The Billionaire’s Desires

Chapter 12 Our House

Damien’s POV

I saw the sadness in her eyes when she told me that she was thinking about us. It’s so weird because I was thinking about the same thing when we drove past the pack a few minutes ago. I just don’t know why she has this conflicting look on her face.

The thought of spending her whole life with me makes her happy and at the same time, it made her sad. I guess she felt guilty about voicing out her concerns to me, that is why she hung her head down, trying to avoid my eyes. I hate the fact that she feels inferior to me, she sees me as some Greek god that should be placed on a high pedestal and worshiped. If only she knows that she is more beautiful than a Greek goddess, if only she knows that it is my greatest wish to worship her beautiful curvy body every damn day, she is so amazing, so fucking gorgeous.

We have just arrived at my but she is too distracted to notice our environment. She has her eyes down as she keeps playing with her finger. I couldn’t help chuckling at her childish behavior, it was just too funny. I stepped down and turned around to open the door for her, watching her step down wordlessly with her head hung low. All I wanted to do is to kiss her soft Pink lips, and that is exactly what I did, I lifted her head up, forcing her to look at me as I kiss softly, then I smiled down at her, letting her feel relaxed again.

“I would love that too.” I told her honestly, watching as her face brightened up with a huge smile, and her eyes got filled with unshed tears,

“Really? You really want to be with me?” she asked curiously, sounding a bit enthusiastic.

“Yes Hills, I want to be with you for the rest of my life, I want you to be the mother of my unborn children, I want to share all my dreams and ambitions with you. That is why I brought you here my love, to show you all the plans I’ve made for our future and to tell you that I wish to spend the rest of my life with you, that is if you’ll oblige me.” I told her. The tears slipped down d her cheeks as she brought her hand to cover her mouth in shock, taking two steps back to stare at me and weigh my reaction to know if I am serious. I chuckled at her behavior as I closed the gap between us and pulled her into my arms.

“Stop being dramatic, I mean every word, my love. Come with me, I’ll show you around.” I muttered softly, but she didn’t make any move. She just stood at the same spot gazing at me with so much passion, lost in her own thoughts. I held her hand and pulled her along with me. There is so much I want to show her, so much I want to tell her and there is no way I’m doing all that here in the parking lot.

She snapped out of her reverie as I pulled her along, and that was when she took in our surroundings for the first time since we drove into my house, our house. I heard her gasp as she spotted the fountain in the center that stood in front of my humongous mansion.  There was a mini pond around the fountain then you have the big fountain in the middle of the pond and the fountain alone has two mini fountains on either side of it, with the big one in the middle holding a statue. The statue also has water flowing from its mouths and ear, making it look so glamorous.

“This is so beautiful,” she muttered under her breath, sighing with a content smile as she gawked at it.

“You are more beautiful Hillary. I would choose you over a million fountains anyway.” I whispered seductively, as I came close and stood in front of her, blocking her view of the fountain.

“This could be yours, my love, you just have to say the word, Hilly. Just say you’ll be mine forever, and I promise to make you happy for the rest of your life.” I let out with a smile, looking deep into her eyes that are clouded with so many emotions.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Where are we Nate, where is this place and why is it so beautiful? Am I dreaming right now?” she asked in amazement, deviating from my question. I smiled at her cleverness, I’m sure she is having an internal battle with herself right now. She doesn’t know if I’m serious with my words and I know it’s because of my background and all the rumors she must have heard about me. I can see it in her eyes, I know she loves me but she is just being wary of me. I’m going to change all that today, I’m going to prove to her that I meant every word when I said I love her.

“Come with me, I’ll show you.” I told her playfully as I lead her to the enormous, cream-colored mansion that is going to be our house, I mean, once she agrees to marry me. There were stairs on either side that leads to the front door. I led her up the stairs and she asked once more at the huge chandelier that is hanging from the ceiling before the huge double doors. She gazed up at them before turning around to gaze back at the fountain, looking around at my exotic cars that are marked in front of the house.

“This is beautiful,” she let out once more. I turned to her and I saw a lone tear flowing down her cheeks and I leaned down and kissed it away, then I leaned further down and stole a soft kiss from her lips before whispering a stern warning in her ears,

“I never want to see you cry, my love, never. Always put that beautiful smile on your face, it suits you well and I love it.”

She nodded her head, having no words to express her feelings and I pulled her into my arms, hugging her so tight, feeling my dick pulse with life in my trousers. I broke us apart and led her to the huge double doors, then I fished the keys from my pocket and opened the doors, leading her into my, no, our impeccably beautiful sitting room that has a massive 85″ TV mounted above the fireplace. She spotted my numerous gaming console that was neatly organized nearby, and she giggled softly and shook her head,

“I can’t wait to beat you at your own games.” She teased softly making me widen my eyes as I gawk at her in shock,

“You’re joking, right?”

“We’ll see about that she said teasingly, giving me a look that said, “Bring it on, man.”

That was so cool, Damn! I love this girl. How did I get to be so lucky?

“As tempting as your offer might sound, I would have to decline that offer. I’ll have many opportunities to kick your ass, but right now, I just want to spend time with you in this house that I built for us, even before I met you. Come here my love, I want you to see this.”

“Something tells me that you don’t want to play because you’re scared that I’m going to kick your ass.” She said jokingly.

“Ha… Ha… You wish.” I responded with a smirk, grabbing hold of her hand as I lead her upstairs. When we got to the top of the stairs, I pulled her to the left, where we have four doors facing each other. On each of the doors, there are names written on them to identify the owners, I have Gerald, Gemma, Tristan, and Valerie.

“Who lives here Nate, who are these people?” she asked curiously as we both stood in the hallway, gazing at the closed doors.

“They are our kids, my love. I made these rooms in preparation for our unborn children. We have a nursery on the other side, it’s facing our room. But these would be their rooms when they are big enough to sleep alone. We are going to raise our families here my love, it’s all I ever dream of.” I said honestly, watching as she gazed at me in confusion, then she walked up to each door, opening them slowly as she peeked in curious, trying to confirm if I’m joking around.  I saw her eyes widen in shock when she realized that I am not joking at all.

“What’s going on here, why do you keep saying these seductive words, you’re messing with my head, Nate. Why did you bring me here?” She asked hysterically, moving backward until her back came in contact with the brick wall.

“Stop doing this to me, you’re raising my hopes, giving me such high dreams that I know would never come true. I love you, Nathan, I’ve loved you for a long time, but I’m content with the little time I got to spend with you. I know we can’t have a future together, that’s why I don’t even think about it. Don’t hurt me by making me feel important, you and I know that it’s never going to work and you know it, so please stop, just stop please.”

I could see the tears trickling down her cheeks and it hurt me to know that she doesn’t see herself as I do. I would be lucky to have her in my life, she is a combination of beauty with brains, beautiful and smart. And the best part of it all is that she has no idea how beautiful she is, she is simply amazing.

“Look at me Hillary,” I told her softly, lifting her head to look into her eyes,

“I want you to take everything else off your mind and just look into my eyes. I have never loved any woman as I love you. I’ve been with many girls in my life, but none of them can be compared to you, my love.”

“I thought they said you had Alexithymia, they said you couldn’t be with a woman.” She muttered softly, voicing out what everyone knows already.

“How could I be Alexithymic when I spent all night and all morning with you?” I asked back, making her blush a deep red as she tried to hide her face in embarrassment. I raised her head one more time, gazing deep into her eyes.

“I am perfectly fine, my love. I made up that story to keep gold diggers away from me. Even with the news of my illness, I still have to maintain a stern and cold attitude to keep them away from me.

Everyone loves me, every girl wants to be with me, but I’m not stupid goddamit! I know they are just here for my money, nothing else.

But you, Hillary, you’re different. I see how you work so hard to get to where you are today. Sometimes I gaze at you when you ain’t looking, and I would wish to have a girl like you in my life, a girl who knows what she wants and works hard to get it.

I never approached you because I was scared and I thought you would reject me,” she widened her eyes in surprise as she listened to my words. I am amazed at my words also, I never thought I would admit all this to her because I never even thought that I would be with her this way. I never paid much attention to what I was feeling for her in my heart, but now that I think about it, I know that I’ve always loved her, I’ve always wanted to be with her, although I never showed it outwardly.

“Yes, I’ve always loved you and that was why I wasn’t irritated by your presence when you kissed me in school. I searched everywhere for you after that moment, I knew that this was the perfect opportunity to tell you how much I love you.

My family wants me to get married as soon as I inherit the family business, they are even planning to bring in a whore for me as a wife. But now that I’ve found you, all those plans would be put to stop because it’s you I want Hilly, only you.

Please say that you’ll be mine, my love. Marry me and make me the happiest man on earth Hillary, I want you to be the mother of Gerrard, Gemma, Tristan, and Valerie.”

I smiled as she giggled at my words, I could tell that she is softening a bit, and I hope she says yes to me, it would hurt me if she turns me down, I can’t bear her rejection.

She kept gazing at me with so many emotions in her eyes, then she brought her hand forward and caressed my cheeks with her warm palm, causing me to lean my face into her soft, warm palm.

“I want you too Nathan. I would love to bring smiles to your face every day, to wake up next to you every morning, kissing your soft lips. I want to be the mother of Gerrard, Gemma, Tristan, and Valerie, it would be an honor, my love.”

“Yesss!!!” I said so excitedly as I threw my fist in the air in excitement.

“You just made me the happiest man on earth,” I confessed as I kissed her so passionately, lifting her to straddle my hips. With her legs wrapped around my hips and our lips locked in a passionate kiss, I took us back the other way, to our room.

I think it’s time to put Gerald in his mother’s womb it what do you think?

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