The Billionaire’s Desires

Chapter 49 Go To Hell

Still Nathans POV

“I knew you would come back to your senses Nate, I guess you now know that you would never be able to get rid of me easily. You are mine Nathan, nothing is going to change that fact, the earlier you come to terms with that, the better it would be for everyone. I’ll suggest you start by apologizing to me for cheating on me with that bitch, then you can get me out of here so we could begin preparing for our wedding. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this day, our wedding is going so huge, it’s going to be the talk of the town for the next few months, I have it all figured out, I’m going to personally send out the invites, I want everyone with a strong background to be there, it will be aired on national TV the press would be there, everyone will be there, it’s going to be so perfect, I want to be the…”

“You will never marry my son, you hateful woman.” My mom let out angrily, interrupting her endless blabbering. Gosh, she is so damn stupid. She had smiled triumphantly when my mom and I walked in through that door. She was kept in the interrogation room because she insists on being innocent of every accusation that I made. She had called in a bunch of guys in suits that she claimed were her lawyers, They sat across the table from her, but when we got in, they stood up and went around the table, standing beside her while my mom and I occupied the seats they were previously sitting on.  I was called in by the arresting officer, he claimed that her lawyers were filing for bail and the judge would be willing to grant her bail because I haven’t testified yet.

They have all the evidence already, but it is not enough, they need me to come in and testify against her in person. I told him to stall the bail process because I’ll be there in a few hours, I just need to handle a few things at home first. I already had it in mind to go down there and pay her a visit, I guess this is a good time to go down there and rub it in her face. Yeah, I know. You think I’m being petty right?

Well, it wouldn’t be much fun if I don’t rub it in, would it?

It’s not really necessary but I’ll do it anyway. You can sue me if you want to, but trust me, I’m going over there and I’ll show that bitch that there is no need to fight the inevitable. First, I went up to meet my father, I can understand how he would be feeling right now, I can’t even begin to imagine how he would have felt all those years ago. It would have been so difficult for him to look into my mom’s eyes every day, knowing full well that she had been the one to order the hit on his family. I wonder why he had listened to his other wife when she told him not to leave mom, he must love her so much for him to pass through all this heartache and continue living in this house with mom, watching her every day as she went about her daily activities, pretending like it never happened. I never wish to be in his shoes, I never want to live a life full of lies and deceits.

“How are you holding up dad?” I asked him when I entered his room. He is standing by the window, looking out the window. I’ve never seen him this broken in my entire life, he has always been so strong, so tough. Who would have thought that he would be brought down to his knees by women? It’s just so hilarious.

“I’m fine son, it’s not me you should be worried about, I’ve known about this for years, I’ve learned to live with it, I’m just so glad that the truth is finally out in the open. Now I won’t be forced to live with her anymore. That is by the way son, I know how hard it must be for you two to find out that your mom is capable of Arson and Murder. How are you guys holding up?” he asked me.?

“I’ll survive dad and I’m sure Caitlyn would be fine, she is with mom downstairs and she looks okay, I’m sure she would be fine, I mean, she is not a kid anymore, right.”

“Right, you are so right. You know I always seem to forget that you guys are no longer kids. I always tend to confuse you two with my other kids.” He let out with a warm smile. I guess he feels relieved now that he is able to talk about them in the open.

“Dad, did you mean what you said to mom earlier, are you really going to leave her because of this?” I asked him.

“I meant every word I said to her son. You have no idea how difficult it has been for me to wake up every morning and see her face, you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to leave her. I’m done with all this, Nate. I’m sure she feels the same way, we are no longer as close as we used to be, and we fucking sleep in different rooms. We have grown apart, so to speak, we can’t even stand each other. It’s the best way to end things between us before we destroy each other with hate.” I nodded in response to his explanation. I’m not an expert in relationship matters, but I know enough to say that this relationship is officially over, there is nothing to salvage in this relationship. I think It’s best if they both go their separate ways. We can help mom pick up the pieces of her broken heart while dad leaves to be with his other family.

“Now that we’ve gotten past that awkward conversation, I think it’s time we talk about the main reason why I asked you to come up here and have a little chat with me. Tell me, son, why are you really here?” he asked me. I squinted my eyes and gazed at him in surprise, I mean, I wasn’t expecting that question from him. He almost sounds like he doesn’t want me here and that is a little bit disturbing.

“What do you mean dad?

Of course, I came back to be with my family. I have a life here and I’ve got a company to run.” I responded, sounding a little bit mad at his stupid question.


Come on son, don’t get me wrong here. Of course, I’m super excited to have you back, we all missed you so much. But I just want you to get your priorities right, Nate. You have to understand that things are not the way it was before you left, everything has changed. While it is true that you have a family and a home to return to, there is no company for you to return to son, it’s all gone. Your cousin Travis was not able to manage the company, just like I’ve always known. He has sold off everything the family owns, even the company is up for sale. I’ll suggest you dig into one of your trust funds and get take out some money and start up a business.” He told me firmly, making it sound like a suggestion when his tone of voice shows that he is not leaving any room for argument from my side. He is making a decision for me, just like he has always done before I went missing. I guess he forgot that I never take it too well whenever he tries bossing me around. I guess it’s time he realizes that I’m not the Nathan I used to be.

“If you had always known that he would be able to run the company, then why did you let him run it, why didn’t you try to do anything to salvage the situation. That is not even my concern right now, but ill advise you to back off. It is my decision to make dad. I can choose to fight the company or I can let Travis do whatever he wants with it. But that is entirely my decision to make and I have it all figured out. Why don’t you keep your nose off my business, you don’t want me to see you as an enemy, do you?” I asked him with a smirk, looking him deep in his eyes. He looks a bit nervous, or maybe I’m becoming too paranoid to think straight.

“Of course not, son.  Why would you even say that? I’m only trying to help, I don’t want you to get your hopes too high.” He told me, smiling softly to hide his nervousness.

“Well, since you are so eager to help, why don’t you call your other wife and tell her to meet us at the station.” I retorted.

“Tell her to meet us at the station, are you fucking kidding me, why the hell would I want to do that?” he yelled furiously. Now I can see why my mom went crazy when she found out that he was having an affair. He loves that family more than he has ever loved us, I can see how he gets too overprotective whenever they are mentioned and it is kind of annoying, what is even so special about these other families of his, I haven’t met them yet, but I’m getting a dangerous vibe already.

“I’m not kidding dad, we need her to be there while I clear mom of every accusation. Or do you want her to go to prison when it is all your fault?”Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“My fault? How is it my fault? I did not ask her to get that house burned down!” he yelled in anger.

“Well, if you had kept your dick in your trousers, she wouldn’t have tried to burn any fucking house dad. So if you ask me I’ll say it’s all your goddam fault. Now make the damn call already, I don’t have all day.” I yelled back at his face. He was taken aback for a minute there and I saw a tinge of guilt on his face but he recovered almost immediately and he tried one more time to protect his other family. I had no choice, I had to force him to give me what I want.

“If you don’t make that call right now, I’ll be forced to go against you dad. If mom goes to jail, then so is your precious little wife because I would come up with enough evidence to prove that she also made several attempts on mom’s life. Trust me, you don’t want to see what I can come up with, I can be quite resourceful when I want to be.” I threatened him, making him widen his eyes,  obviously shocked by my threats. I guess he still doesn’t know what I’m capable of and it is best that it remains that way, at least for now.

“What the hell happened to you out there, when did you become so devious?” He asked in his shocked state.

“Trust me, dad, you don’t want to know what I’ve been through. Now make the call already, I want to have a word with her before we get to the station.” I told him firmly. He did not object anymore, like I said earlier, he loves her more than he has ever loved my mom. I guess he can’t imagine her going to jail, he called her immediately and told her to meet us at the prescient. He briefed her about the situation on the ground and she had some objections but he managed to convince her to meet us there.

When I set my eyes on her, I realized why dad had fallen for her. She is beautiful, so damn beautiful and sexy. Sorry to say, but my mom never stood a chance against her. All mom had above her was character and poise. Mom was born into an aristocratic family, so she had all the training to be a lady, but this girl grew up in the orphanage and from what I could see, she wasn’t one of the good kids from the orphanage. It is very obvious that she is one of those girls that strip in a club or something like that. Apart from the good looks and curves, she has nothing to write home about. I guess I was wrong when I said that my father had asked her out, it is very obvious that she had thrown herself at him and he was stupid enough to fall for her charms, just like I was stupid enough to fall for Hillary. I’m so sure that the elders will not welcome her into the family, she would just be a wife out there, and she won’t have and link or connection with the Trent household.

Well, at least mom would be free to live her life as she wants, right?

Mom sat in the car while I spoke with her, she still hates her guts and I know that she is not about to change her mind about her anytime soon. I told her my plans, she only has to admit to everyone that the house that got burnt was hers and that she had forgotten to turn off the gas before traveling out of the country. When it becomes established that it had all been her mistake, then Ariel would be facing another charge in court, nothing more.

Ariel laughed out so loudly when my mom responded to her stupid rambling and told her that she would never marry me. Her self-confidence is so hilarious, if only she had brains, she would have known that my mom would not go against her if she hadn’t found a way out of this herself. But she is too stupid to think straight, and now she is going to get it. I pressed the buttons and the arresting officer walked in with two cops and a chair that he placed it at the other end, then he placed his recorder on the table before turning to me with a warm smile,

“Alright, Mr. Trent. You said you have something to tell me.” He said politely before clicking on the tape recorder to then it on. I looked at Ariel and she had a smile on her face as she expects me to take back my accusations. I kept my eyes on hers and I smiled back at her, making her feel a little bit relaxed.

“My mom and I are here to testify against this crazy woman, she did not only try to kill my wife and I, but she also blackmailed my mother and forced her to help her do many things for her. She stole my documents and she sold my house. She also…”

“You bastard!!!

What the hell do you think you are doing?

Your mom will rot in jail for this?” she screamed at me, reaching forward to attack me, but the cops and her lawyers restrained her and held her back.

“If that is how you want it Nate, Fine. But trust me, I’m not going down alone.

Officer, I want to file a report against Mrs. Trent. I have evidence to prove that she is the culprit behind the fire outbreak that burned the house in Crystal Palace estate.” She let out firmly, an evil smile on her face.

“What? I hope you have evidence to support your accusations?” the officer asked in shock, looking between Ariel and my mom.

“Would you really listen to the ramblings of a deranged woman, officer?

Of course, she is lying to try and cover her ass, there is no truth in what she is saying, she only wants to take your attention away from her. If you doubt me, then you can ask the owner of the burnt house. She is standing outside this room with her husband, my father.” On that note, my father walked on with his wife and I saw the shock on Ariel’s face as her face turned pale. I know I’m not supposed to be trusting my father and his girlfriend, but I have nothing to fear from them, I mean, I made it pretty clear that I would hit them pretty hard if they don’t go along with my plans, so I don’t expect any other reaction from them.

“Are you Brenda Shacks, are you the owner of that house?” the officer asked her. She turned to gaze at my father and he nodded to her to proceed.

“Yes officer, I am Brenda Shacks, and that house is mine. It is all a big misunderstanding.” She began, then she told him everything I rehearsed with her, making Ariel look so stupid in front of everyone.

“That’s a lie, she is lying. It was Arson and murder and It was done by Mrs. Trent. I have evidence, she is an arsonist and a murderer.” Ariel cried out repeatedly, begging to be heard.

“As you can see officer, she made up some evidence and she has been blackmailing my mom with her evidence for a long time. My family will be pressing charges, I won’t let her go. You can call me if you need more evidence, I want her to put her away for the rest of her life.” I told the arresting officer, but I kept my eyes fixed on hers, making her see that I’m pretty excited to see her in this condition.

“please Nathan, don’t do this to me please I beg you. I’ll go, I’ll get out of your life and you will never see me again. Please don’t send me to jail, I beg of you.” She pleaded amid tears, finally realizing that she has no chance against me.

“Go to hell, Ariel. But don’t worry, Travis will meet you there soon and you two can keep on screwing each other in hell.” I told her with a smirk as I led my family out of the interrogation room.

Next, it’s Travis…

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