The Billionaire’s Creed

Chapter 64


Gripping his hand off my thigh under the table, I gave him an I-wish-I-could-say-the-same-thing-look. “Morning.”

“Mr. Everette Kross and Mrs. Amelie Kross have two residences, a beach house, four personal vehicles, a yacht, thirty-seven million dollar cash in the joint bank account, and an eighteen percent combined share at the Kross Corp.” That made me the twenty-eight percent shareholder of the corporation.

“A trust fund that was already transferred to their beneficiary only daughter, Adley Kross, when she turned nineteen. The remaining assets mentioned and written on this writing will be transferred upon signing the document by the beneficiary.”

I listened to my parents’ lawyer as he continually explained other points in the document. So this was all the sacrifices all about?

“As witnessed by Mr. Mykel Creed, the spouse of the beneficiary. Any question?”

I remained tight-lipped. So, this is it. This was what we went to all this trouble for?

“No further question. How about you, Adley?” My grandfather asked.

I met his gaze. “I don’t know, but I feel this isn’t right.”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Of course, it is, Adley. This your parents’ assets,” Mykel remarked.

“Honey, this has been a long wait. Unless you want to pass it to your kid.”

For a moment, I froze.

Mentioning a kid while Mykel was beside me terrified me the most. The fact that we were in this situation because of a kid, I was also keeping the truth from him that would change the course of our lives in a blink of an eye.

“Baby, if you need some time alone, you can have it. I know this is a lot to take in. No rush, but I know your parents were also waiting for this moment.”

I lifted my gaze from the document on the table, meeting his. “I hope so.”

I swallowed hard as I picked up the documents. Then I picked up the pen offered by my parents’ lawyer. My fingers were shaking.

“It’s okay,” Mykel whispered to me. “Take your time.”

I let go another breath before I scribbled my signature on the documents. “Done.”

Mykel signed next as the witness.

“This journal is strict with specific instructions to be handed to you personally. It’s your mom’s.” The attorney pushed the worn-out old brown leather journal in front of me.

“Thanks.” I looked at it and wondered what was so special about it other than maybe it was Mom’s diary.

Everyone just congratulated me while my mind was still in chaos. I literally dragged Mykel and myself into this situation. Now I had it; it did not make me feel any better. It didn’t make me any less greedy. I became that person-a selfish woman I started to despise. I felt I had betrayed my parents and used Mykel to get here.

The Champagne bottle popped, startling me. The cheers erupted. I sipped the Champagne just to make sure my secret was safe with me. I remained seated in silence, blocking off the noises around me.

As everyone celebrated my win, it became too much. I rose to my feet, rushed out of the room, and ran toward the nearest restroom. My stomach coiled. Bile rose in my throat. I managed to find an empty toilet before I threw up everything I ate into the bowl.

I did again until there was nothing left.

“Adley, are you in there?” It was Mykel. He must have followed me.

“I’m fine.” I cleaned up before I got out. I went to the sink to gargle my mouth.

“Are you okay?” He touched my back.

“I said I’m fine.”

“I know this is overwhelming-”

I looked him in the eye. “I used you. I got what I wanted. Why do you think I would still want you?”

He looked taken aback. His face contorted with pain. “I wish you did not just say that.”

“That’s our deal, isn’t it?”

He shook his head. I watched him swallow hard. Then a grimace lingered. “Our marriage is not about getting what you want anymore. It became more real to me since I started to care about you and eventually fell for you. I did not regret my decision, Adley. I will always be here for you, even if this is over. You are still my wife, and I still love you no matter how much pain I endure, no matter how hatred you throw at me. I know you are hurting, but so do I. I know you are a good and wonderful person, and you are the same woman I met months ago. If you are doing this to me to hurt me-” He shrugged. “You succeeded, baby.”

“You are wrong. You’ve changed. I’ve changed. I hate to tell you this, but I’m not the same woman you once knew.” I turned to walk away.

Mykel had my arm in his grip. “Adley, your pain is my pain. Your suffering is my suffering. I feel that you struggle and feel abandoned at your most vulnerable, but trust me. I never wished this to happen between us. I’m doing my best to fix this, but I can’t do this alone. Marriage and relationships won’t triumph if I’m the only one who’s willing to make it work.”

“I don’t think I can do this. I don’t think I can be with you anymore.” I blocked my emotions and trapped the bleeding in my chest. I suppressed the intensity of the pain inside me, at least before I was out of his sight.

“I know, I should have done that a long time ago, but I can’t go back. It’s happening. I’m a father, Adley-”

I forced back the tears forming in my eyes. I didn’t want to cry. I couldn’t and wouldn’t cry again.

“I’m a father to a three-year-old boy. I was supposed to be there for him. You have no idea how hard life he endured over the years. I’ve wasted money and time while my son could not even sleep in a good bed. I can’t abandon him now. He doesn’t even know me, and it fucking hurts. I want you to understand me, and I know you do. I need you so bad right now. I need you as my strength because I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore, but I don’t want to fail again. I feel like I’m grasping for something untouchable. I’m lost. All I need is for him to know me as his father. And I need your help for that.”

I snapped my head and looked right into his eyes. “You need me for that?”

“His mother won’t introduce me to our son until you’re okay with this. I know it’s selfish and too much to ask, but please, I’ve had enough hate and suffering for my father for twenty years. I don’t want to endure that for the next twenty years of my life.”

I stared at him in shock. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

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