The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 51

The next morning, she placed a call to Mrs. Rose Kendrick.

“Mrs. Rose, it’s Bella, I need to talk to you. It’s urgent.”

Mrs. Rose, detecting the worry in Bella’s voice, invited her over to the mansion.

Bella couldn’t help but feel a surge of satisfaction as she prepared to leave.

Upon arriving at the Kendrick mansion, Bella was led to the sitting room. She sat nervously, her mind rehearsing what she was going to say.

A bodyguard informed Mrs. Rose of Bella’s presence, and soon, Mrs. Rose appeared, looking as regal and composed as ever.

“Bella, what’s the matter?” Mrs. Rose asked, her voice calm but commanding.

Bella hesitated, her fingers fidgeting. “I… I’m pregnant, Mrs. Rose. It’s Ryan’s child. I’ve had countless tests, and they all came back positive.”

Mrs. Rose’s expression shifted from curiosity to a wide, almost triumphant smile. She moved closer to Bella, touching her hair and holding her hands.

“Are you sure about this, Bella?”Bella nodded. “If you don’t believe me, we can go to the hospital together.”Mrs. Rose shook her head. “There’s no need for that.

Finally, I’m going to be a grandmother. That good-for-nothing Iris can leave my son alone.”

Bella felt a wave of relief and a sly smile spread across her face. “Have you told Ryan about this?” Mrs. Rose asked.

“Yes, but since then he’s been avoiding me. He’s been at the hospital with Iris for weeks now.”

“Hospital? What are they doing there?” Mrs. Rose’s voice filled with concern.

“Iris’s mother is ill, so he’s been there with her.”Mrs. Rose’s face twisted with anger. “Iris’s mother? And that’s why he’s ignoring the fact that you’re carrying his child?”

Bella nodded. “Exactly. What should I do?”Mrs. Rose’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t worry, my dear. I know what to do. Just go home and rest. Don’t stress my grandchild. I will handle this.”

Bella left the mansion feeling a surge of satisfaction. Her plan was coming together perfectly.

Mrs. Rose watched Bella leave, then went upstairs to her room to break the news to her husband.

“Honey, Bella is pregnant with our grandchild,” she said, smiling.”Stop saying rubbish, Rose,” Mr. Kendrick replied, flipping through his newspaper.

He looked up to see his wife’s serious expression. “Wait, are you serious?”

“Do I look like I’m joking? I’m dead serious, honey.”Mr. Kendrick’s face went pale.

“Pregnant? How? When? Why? For whom?”

“Calm down, honey. It’s great news. We finally have an heir.

Bella was smart enough to give us what we wanted. We should be happy.”

“But Ryan is married. What about Iris?”

“She’s going to be thrown out. We didn’t want her in the first place.”

“That’s not fair, Rose. Iris is Ryan’s choice and his wife. If Ivy were treated this way, would you like it?”

“Oh, Ken, stop comparing my daughter to that whore. She has class and taste, unlike Iris.”

“Honey,” Mrs. Rose said, walking close to him and holding his hands, “we’re supposed to be happy and celebrate. We finally get what we wanted. You can finally release the empire to Ryan.

“Mr. Kendrick looked at his wife, not knowing what else to say. “This isn’t right, Rose,” he said finally, going back to his newspaper

.”Don’t worry, honey. Leave it to me,” she said, picking up her phone and walking out of the room.

Once she was outside, she dialed a number. “Hello, I have a job for you. Don’t fail me this time.”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Bella couldn’t shake her excitement as she drove home. Her plan was unfolding perfectly.

Later that evening, Mr. Kendrick sat alone in his study, his mind a storm of conflicting thoughts.

The news of Bella’s pregnancy had shaken him to his core. He couldn’t understand how his son could be so reckless, even within the confines of a contracted marriage.

Mrs. Rose entered the room quietly, closing the door behind her. “Darling, are you alright?”Mr. Kendrick looked up, his eyes weary. “No, Rose, I’m not. This is a disaster.

“Mrs. Rose moved to his side, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “It’s not as bad as you think. Bella’s pregnancy is a good thing. It means we can finally have the family we always wanted for Ryan.”Mr. Kendrick shook his head.

“You don’t see it, do you? This isn’t just about Ryan or Bella. It’s about our family’s reputation, our legacy.

Ryan is married to Iris, and now he’s fathered a child with another woman. It’s a scandal waiting to happen.”Mrs. Rose’s eyes hardened. “Iris is a problem we can solve.

Bella is the one who belongs with Ryan. You know that.”

Iris POV

I watched Ryan step out to answer his call. I knew who it was, but I pretended not to notice.

My heart pounded, jealousy boiling within me. It was Bella. The thought of her being pregnant while I wasn’t change everything.

I knew Ivy and Mrs. Rose hated me, and Mr. Kendrick remained neutral.

Bella’s hatred for me was inexplicable. Ryan got her pregnant while still married to me. He cheated and accused me of being a cheat and a whore.

He even slapped me in front of Bella. Now, here he is, pretending to care.

Ryan returned, looking troubled. His phone rang again. He glanced at me, then hurried out, signaling he had to go. I guessed it was his mother this time.

My heart sank further. Why was he leaving so abruptly? I looked at my mom, still lying there, not getting any better.

Ryan, who was supposed to be by my side, was having a child soon. Of what use was I? He didn’t really care.

He was just here out of pity, nothing more. My life has been one problem after another. I felt worthless, shattered.


Ivy arrived home, calling out for her mother. “Mom, Mom?”She searched the house and eventually found Mrs. Rose emerging from Mr. Kendrick’s library.

“Young woman, what are you doing, snooping around?” Mrs. Rose asked, her tone sharp.

“Mum, you scared me,” Ivy said, holding her chest. “I wasn’t snooping. I was looking for you.”

“Looking for me? Really?” Mrs. Rose walked to her room, Ivy following behind.

“Bella is pregnant with your brother’s child,” Mrs. Rose announced, her face beaming with pride.”I know, Mom,” Ivy replied, rolling her eyes as she sat on the sofa.”You knew?” Mrs. Rose asked, surprised.

“Yes, she told me weeks ago,” Ivy replied nonchalantly.”And you didn’t tell me? Why?” Mrs. Rose asked, incredulous.”Well, it wasn’t my place to say anything. I didn’t know if it was true,” Ivy replied.

Mrs. Rose eyed Ivy suspiciously. “Why are you behaving so strangely? Aren’t you happy about the news?”

“I don’t know why, but I feel odd about the whole thing,” Ivy admitted. “I didn’t want to interfere, so I kept quiet.”

“Are you going soft on Iris?” Mrs. Rose asked, her tone sharp.

“Never!” Ivy exclaimed. “I despise Iris. I’d never go soft on her.”

“Good,” Mrs. Rose said. “By the way, what’s been keeping you so busy lately?”Ivy’s face lit up.

“After the fashion show, a lot of top brands were amazed by my designs. They offered me collaborations. I’ve been busy. Soon, I’ll be the number one fashion designer and model in the world.

“Mrs. Rose beamed with pride. “You’re so hardworking and focused. I’m proud of you. But I have to ask you something important.

At the show, you showcased many amazing pieces, which you said you drew yourself. We both know you can’t draw or sketch. So how did those designs come about?”

Ivy’s eyes widened, clearly uncomfortable. “Well, Mum…” she began, struggling to find the right words. Mrs. Rose leaned in, her eyes narrowing.

“Tell me the truth, Ivy.”Ivy sighed, realizing she couldn’t lie her way out. “Okay, Mum. I didn’t design those pieces myself. I hired a talented designer to create them. I knew I needed something extraordinary to make a mark, so I paid for the best.

“Mrs. Rose’s expression softened. “I appreciate your honesty, Ivy. Just make sure you give credit where it’s due. It’s important to maintain integrity in our family.”

“Yes, Mum,” Ivy said, relieved after telling a lie. “I’ll make sure of it.”

Iris POV………

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, I felt a heavy weight settle in my chest.

My mother’s condition wasn’t improving, and Ryan’s sudden departure only added to my despair.

I couldn’t shake off the feeling of being utterly alone.

Skylar returned with food, breaking the tense silence. “Here’s some food. You need to eat, Iris.”I managed a weak smile. “Thank you, Skylar. You’re always so thoughtful.”

“Anything for you and Aunt Jessica,” Skylar said, her tone earnest.

As we ate in silence, my mind wandered back to Ryan and Bella. How could he cheat on me and get Bella pregnant? I felt a surge of anger and betrayal.

Ryan had promised to be there for me, yet he was always distracted, always somewhere else. The door creaked open, and I looked up to see Ryan entering the room. He looked exhausted, but there was determination in his eyes.

“Iris, I need to talk to you,” he said, his voice low.

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