The Billionaire’s Creed

Chapter 67


On my last visit to my OB, she prescribed something for my morning sickness. I was also now on prenatal vitamins.

My baby was healthy. My little peanut had grown so fast. I felt like I had not been able to breathe freely until my OB announced my baby had ten fingers and ten toes.

I knew this trip would be a little bumpier than the last one-this time, I had to protect this little human inside me. I also had to keep my hormones at bay and ensure I would not throw up in front of Mykel.

“Baby, breathe.” Mykel looked me in the eye as he held my hand tight. “You’re gonna be fine, just like the last time.”

“Yeah. I know.” I nodded. We’re gonna be okay.”I’d rather sleep the entire trip.”

“Of course.” He smiled. “Thank you for doing this.”

“The least that I could do.” I closed my eyes. The last time I remembered was Mykel whispering sweet words into my ear while he brushed my hair with his fingers.

We finally landed. I used to be okay with the weather in LA, but this time, I felt like I needed a soak in the tub with ice cubes.

“Are you okay?” he kept asking me as we headed to the hotel.

“Yeah. I need cold water. I feel like I’m about to have heat stroke.”

He squeezed the bottle lid open before giving it to me with a smile. “There you go, baby.” He was making fun of me because he didn’t know what I had been through for the last couple of weeks. He was protective of me. I wondered if he would even take me to travel with him without consulting doctors if he figured out I was carrying his child.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

I was halfway to emptying the bottle when he called my name.

“Take it easy. Do you want me to adjust the air conditioner?”

“I’m fine. I’m not gonna break.”

Sax and Kye exchanged a look.

“Do you two have something to say?”

Mykel chuckled beside me.

“No, ma’am,” they chorused.

“Well, feel free to share it with the class,” I said sarcastically. “No one is stopping you.”

We arrived at the King Hotel. I didn’t appreciate the hotel room accommodation. There were rose petals on the bed, champagne on the table, beautiful flower arrangements, and chocolates and strawberries.

“Did someone tell the hotel manager that we were newlyweds?”

“We are technically newlyweds. We didn’t have another honeymoon, but you can ignore these.” He went to uncork the Champagne bottle.

“I pass the Champagne,” I said quickly.

Mykel snapped his head at me. “Really? Not even a sip?”

“Unless you want me to throw up.” I lay down in bed. My excuse seemed valid but until when? “I still feel queasy.”

“Okay. I know I’ve hurt you so much that would last a lifetime, but I want you to give me another chance.” He joined me in bed.

“I don’t wanna talk about it, Mykel. I’m gonna be a good wife for two days. I will act as you like, but we’re not sleeping together.”

“I don’t want you to act, Adley because you’re a good wife. I want you to be you. Jade would understand if you are hesitant. Who wouldn’t?” He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. “I’m not giving up on us. Once my son knows who I am to him, I’m gonna make up to you every day. Giving up is not an option here, and being a quitter is not my nature. You know me better than anyone. Hate me, that’s okay. But I’m gonna prove that you didn’t marry the wrong man. I made many mistakes, and marrying you and making you happy was not one of them.”


“Jade was renting a small apartment. When I first met them, their neighbors were fighting. I had to buy a three-bedroom apartment to ensure my son would live in a safer environment.”

We rode in the elevator to their apartment floor.

“This looks decent and safe,” I agreed.

“Yeah. His name is Zhaer Jax.”

I pressed my lips together as I felt the pain inside my chest. My gut twisted painfully that he got to call a son when it was supposed to be with me.

I felt Mykel link his hand with mine as we walked out of the elevator. In a few steps more, I was going to meet the woman he impregnated and had a son with.

He pressed the doorbell. My heart kept hammering in my chest.

Mykel felt my uneasiness in an instant. “It’s gonna be okay, baby.”

“Yeah. I feel like I’m gonna pass out,” I admitted. It felt the same as I was stepping into the airstairs alone.

Mykel wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed me on my head. “You got this.”

The door swung open, causing us to pull apart. I felt a knife twisted in my chest as I stared at her, smiling at Mykel. The woman he had a son with was beautiful and looked kind and friendly.

I was not a jealous person. Or maybe I had no reason to be jealous, not until this moment. It had proven that I didn’t hate Mykel. I was just resentful and envious.

“Baby, this is jade, Jax’s mom.”

She held her hand out, and I was just there staring at her and down at her hand. She was about to retreat when finally, I found my voice to say hi.

“Nice to meet you,” she said thoughtfully.

“Nice to meet you, too.” I shook her hand.

“Please, come in.” She stepped aside.

Mykel still had his arm around me. “Thanks.”

I looked around the apartment, and it looked fully furnished. I guessed that Mykel made this possible. There were photos of her and her son and toys on the floor that only proved Jax’s existence.

“Can I get you both something to drink?”

“Just cold water for her,” Mykel replied. “Thank you.”

“Have a seat, please?” She then walked to the hallway, probably the kitchen.

“Fly, batman!” Then the little boy just came out of the hallway, running toward the living room. He had a batman action figure in his hand as he let batman fly.

I wasn’t aware I was holding my breath until I had my hand on my chest. I wasn’t aware I had been staring at him until he stared back at me. I should not be shocked how he looked so handsome considering who the father was-he got his father’s eyes, hair, and even the cleft chin-the kid would not be mistaken for someone else’s. He was definitely Mykel’s.

“You’re mommy friend?” His voice was so soft and innocent.

“Hi.” I blinked back the tears. “Yes, I guess you could say that.”

“You have Superman?”

“I’m afraid I don’t have right now.” I found myself holding the little arm of the boy. “Aren’t you too cute? What’s your name?”

“Jax,” he answered shyly.

“I’m Adley.” I was playing with his tiny fingers.

“You friend Mykel?”

“Yes.” My hand voluntarily wiped the tears that I didn’t know were there. I looked at Mykel. It broke my heart, but seeing the look on his face as he smiled at his son-it was worth more than his billions.

“He gave me toys.”

“Oh, yeah?”

He smiled at his father and me.

“You have no idea how it takes for me to come to see you.” I cupped his face. I didn’t know why, but I just did-it came so naturally. I felt like there was an angel that touched my heart, and all I could do was protect this innocent child.

“Oh, my God.” Jade walked in, carrying bottled water and a glass. “I’m so sorry. He was usually shy to people he just met.”

Mykel took the water the glass from her. “Thanks.”

I lifted my gaze. “It’s okay. He’s nothing but adorable.”

“Can we play?” Jax went to his father and asked.

Mykel looked at Jade, silently asking for permission. When Jade nodded, he rose from the sofa and looked at me.

I smiled and nodded.

“Let’s go.”

Jade poured water into the glass. “This must be so hard for you.” She surprised me. Her words were immensely genuine.

I watched them go to the hallway, probably to Jax’s room. “You could say that.”

“I assure you, Mykel is here because he wants to get to know his child.”

“I know.” A tear dropped from my eye that I couldn’t hold it anymore. “I’m sorry.”

“Hey.” She held my arm. “Please, don’t be. He loves you. When he went to my old apartment, convincing me that he wanted to be a part of my son’s life, I wanted to hit him in the head. But when he talked about you, how you changed him, I realized that he wasn’t the man I met years ago.”

“He’s changed a lot,” I admitted.

“It was a one-time thing that I regretted. The only thing I never regretted was keeping my child. Mykel truly wants to let his son know he’s the father. I know how hard it is for you. When I first saw you, I instantly knew that look in your eyes.”

“It’s been hard since he left to see Jax. We haven’t been on good terms since then. A part of me that I can’t be selfish, even if it breaks my heart. The kid needs his father, his parents. I can’t take that away from them.”

“I guarantee you the reason why I made that condition with Mykel is to protect my son. I can’t watch Jax getting hurt. He’s everything to me, and I know you understand what I mean. And I want to make sure that his wife will never hurt my child.”

I smiled even if I could barely see her face. “I could never do that.” Somehow, I felt my chest lighten up a little. “He’s Mykel’s son. I can see that now.”

“How far are you? First trimester?”

My smile faded as I watched her in horror. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Jade looked at the hallway before she faced me. “He doesn’t know yet?”

I swallowed hard.

“Oh, Adley. I’m so sorry.”

I burst into crying. I realized that Jade and I might have an instant connection. Maybe because we were both mothers, if someone saw us right now, no one would have thought we just met less than an hour ago.

“It’s gonna be okay.”

“I’m sorry.” I pulled facial tissue from my bag.

“I understand. Hormones were my worse enemy. I was alone at that time. I was still in college, working at the studio. I puked a lot, I didn’t have enough sleep, but I still got up every morning because I had to finish college and think of the unborn child inside me.”

“I’m sorry that you had to go through that alone.”

“Don’t be. I’m happy right now. My kid is healthy, and I couldn’t be more proud of him. You have to tell him, Adley. Pregnancy will eventually grow each week, you know,” she whispered the last sentence.

“We didn’t plan this. I was on the pill.”

“I hate to be a buzzkill, but he was using a condom.” She saw me wince.

“I’m not ready. Please, don’t tell him.”

She chuckled. “It’s my secret to tell. But your secret is safe with me.”

“Appreciate that.”

“I’ve read a lot of books while I was pregnant. Guys will know if they’re sleeping with pregnant women. Mykel ignored the signs, or you haven’t slept with him.”

I looked down at my fingers.

“Look, Adley. Somehow, my son is the reason why you two are not on good terms right now. Please, don’t hate Jax.”

My eyes flew to her as I shook my head. “I can’t and would never hate him. I admit I was jealous, but looking at him, melts my heart. Honestly, knowing what I have right now, I’m also protective of my own even if I still have months before I can have my baby in my arms.”

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