The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 150

Months had passed since Parker waited in vain for Ryan to come to his rescue. As the cold reality set in, the hope that had once flickered inside Parker’s heart dimmed until it was nothing but a distant memory.

The prison walls around him felt like they were closing in, suffocating him with the weight of his past mistakes.

Every day, he wondered if his son would ever come, but no sign of Ryan emerged. He had gambled on the wrong side of history, and now he was paying for it with every lonely second that ticked by.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Rose Kendrick, once a woman of unmatched power and deceit, was locked away in her world of doom. She had seen the writing on the wall long before now.

When the truth came to light, when all the lies she had crafted so carefully unraveled before her eyes, she knew no one was coming to save her. The empire she had tried to manipulate for herself and her lover Parker had crumbled.

Her final days were filled with silence, the kind that came not from peace but from the acceptance of an inevitable fate. She was doomed, and this time, no cunning words or manipulations could save her.

As all this unfolded, Mr. Kendrick made a decision that would forever shape the future of his family. Despite the shocking revelation that Parker was Ryan’s biological father, Mr. Kendrick never stopped seeing Ryan as his son.

He had raised Ryan, taught him the ways of the world, and loved him deeply. The bond they shared was unshakable, and when the time came for Mr. Kendrick to divide his property, he did so with a heart full of love and clarity.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Mr. Kendrick split his wealth between his biological children, Iris and Ivy. They each received a part of the vast empire he had built, securing their futures.

But the greatest surprise came when Mr. Kendrick, with his final breath of authority, handed over full control of the Kendrick Corporation to Ryan.

To the world, it may have seemed unconventional, but to Mr. Kendrick, there was no doubt. Ryan was his son in every way that mattered, and the company belonged to him.

Parker’s biological connection to Ryan was nothing more than a footnote in the grand story of their family.

Ryan, standing before his adoptive father on the day of this announcement, felt the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders.

But he was ready. Over the years, he had grown into the man Mr. Kendrick always knew he could be-strong, resilient, and capable of leading the empire with honor.

As Mr. Kendrick looked into Ryan’s eyes, he saw the future he had always dreamed of for his family. In the midst of all this, Luca had finally found his happiness.

After months of growing closer, Luca proposed to Ivy in a beautiful, intimate ceremony that took her by complete surprise.

With tears in her eyes, Ivy said yes, and the two embraced as the sun set behind them, casting a golden glow on their new beginning.

Luca had been her rock through so much, and Ivy knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

But not everyone found peace. Bella, once a formidable presence, had crumbled under the weight of her ambition and deception.

After everything fell apart, she spiraled into a mental breakdown, unable to cope with the loss of her power and influence.

She was eventually taken to a psychiatric hospital, where she spent her days in a fog of confusion and regret. Her once-sharp mind, now dulled by the relentless pressure of her failures, was a shell of its former self.

She had lost everything, and in the end, she had only herself to blame. Victor, another figure of ruin, met his tragic end. After trying and failing to escape from prison, he was shot dead during the attempt.

His death, though shocking, felt inevitable. The world had moved on without him, and his demise was simply another reminder of how far he had fallen from grace. But amid the tragedy, there was light.

Ryan, finally free from the entanglements of his past, decided to make things right with the love of his life. He had once married Iris under pretenses, their union a mere contract to secure his inheritance.

But now, standing before her in the aftermath of everything they had been through, he knew that their love was real.

It was deeper and more powerful than any contract or agreement could ever be.

Ryan planned a new wedding, one built on true love, where the vows they exchanged would be genuine and everlasting.

This time, it wasn’t about business or family legacies-it was about the love they had discovered in each other.

As the day of their real wedding approached, Ryan reflected on everything that had brought him to this point. He had made mistakes-plenty of them-but his love for Iris had never wavered. It had only grown stronger with time.

He often wished he had recognized his feelings for her from the very beginning, but life had a funny way of teaching people lessons they weren’t ready to learn.

Now, standing at the altar, looking into Iris’s eyes, he knew that he would spend the rest of his life making sure she knew how much he loved her.

The ceremony was beautiful, simple yet elegant, attended only by close family and friends. Ivy stood beside her sister as her maid of honor, while Luca proudly watched from the front row.

The love in the room was palpable, and as Ryan and Iris exchanged their vows, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. It was a celebration of love, resilience, and new beginnings.

Not long after the wedding, Mr. Kendrick passed away peacefully in his sleep.

He had lived a full life and left behind a legacy that would endure for generations. In his final days, he was proud of all his children-Ryan, Iris, and Ivy-and content knowing that they were prepared to carry on the Kendrick name.

He was especially proud of Ryan, the son who had proven that family wasn’t just about blood, but about loyalty, love, and commitment.

His passing was bittersweet, but the family took solace in knowing that he had left the world with a heart full of peace.

Ryan’s love for Iris continued to deepen in the months that followed. He marveled at the woman she had become-the strength she showed in the face of adversity, the kindness she displayed to those around her, and the passion she had for her work.

As they settled into their new life together, he often found himself wishing he had loved her from the very beginning. But as Iris reminded him, their journey had led them here, and that was all that mattered.

Meanwhile, Ivy’s career, which had been nearly destroyed by scandal, was resurrected in a way no one could have predicted. After being accused of stealing designs, Ivy struggled to clear her name.

But with Iris’s help, she was able to make a stunning comeback. Iris, now a well-known fashion designer, sketched the exact designs that Ivy had been accused of stealing and presented them to the public.

The proof was undeniable-if Ivy had truly stolen the designs, she wouldn’t have been able to replicate them so perfectly. The fashion world was quick to take notice. Ivy was vindicated, and her reputation was restored.

She was called back to work by various agencies, eager to have her back on their runways. The scandal that had nearly ruined her career was now a distant memory, replaced by the bright spotlight of fame and success.

Together, Ivy and Iris became a powerhouse duo in the fashion industry. Ivy modeled every incredible design that Iris brought to life, and the two sisters worked in perfect harmony.

Their bond, once strained by jealousy and competition, had transformed into something unbreakable.

They were not only sisters but partners, building a future together that honored their family’s legacy while carving out their path in the world.

The Kendrick name, once associated with scandal and deceit, was now synonymous with innovation, success, and love.

Ryan, Iris, Ivy, and Luca had all found their versions of happiness, and the future looked brighter than any of them had ever imagined.

As the sun set on the Kendrick estate, casting a warm glow over the sprawling gardens and grand house, Ryan stood on the balcony, his arms wrapped around Iris.

He gazed out at the horizon, thinking about everything that had happened-all the trials, the betrayals, the heartbreak-and realized that it had all been worth it.

Because in the end, love had triumphed.

The End

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