

Elizabeth looked up at Matthew with a pitiful gaze. “Man, I was just too scared. I’ve been sick for so long. I don’t want to lose you.” Her voice was a fragile whisper, like a child seeking comfort.

Matthew felt a tightness in his chest, his breath catching as he motioned for John to support Elizabeth. With a heavy, deliberate step, he approached Mu. “Mia, I apologize on Beth’s behalf,” he said, his tone somber, each word carrying a weight that made Mia’s heart twinge with a pain she wished she didn’t feel

Mia thought, “Is Elizabeth really that important to him! Well, it doesn’t matter to me

to me anymore!

Mia’s heart ached at his sincerity, but she masked it with disdain. “She’s the one who should be apologizing”

Elizabeth’s face drained of color, her fury simmering beneath the surface. The bleeding had slowed, but the red stains on her white dress made her look every bit the tragic figure she was trying to portray. Despite the rage bubbling within her, she knew better than to push Matthew further. She had already crossed a line, and the disappointment in his eyes was clear. Lowering her gaze, Elizabeth stumbled forward, swallowing her pride as the murmured, “Ms. Reed, it was my fault. I’m sorry.”

Mia watched Elizabeth, unimpressed, thinking. She certainly knows when to yield and when hot. A wry smile tugged at the corner of Mia’s lips the arched an eyebrow.



I coolly. “But I don’t accept

worpt your apology”

Elizabeth’s fists clenched in frustration, but she fought to keep her composure, her tears continuing to fall.

Matthew’s face was a mask of mixed emotions. Before he could say more, Mia pointed decisively at the door. “The exit is right there. Please leave

If Matthew had not spoken up for her online, Mia wouldn’t have let Elizabeth off so easily.

Matthew’s expression darkened as he thought, Dors she have to be so hardı?

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Our celebration

12.18 PM

Chapter 21

He was unaware that his own indifference had stung Mia deeply.

Matthew’s thoughts flashed back to the doctor’s stern warning that Mia needed to avoid stress in her current condition. With a heavy sigh, he tumed to Elizabeth. “Beth, let’s get that wound taken care of.”“”

Without another word, he composed himself, his eyes clouded with a mix of frustration and regret, and gently led Elizabeth out of the room.

As Elizabeth’s dejected figure disappeared from view, Mia’s mood brightened.

She checked her phone, her eyes lighting up at the latest trending topic, “Mathew’s Fury for His Lover! Is She His Secret Love? The accompanying image showed Mia protecting Annie at the barbecue.

The comment section was ablaze.

Deleted Account: [They’re like a knight and his princess, aren’t they?]

Summer Breeze: [I’ve never seen such a down–to–earth CEO, Can you believe I shared a barbecue stand with him‘]

Lovely: (I really like them. That lady is so awesome. They’re a perfect match.]

The comments were like a punch to Elizabeth’s gut, making her feel like she would explode at any moment

She thought. If it weren’t for Mia, Matt wouldn’t be so cold to me. He rushed to the company immediately after dropping me off at the ward, without even comforting me.

Fury and jealousy boiled inside her. She typed furiously on her phone, sending a scathing comment under the username Crack: [Do you guys know who she is? She’s a tramp, willing to sleep her way to the top

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