The Billionaire’s Desires

Chapter 57 Hallucinating

Hillary’s POV

I gave him enough time to come clean, I wanted him to come to me and tell me why he has been trying so hard to separate Lawrence and I, but it seems like he has made up his mind, he has decided to sabotage my relationship at all cost and he chose not to tell me about it. It’s been eight months, I mean eight fucking months and he has been sneaking behind my back, screwing me over, sabotaging my relationship. At first, thought that he was just being protective of me, I know how he has tried so hard to protect me and the kids all this while. I know how he saved my life countless times and I actually talked myself into believing that he is doing all this to protect me, but I was wrong. He is not trying to protect me, no. He is simply trying to ruin my life and make me sad forever.

He even delves into arson because of this. He went to Lawrence’s house and he set fire to one side of his house, he even went to his company and did the same thing. That fire burnt down a considerable amount of properties in his house and company, it had cost a fortune to rebuild and restore everything that has been lost. For months I watched Lawrence struggling so hard to put up with all the challenges he is facing in his business. It hurt me so much because I know the reason behind his misery. It hurts me so much because I couldn’t tell him about it without sounding so stupid and guilty at the same time. I had to keep such a huge secret from him, for eight months I kept lying to him, pretending not to know anything. I even snuck into his secret office and destroyed the CCTV footage that would have proven that Miguel had been in his house. I’m aiding and abetting this guy and he doesn’t think that I have a right to know why he is doing all these things. I guess he has no excuse to give to me, that is why he has kept mute all this while.

He has no idea that I have been helping him out. He always takes out the main cameras from the buildings, but Lawrence has some secret cameras that he alone could access in his secret office in his bedroom. I guess he doesn’t trust the people around him, including the security guards, so he installed these cameras so he could keep watch of everything by himself. He told me about it out of trust and I betrayed that trust when I went in there and tempered with the footage from his hidden camera. I felt so stupid to be helping him clean up his mess, especially now that he has been hiding things from me. But I had to do it because he is still a friend and we have been through a lot together. Besides, he is like a father figure to the kids and they adore him so much. So, I did what I had to do and I was so glad that Lawrence never caught me, he never noticed that the cameras were tampered with. I got rid of the footage and I left everything the same way I found it, I didn’t touch anything at all. I was tempted to explore the office and see what he has been u to, but I risk the chance of getting caught by him, so I abandoned the idea and left without touching anything. But I decided to put an end to Miguel’s next big plans and I made up my mind to quit helping him in case he decides not to listen to me when I tell him to stop attacking my man.

I made it clear to him that there is nothing he can do to break us apart because I won’t give up on Lawrence, not after he has shown me so much love and affection. Despite the fact that he is going through a lot for the past eight months, it never changed his attitude towards me and my kids, he still loves and adores us and that goes a long way to prove to me that he is the right man for me, he is genuinely in love with me and it is time to take this relationship to another level. I can’t believe that I still haven’t had sex with him, Miguel has completely ruined everything for us these past few months, he literally makes sure that we never get into a room, it’s so fucking annoying because I’m not able to control my urges anymore, especially when I’m with him. I was not worried about having sex all these years because I was thinking about Nathan and I was waiting for him, but now that I am beginning to feel relaxed around Lawrence, now that I’ve accepted him into my life I can’t seem to control my urges anymore and the fact that someone is standing between me and my orgasm is so frustrating and annoying.

Lawrence asked me out on a date but I want in the mood to eat out, I wanted to have a private moment with him and I don’t want to make it easy for Miguel to ruin our date once more and that was why I agreed told him that I’d rather we do this in his house because I wanted to eat a good home-cooked meal in his place and I want him to make love to me. It’s been way too long and I don’t know if I can stay celibate anymore. I chose his place because I know that he just got a bunch of guards into his building to tighten his security. That would make it harder for Miguel to break in and ruin our date. I saw the look on his face when I announced to the girls that I would be spending my day with Lawrence, they were more than happy to help me take care of the kids. I watched as Miguels face contorted in anger, but I chose to ignore him and focus more on getting ready for today. Then it struck me that Miguel is not someone that gives up easily, so I decided to keep a close eye on him to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. I was right to keep an eye on him, I saw him gathering his tools, ready to step and I knew immediately that he was going to sabotage my date with Lawrence. I’ve had enough of his shenanigans so I stopped him before he got out of the house,

“Going somewhere, Miguel?” I asked me curiously, stopping him from taking another step as he turned to me with a smile that looks so damn fake.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“Yeah, I have something I need to take care of.” he responded swiftly, as he tried once more to reach out for the door. I could see the guilt written all over his face and it annoys me to see that he is trying so hard to keep a straight face and keep up with his stupid lies. I had to put an end to it right now, I had to come clean with him and tell him exactly how I feel about everything that he has been doing to Lawrence and I.

“I know it is you, Miguel, I know you have tried to sabotage my relationship with Lawrence, but you have to stop right now. I have no idea why you are doing it and I don’t even want to know anymore because I have been patiently waiting for you to come to me and tell me why you don’t want me to be with him, but from the look of things, it is obvious that you don’t have any reasonable reason, you simply can’t let me live my life in peace, you just don’t want me to be happy and right now I am only going to tell you this once, it is enough, stop messing with my relationship, stop trying to get us to break up because I won’t let that happen and I won’t forgive you if Lawrence leaves me, I won’t Miguel, so please just stop already.” I yelled at him in anger, before turning around to head back inside and prepare for my date with Lawrence.

“Wait,” he called out to me just before I went up the stairs. I stopped my movement, but I didn’t turn around to look at him, I kept my back to him, trying so hard to stand there and listen to him.

“What?” I asked him, still keeping my back to him.

“I’m sorry, Hills. I… I was just trying to keep you safe, I just don’t like that guy and I don’t trust him either.” He stammered out.

“If you had your doubts about a guy I’m seeing, the best thing to do would be to have him checked out, or you can come up to me with your concerns and desperate would both come up with a way to do a background check on him and see if he has been telling me the truth. You had no right to try and separate us when you don’t have any evidence, you have no right to sabotage my relationship, Miguel.” I scolded him angrily.

“Fine, I’m sorry. I won’t try anything stupid anymore, but please let me come along with you on all your dates, you need me there to keep you safe, you can’t be alone with that guy, please Hilly, take me with you.” He pleaded softly, making me roll my eyes at him. I can’t believe that he is still lying to me right now, he probably wants me to take him along so I can save him the stress of breaking in on his own. He must think that I’m really stupid.

“There will be no need for that, Miguel. I’ll be safe with Lawrence, I trust him with all my heart and I know that he won’t do anything to hurt me. I think it’s time you stop trying so hard, I’m going on this date and I’m going alone. Don’t try to stop me because you can’t, and if you try anything stupid, I will never forgive you.” I warned him sternly before running up the stairs, ignoring his eyes on me as I went up to my room.

I ended up wearing a very short blue gown that stops right below my ass. The sleeves are thin and off-shoulder with a dangerously short slit on the right side running up to my thigh, giving a good view of my black lace thong. The back of the gown has a very low neckline that shows off my flawless skin at my back, giving an enchanting and alluring view. I am wearing a red hill that matches with my purse, making me look so damn hot and sexy.

I got rid of my ponytail and combed my wavy Auburn hair. Then I put on eye shadow and mascara that matches my dressing and accentuates my high cheekbones. I added a rosy pink blush and a red lipstick. I wore a gold earring, necklace, and bracelet that suits me and compliments my outfit. When I was done, I gazed at myself in the mirror and smiled. I love what I see and now am sure I’ll get his attention tonight because I look quite amazing. “Am super hot”

” Hillary you don’t understand, you can’t do this you really don’t have to do this.” Miguel pleaded once more as I headed down the stairs.

“Yeah, whatever.” I shrugged him off while walking towards the door and ignoring him. It’s a good thing that the girls have left with my kids already, it would have been so weird to be arguing this way in front of them. I walked out the door and shut it in his face before he could follow me out, I banged the door a little harder than necessary. I’m angry and I want him to know that I can’t have him following behind me, it would be so damn embarrassing if I have to stop my car on the road and tell him to fuck off.

I drove out of the house, heading to Lawrence Condo uptown. I keep looking at the rearview mirror, trying to see if Miguel would follow me down here, but it seems like he has given up on his stupid plans because I didn’t see any sign of him following me. I got to his house in record time and I was let in without holdup. I guess he must have instructed his guards of my arrival in advance, they were so nice and cheerful to me. I responded with a smile of my own as I walked to the front door and rang the bell. The door swings open in a few minutes and there he stood, wearing only a sweatpants. My throat went dry as I gazed at his muscular arms, his firm chest, and his abs. He is so damn handsome and I can’t wait to have those arms wrapped around me, I just can’t wait.

“Damn, girl, you look gorgeous.” He muttered softly, pulling me in for a kiss. I kissed back eagerly, putting my arms around his neck and leaning forward to close the gap between us. Damn, I’m so horny. It’s a good thing that if he had spoken up first to compliment me, I would have been staring at him in a daze, lusting after his sexy body. He pulled me in and backed me up against the wall, kissing me so passionately, making me moan out loudly as I felt the heat pooling between my legs.

He broke the kiss after a few minutes, leading me to the dining table for lunch. He pulled out the seat for me to sit first, then he went around to seat at the head of the table before signaling for help to come over and serve us our meal. Our meals were served and we both ate in silence, with our eyes fixed on each other. We both know that lunch was the last thing on our minds, we know what our bodies wanted and I can tell you for sure that it isn’t food. Nah, it’s way more than that.

He kept staring fixedly at me, ogling my cleavage, seducing me with his eyes and his bare body. I could no longer pretend to be eating anymore. I can feel the liquid pooling between my legs and I know exactly what my body needs. I pushed my plates aside, earning his attention as my plate made a loud noise,

“What, you don’t like the food? I can have her prepare something else for you if you want.” He let out calmly, his eyes still fixed on me. I stood up from my seat and walked to him, then I pushed his food aside as well, positioning myself in front of him, straddling his hips.

“I’m not hungry for food, Law. I need you.” I whispered in his ears, making him smile so widely that I’m sure his mouth would hurt. His hand went around my waist immediately, pulling me closer,

“I was wondering how long I would have to pretend to eat,” he muttered softly as he captures my lips in a fiery kiss. He lifted me up and placed me on the table, standing between my legs with his lips still on mine. I wrapped my legs around his hips and responded to his kiss like a sex-starved teenager. He lifted my gown up and took it off, throwing it on the floor. Our lips parted for a few seconds, giving him a chance to take off my gown. Immediately it went off, our lips found their way back to each other and they sealed off in a more passionate kiss, with his hands caressing my body. He cupped my boobs through my bras, then his hand went behind me to unhook my bra, letting it fall down to the floor to join my gown that is there already. He cupped my boobs, leaning down to latch on my nipple, making me throw my head back in pleasure.

We were in that position when out of nowhere, we heard a sound that made us stop immediately. It was the sound of a gun being loaded and it startled us back to reality. When I looked in the direction the sound was coming from, I saw some guys stand in Lawrence’s sitting room and they all had guns. But that was not the shocking part of it. What made me go white in shock is the sight of the guy leading the armed men. It’s… it’s…

“N… N… Nathan?” I called out in shock, wiping my eyes to make sure that I am not hallucinating.

“Hello Wiffy, did you miss me?” he asked me with a smirk as I struggled to push Lawrence aside and pick up my clothes to cover my nakedness. I could see the anger in his eyes and it scare the shit out of me. H had a smug smile on his face, but I know it is fake, he is just trying to hide his anger behind that smile.

“H…How are you alive?” I asked in my dazed state, while still trying to shield my body with my clothes that Lawrence picked up and handed to me.

“You wish I was dead, don’t you?” he retorted, his eyes filled with murderous anger as he glared daggers at me. I could not take it anymore, I have no idea what is happening here, I think this is all a dream, I just have to wake up from my sleep, I need to wake up. I need air, I need fresh air to clear my head. I’m beginning to see and hear things that aren’t possible. I think I’m going crazy.

“This is a dream…

I’m not crazy…

This is a dream…

I’m not crazy.” I continued muttering to myself as I ran out of the house in shock. I saw Lawrence’s guards lying on the floor. The same guards that smiled and welcomed me cheerfully when I got here, they now lay on the floor unconscious or dead, I really don’t know and I’m not going to wait around to find out. I don’t want to be here when the cops get here, so I got into my car and zoomed off, driving out of the gate that is left wide open. It can’t be Nathan, I just can’t believe it. I think it’s Miguel again, he must be trying to play another one of his games with me, but this time, he has gone too far. He is definitely going to get it from me today.

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