The Billionaire’s Nanny

Chapter 22

Benson didn’t spend the night at home that night. After he had gone out, Alita waited for him to come back so she could leave but he didn’t so she had to spend the night there as she couldn’t leave Julie by herself in the house.

Alita was the only one that knew Benson was back from Miami. He didn’t tell anybody, she didn’t too.  Sarah still thought he was away and she could stay with Alita again.

Alita’s phone rang and she picked it up without checking to see who was calling. She waited to hear a voice speak back to her.

“Alita,” Sarah said with a shaky voice.

“Sarah, are you okay, w-what has happened to you?” Alita’s eye widened as she entertained a thousand thoughts of things that might have happened. “Sarah, Sarah.”

“I am on my way there now,” Sarah sniffled. “I will tell you when I get there.”

Sarah ended the call, leaving Alita worried and afraid. It was in the thick darkness of night that Sarah had called. Alita saw the time on her phone before throwing it to the side. It was thirty minutes past the twenty-second hour of the day.

Alita was restless and at the edge of having a panic attack. She came outside in only her crop top and panties to wait for Sarah. She hugged herself in the cold looking about the environment for any signs of Sarah. After a few minutes in the cold and darkness of the night, Alita saw a figure from far off flashing light around and skipping towards her. She put on the flash in her phone and raised it, waving in the air. The figure waved back and Alita knew it was Sarah and started walking towards her.

From slow steps to skipping and eventually jogging to Sarah, Alita reached. She wrapped her hands around Sarah in a hug that lasted a moment, then held her face to hers and said, “I love you, Sarah,” Alita said, her eyes shimmering with tears.

Somehow Alita knew Sarah was like that because of her mystery man that she had refused to show her. Sarah had had her fair share of bad relationships over the years and it had made her very weary and afraid of relationships, but still, she hated being alone. It is like she just can’t stay without having to depend on a very special man in her life and yet she was afraid of getting involved with one.

Sarah didn’t want to tell Alita about her new boyfriend because she wanted to be sure it would last past the time that most of her recent relationships had lasted. She didn’t want to rush and tell Alita, being over-excited about and then it crumbles and hurt more than it would if she had kept it to herself.

“Tell me everything from beginning till now,” Alita wiped her nose and held Sarah’s hand as the walked back to the house.

“It is a long shocking story,” Sarah chuckled while she wiped the tears from under her eyes.

“I have all the time in the world, literally,” Alita smiled weakly.

They reached and entered the house and sat down by each other, and Alita still holding Sarah’s hand and while peering into her eyes said, “I am always here for you,” She let go of Sarah’s hands and jolted off the chair, heading for the bar. “We need booze for this one, a very strong one and I know just the one,” she smiled smugly to herself.

“You know, I still don’t know how you do this,” Sarah shook her head sideways, and shoving her hair back away from her face, she continued. “How does being a nanny and a housekeeper allow you to mess with Mr. Astor’s booze?”

“What? I don’t know what you are talking about,” Alita’s brows caved in as she spoke. “I just… you know, clean the house and take care of the baby and find out the bottles empty as I do my job,” She did air quotes when she said job. She walked back to Sarah with two glasses in her hand, handed Sarah one, and half-filled it with the same wine she had taken that rendered her a five-year-old throughout that day. She filled hers, took a sip, and sat down. “I’ll warn you, as a good friend, only sip it, don’t gulp it down because it is damn sweet. It hits you faster when you throw it all into your throat. I want to hear all that you have to say, so… please don’t pass out on me because I will put your hand in the microwave to wake you up.”

Sarah’s eyes bulged at the later parts of Alita’s speech and then she nodded. “Will not… d-do for my safety then,” She said slipping her hand under her shirt.

“Okay, you are on,” Alita said sipping the wine and then twirling the glass in her hand.

“Well, I know you are dying to hear who had done this to me but I won’t throw the name at you until the end of this story,” Sarah batted her lashes numerous times.

Alita grumbled and then shrugged, saying, “You way then.”

“As you know, me and mystery man, started texting a few months ago,” Sarah sipped and heaved. “It was lovely gradually falling for him even though I was scared to my bones the whole time and the voices in my head were screaming at me to put an end to it, I couldn’t because I was helplessly falling for him,” As she spoke the corner of Alita’s lips twitched and Sarah rolled her eyes. “Now, before you say anything, I know how gullibly vulnerable I am to kindness from the opposite sex, but this was different. I mean, we had been together all my life and everything just change like flicking a light switch on,” She smiled sheepishly, deep in her thought as she remembered what that time was like.

Alita’s eyes darted around a bit before she said, “Alright, I am not saying anything, just keep talking.”

“It was like fluffy pillows rubbing against your cold heart with a sweet much-needed warmth and I fell for it. Believe me, I tried not to, but…” She massaged the back of her neck looking downward. “About a week ago, we went on our first date, after he asked me out. It was fun and exhilarating. I felt alive again after a long while-”

“A long while is three months, Sarah,” Sarah chimed in a blurt and pursed her lips, giving Sarah a stern look.

“Yeah,” Sarah hung her head. “The scales by which we measure time is different, please,” She raised her palm in the air and gulped the wine before remembering Alita had told her not to. “Fuck, I just gulped.”

Alita shook her head after it dawned on her that Sarah was a sweet tooth and sipping was never going to work. She wondered how she had forgotten that.

“We’ve gone on at least five dates in a week or so,” Sarah beamed.

“Whoa, all the late nights you have been keeping,” Alita’s eyes grew wider and she pinched Sarah’s nipple. “You are not a friend. You abandoned our friendship because of a boy.” Alita sneered at her and aimed for her nipple again, but Sarah leaned backward away from her clipping fingers.

“Why do you always do that?” Sarah whined.

“It is said that a woman’s consciousness is hanging just at the tip of her nips,” Alita lied.

“Who said?” Sarah held her other hand across her chest to shield her from Alita’s fingers. “That hurts,” She pouted.

“Mission accomplished then.”

“How do we even know each other? Sarah twisted her face.

“Destiny, fate, whichever you choose to call it,” Alita feigned a smile and gulped the last of her wine in her glass and refilled it halfway full.

“Whatever… It is my cross to carry,” Sarah looked down on her breast. “My nipples are slightly longer because of you,” She squinted and pushed her lower lip forward.

“Men like long nips, google it. I am helping your ass be sexier,” Alita smiled in a smug. “You should be thanking me.”

Sarah looked at Alita, shocked at what she had said. “My God,” She blinked. “We are all about helping each other now.”

“You don’t want to start what you can’t finish. Believe me, you don’t,” Alita shook her head while she plastered a wicked smile on her face.

Sarah grunted. “As I was saying, before…” She paused on her words as Alita leaned forward. “We have been on a few dates in a short period and it all was overwhelming. I had only been to his house once. He just moved into his apartment,” She looked away from Alita’s piercing gaze. “Whatever, don’t judge.”

“Hmm mmm,” Alita hummed and sipped her wine.

“Today was my second. I decided to surprise him after work which is why I wasn’t going to come here without telling you I wasn’t,” Sarah squinted, her face wearing a pleading look.

“Oh wow,” Alita nodded continuously.

Sarah mouthed a sorry and finished her first glass, then stretched her hand so Alita could fill it for her.

“I walked in on him dressing because I hadn’t knocked and I have my key,”

It is a week of seeing naked people. Alita thought and said, “You have a key already?” She rolled her eyes and leaned her back off the couch, squinting and slanting her head. “This isn’t what I think it is, is it?” Alita inquired.

“Nope we didn’t break or I should say he didn’t dump me,” Sarah dropped the glass in he hand and beamed, hugging herself. “You don’t see,” She asked blinking at Alita.

“See what?” Alita dropped her glass too and ran her hand up her thigh, looking at Sarah, clueless of what to look for that related to the topic of discussion.

“Look closely,” Sarah wore an exaggerated smile, enjoying teasing Alita. “Look,” She drawled, raising and dropping her brows as she flickered her fingers.

“What the fuck, Sarah,” Alita Screamed and leaped off the couch, shocked at the ring she found on her fingers. Her mind was blown by what she knew it meant. “You are getting married, Sarah,” She screamed again, splaying her hands in the air. “Tell me this minute, who is stealing you from me?”

Sarah went pale-faced and then let out a sigh and smiled. “Luke Donovan,” She said, shyly.

“Okay,” Alita howled. “So all the drama of you being mad at him was fake?”

Sarah nodded and simpered.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Bitch, there is more to this story that you will be telling me,” Alita growled playfully while taking Sarah’s finger in her hand as they both admired the ring and giggled over it.

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