The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 40

Ryan lay in his hospital bed, slowly regaining his strength.

His mind was a blur, trying to piece together what had happened.

He glanced around the room, hoping to see Iris, but she was nowhere in sight. She had been with him when he woke up, initially asking him questions, Instead, he saw his mother, Mrs. Rose, and his sister, Ivy, and Bella, rushing towards him.”Ryan! Oh, my baby!” Mrs. Rose cried, pushing past Iris who had been standing by his bedside.

“Iris, move!” Ivy snapped, shoving her aside as she rushed to Ryan’s other side.

Iris stumbled back, her eyes wide with shock and pain.

She had been about to talk to Ryan, to explain what had happened, but now she was being pushed away.

“Doctor!” Mrs. Rose called out, her voice urgent. “Come quickly, my son is awake!”Dr. Parker hurried in, examining Ryan and performing a thorough check-up.

“He needs to remain under close watch,” he instructed, making adjustments to the IV drip and checking the monitors.

As the doctor worked, Ivy and Mrs. Rose kept asking Ryan questions, touching his face, and expressing their relief that he was awake.

“How are you feeling, darling?” Mrs. Rose asked, her voice trembling.

“Can you remember anything?” Ivy added, her eyes searching his face.

Ryan tried to speak, but his throat was dry and his voice came out as a croak. “Water…” he managed to say.

Iris stepped forward with a glass of water, but Ivy snatched it from her hands. “I’ll give it to him,” she said sharply.

Ryan took a few sips, his strength slowly returning. He looked around the room, his eyes finally settling on Iris.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Mrs. Rose cut him off.

“Ryan, you need to rest. Don’t worry about anything,” she said soothingly, patting his hand.

Bella saw Ryan’s time in the hospital as an opportunity to get closer to him. She was always there, taking care of him, bringing him food, and making sure he was comfortable.

Iris, on the other hand, was kept at a distance, unable to be near him.

One day, as Bella sat by Ryan’s bedside, she leaned in close.

“You know, Ryan, it’s so terrible what happened to you. I can’t believe someone would do this to you.”

Ryan looked at her, his eyes filled with confusion.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“What do you mean?” he asked weakly.

“Iris,” Bella said softly, her voice full of concern.

“There are people who think she might have had something to do with your poisoning.

“Ryan’s eyes widened. “Iris? No… she wouldn’t…”

“Are you sure?” Bella pressed gently. “Think about it, Ryan. Who else had access to your food?”

Ryan felt a pang of doubt.

He had always trusted Iris, but the seeds of suspicion had been planted.

Over the next few days, Ivy and Mrs. Rose reinforced Bella’s words, brainwashing him into believing Iris was responsible.

Weeks later, Ryan was discharged from the hospital.

Mrs. Rose, Ivy, and Bella followed him home, ensuring he was properly taken care of as Iris was nowhere to be found.

Bella stopped by the house frequently, helping him with whatever he needed.

One evening, as Ryan was resting in his room, he heard a knock on the door.

“Come in,” he said in a whisper, adjusting himself on the bed.

The door opened, revealing Sarah, the maid. “Sir, a package arrived for you,” she said, handing over a sealed envelope.

“Thank you, Sarah. You can leave now,” Ryan said, taking the envelope.

As Sarah turned to leave, he called her back. “How long has Iris been out of this house?” he asked.

“For two days now, sir,” Sarah replied.”And did she tell you where she went?” Ryan asked, his voice tense.

“No, sir. She rushed out like it was an emergency,” Sarah said.

“Okay, you may go now,” Ryan said, dismissing her.

With the sound of the door closing, Ryan looked at the envelope, surprised at who might have sent him a package.

Tossing it aside initially, he reconsidered and picked it up again. He tore it open and pulled out the contents. What he saw shocked him to his core, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Inside the envelope were photographs of Iris hugging a man in a cafe, looking distressed.

There were also documents detailing large sums of money being transferred into her account from an unknown source.

Accompanying the photos and documents was a note: “Do you really know who you married?”

Ryan’s hands trembled as he examined the evidence.

“Iris… how could she?” he muttered, feeling a wave of anger and betrayal wash over him.

Just then, Bella entered the room, noticing the change in Ryan’s demeanor. “Ryan, what’s wrong?” she asked, feigning concern.

Ryan looked up at her, his face hardening. “Iris,” he said through gritted teeth. “She’s been lying to me.”Bella’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction.

“What do you mean?” she asked, coming closer.

Ryan handed her the photos and documents.

“Look at this.

She’s been meeting someone and taking money.

“Bella pretended to be shocked. “Oh, Ryan, I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”

“She’s going to pay for this,” Ryan vowed, his voice filled with determination.

As days went by, Ryan’s hatred for Iris grew. Bella, Ivy, and Mrs. Rose continued to fuel his anger, convincing him that Iris had tried to kill him.

One evening, as Ryan was resting, he heard another knock on the door. “Come in,” he said, his voice cold.

The door opened, revealing Ivy. “Ryan, you need to see this,” she said, holding out her phone.

Ryan took the phone and watched the video Ivy played for him. It was footage of Iris and the man from the cafe, talking animatedly.

The sound was muted, but it looked incriminating.

“She’s been plotting behind your back,” Ivy said, her voice full of conviction.

“We need to do something.”Ryan nodded, his face set in a grim expression. “I’ll handle it,” he said, his mind made up.

Later that night, as Ryan lay in bed, he couldn’t help but think about the woman he had been with and trusted.

How did it come to this? He felt a deep sense of betrayal, but also a burning desire for justice.

The next morning, Ryan summoned Sarah to his room.

“Get me the number for the detective handling my case,” he ordered. Sarah nodded and quickly left the room.

Moments later, she returned with the contact information.

Ryan dialed the number, his hands steady. “Detective Harris? This is Ryan. I have some new information for you regarding my poisoning case.

I need you to come over immediately.

“As he hung up the phone, Ryan felt a sense of resolve. He would uncover the truth, no matter what it took.

And if Iris was truly guilty, she would pay for her betrayal.

In the days that followed, Detective Harris arrived at the mansion, gathering the new evidence Ryan had found.

Sarah and Iris were called in for further interrogation. Sarah repeated her story, emphasizing that Iris had made the food and she had only served it.

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