The Billionaire’s Creed

Chapter 60


It was the longest and most excruciating three minutes of my life. I was staring at the six kits aligned on the sink, and with each second ticked by for a whole minute, I felt like my heart burst out of my chest, and my stomach coiled tightly. I wanted to throw up.

I was anxious, terrified, and confused. And at the same time, I was excited to know the outcome. Two minutes had passed, and there was still no result. I paced back and forth in the bathroom while chewing my cheek.

I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know to break the news if the result turned out positive. I didn’t know to deal with it. I didn’t even know if I could be a good mother. For the first time, I had no clue. On the other hand, this was not a part of the plan. At least, not right now.

I just burst into crying. There are many things I want to experience, but not quite being a mother.

“Adley, you’ve been there for five minutes. I’m gonna tear this door down and come in if you don’t get out of there in this instant,” Blaze warned me with a constant knock.

My chest was heaving. I tried to hold back my sob, but it didn’t work.

“Just a sec.”

“Sure. Just a sec.”

I had waited for the moment of truth, and it finally came. It took me a few shaky steps before I made it to the sink.

A gasp passed my lips. My hand clamped my mouth. My world just crumbled down on me. I felt like I was sucked under, through the deep of endless darkness. I kept falling and falling until someone just held me and dragged me out.

“I can’t do this. I can’t do this,” I repeatedly chanted, hoping it magically changed the result, but it was crystal clear from the six strips I used. They were like mocking me back.

“Of course, you can.” Blaze dragged me out of the bathroom and let me sit on the bed. He wiped the hair off my face. “Look at me.”

I shook my head. “I don’t think I can do this.”

“Look at me.” His command made me freeze. “Look at me, Adley.”

I opened my eyes and looked at him through my blurry sight.

“Pull yourself together. You can do this. You are the strongest woman I’ve ever met who changed the course of her life, stood for what she was passionate about, and went against her fate and fought for what rightfully belonged to her. You are that woman. You are stronger than you know. Stop crying and get your act together now that you will be a mother. Be brave because, as of this moment, you are not alone anymore.” Blaze kept shaking me until I nodded at him. “You have a little peanut growing inside you, Adley.”This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

The word little peanut made me chuckle and cry at the same time.

“You can cry and be like this weak loser or be the Adley I once knew. But it will affect baby peanut. Now wash your face and freshen up because we have a little ice cream party to celebrate.”

I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I checked myself and my tummy, but nothing visible had changed yet. After I washed my face, I went back to Blaze, who was already eating the ice cream.

I joined him in bed and sat Indian-style. I took my spoon and slurped the melting dessert.

“You can’t tell anyone, Blaze.” I looked him in the eye. “You can’t tell anyone, especially Elise and him.”

“You mean the father of your child?”

“Yes.” I looked down at the food in my hand.

“You can’t hide this forever. Yes, for a while, but eventually, pregnancy will grow. Your tummy will grow big as if you just swallowed the entire watermelon.”

“Jeez, I know that. Let me figure things out first.”


“I’m moving out of his house. I might buy my own apartment.”

He shook his head in disapproval. “If he will let you, especially once he finds out you’re carrying his child.”

“He can’t force me,” I insisted.

“You wanna keep it?” His words were hesitant.

“Yes. This is my child.” I pointed at my still flat tummy. “You said that I’m a strong woman-”

“You are, Adley. If you wanna do this, you have to tell him. I know you can do this alone. You never depend on anybody but yourself since from the start, especially on a man. But do you really wanna raise your child alone? You can co-parent if you want to divorce Mykel. But why don’t you hear him out? Single parenting always affects the child’s growth. Eventually, your baby peanut will ask for the father.”

“He lied to me.”

“I don’t think it’s his intention. You can’t hate him. He was an arrogant son of a bitch months ago before you met him, but he’s changed a lot. He took responsibility for what he did years ago. He helped that woman even if she tried to destroy his image. Who would do that if not someone who valued his principle? You can’t also hate his kid if it’s his-”

“I didn’t say that-”

“But it feels like it to me, Adley. Imagine the mother raising her child alone. And not everyone is as privileged as you and Mykel. She raised the kid alone. Months of sleepless nights while she thought of how to buy diapers and milk, and-”

“I get it, Blaze.” I snapped. “I told you I don’t hate them. And the child is innocent. If there’s someone to blame, it’s Mykel.”

“That’s why he’s making it right. I know it’s gonna hurt, knowing that he has a kid, and you’re having a kid. The attention would be divided, but if you care even a little bit, start accepting the possibility that you have to meet the kid one day. Start accepting that Mykel has made mistakes in his past, but he still chooses to be with you and tell you about it. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for him knowing he’s gonna hurt the woman he loves.”

“It hurts.” My eyes filled with tears again.

“I know. Life isn’t always easy. At least he told you before you learn it from someone else.”

“I need your help.”

“You know you don’t have to ask me. I will always be here for you. What do you want?”

“I need to see a doctor.”

“Good. And no more wine.”

“Of course.”

“Let me get you an appointment.”

“Do you even know a doctor?”

“Easy, peasy. Let’s start with a maternity hospital.”

I watched Blaze scroll through the internet, searching for the maternity doctor. I patiently waited while he was busy on his phone. I munched on the melting ice cream. I was stress eating, and I felt hungry as well.

“We can take tomorrow in the afternoon. Do you feel any changes?”

“No?” My answer came out unsure.

“Dizziness or something?”

“I don’t think so.”

“That’s great. Done. We have an appointment.”


I felt great when I woke up. Blaze must have left to work already. I had breakfast with Grandpa in the garden. I knew he had a lot of things to ask. I could see it in his eyes, but he chose to stay quiet and smile instead.

In the afternoon, I went down to find Romare waiting for me downstairs. “What are you doing here?”

“Doing my job, Mrs. C. I’m driving you wherever you want. So, where to?”

“I don’t need your service anymore, Romare.” I passed by him.

He still followed me even if I had already dismissed him. “Let me drive you, ma’am.”

I turned around, glaring. “You’re fired.”

“You can’t just fire me, ma’am. Mr. Creed is paying for my services. Unless he says so, then my job is done.”

I didn’t want to ruin my mood. I felt good today, and I may need him in the future, but I knew he would report back to Mykel. So I made a plan.

I sighed deeply. “Fine. Drive me to K&B.”

He opened the door for me. I willingly climbed into the car.

We arrived later on. I thanked Romare and told him to stay at the reception. I literally ran toward Blaze’s office as soon as Romare was out of my sight.

“I thought you’re not gonna show up.” Blaze buttoned his suit and walked toward me.

“You look good in that chair.”

He rolled his eyes. “Shut up. Let’s go.”

I held his arm. “We can’t go to the reception without Romare noticing us. We have to use the back door. I don’t want him to tell Mykel that we’re visiting a doctor.”

“Good idea.” He nodded. “We may have to hire a cab.”

“Cab is fine.” We went to the exit door in a hurry. Thankfully, we were able to hire a cab as soon as we got to the street.

I suddenly felt uneasy. My palms were sweating, and my pulse was so fast.


“Maybe this is how I’m supposed to feel.” My brows furrowed.

“You’re gonna be okay.” He squeezed my hand.

We almost didn’t make our appointment on time.

“Adley Kross?” I could barely catch my breath when the nurse called my name.

“Yes, it’s me.”

“Kindly fill up this form, please?”

“Thank you.” I wrote down the necessary information when I thought twice if I should cross the marital status or not.

“Just do it. You’re overthinking again. Remember, you can’t lie in your file.”

“Fine.” I crossed married and wrote down the husband’s name.

I was done when the nurse came back. “I will call you in a few minutes.”

Again, the waiting was making me anxious until Blaze squeezed my knee.

“I’m not the one pregnant, but you’re making me wanna puke. Take a deep breath.”

“Easy for you to say-”

“Adley, please follow me.”

“Can he come with me?” I asked the nurse.

“Of course. The baby daddy-”

“Oh, no! I’m not the father!” Blaze laughed out loud. “Her husband is on a business trip out of town, and this is supposed to be a surprise when he returns tomorrow. I’m just the overly excited uncle.”

“Oh, great. Come on in.” The nurse smiled gleefully.

I took a couple of deep breaths before I lay down on the bed in a hospital gown because looking at the machine around me was already terrifying.

“Your first baby?” Doctor Chesca smiled brightly at me.


“It’s always terrifying. You keep asking yourself if the baby is gonna have ten fingers. It’s normal, dear.”

When the nurse raised my gown, I held my breath.

“Breath, dear.”

“Sorry.” I held Blaze’s hand, squeezing it. When the probe was placed on my lower tummy, I almost jerked. It was cold with that clear jelly.

I focused on the screen as she began moving the probe. It didn’t take a moment until a small round thingy appeared on the monitor.

“That’s your baby, Adley. Congratulations!”

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