The Billionaire’s Bride: Our Vows Do Not Matter

His world

The heavy metallic door clicked shut, its echo reverberating through the dimly lit corridor, a chilling finality that made Cathleen’s skin prickle with unease. As it thudded closed, it seemed to sever her connection to the outside world, plunging her into Xavier’s enigmatic realm. The sound of the latch sliding into place signaled an irrevocable commitment to whatever awaited inside.

The door itself was a formidable barrier, its surface etched with intricate patterns that seemed to whisper stories of past encounters within these walls. Each scratch and dent told a silent tale of secrets and desires hidden behind its imposing facade.

Cathleen hesitated for a moment, her hand lingering on the cold metal handle before she steeled herself for what lay beyond. With a deep breath, she crossed the threshold into the unknown, her heart pounding in anticipation of what Xavier had planned next.

“Fuck,” she muttered under her breath, barely audible over the pulsing bass that vibrated through the red-carpeted floor of the empty lobby. Rows of lockers loomed to their right, a silent testament to the secrets they held.

“Keep up, Cat,” Xavier’s voice cut through the heavy air, a command wrapped in velvet but edged with steel.

Cathleen’s stilettos tapped a staccato rhythm on the polished floors, echoing through the dimly lit corridor as she hastened to catch up with Xavier’s receding silhouette. Her heart raced, not merely from the physical effort of keeping pace but also from the anticipation swirling within her. With each step, she felt like she was on the brink of unraveling the intricate mystery that shrouded Xavier Knight, her husband.

The hallway they traversed was lined with ornate tapestries depicting ancient battles, their vibrant colors contrasting sharply against the subdued lighting. The air carried a faint scent of leather and musk, adding an alluring edge to the atmosphere. Cathleen’s sharp gaze darted around, taking in every detail-the subtle flicker of candlelight casting wavering shadows on the walls, the intricate carvings adorning the wooden doors that lined the passage, each hinting at a world beyond.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

As she drew closer to Xavier, his form came into sharper focus. The play of shadows accentuated his chiseled features, emphasizing the hard lines of his jaw and the intensity in his eyes. His posture exuded power and control, every movement deliberate and purposeful. It was as though he commanded not just space but also time itself.

He stopped abruptly, and she nearly collided with his broad back. His gaze locked onto hers, intense and unyielding.

“Cat, I know you are hotheaded, but this isn’t the place. Here you submit and listen to me, yeah?” His words were a caress and a slap at once, sending conflicting waves of anticipation and trepidation through her.

She swallowed hard, the lawyer within clawing at her throat, yet she found herself nodding-silent submission.

“Good.” He held her stare for a moment longer, those eyes drilling into her soul. “Remember, what happens here… It’s sacred. Private.”

“Understood.” Her voice was a whisper lost in the cavernous space between them.

Without another word, he turned on his heel, and she followed him, her mind racing as fast as her heart. This labyrinth they ventured into was his world, one where the rules she so masterfully manipulated in courtrooms meant nothing.

Here, Xavier was a judge, jury, and executioner. And she, Cathleen West, the untouchable celebrity lawyer, was about to become his most willing defendant.

Xavier’s voice sliced through the thumping bass, a command wrapped in velvet. “No pictures are allowed here, and I mean no fucking pictures.” His voice was firm, unyielding, a cold gust in the heated atmosphere.

Cathleen’s head bobbed once, curtly. The thrum of her heartbeat turned erratic, hammering against her ribs. Her lips parted, but no sound came out-she understood the gravity, the secrecy cloaking this space like a second skin.

He didn’t wait for more than her nod, striding forward with an ownership that spoke volumes. She trailed him, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts, of nerves coiling tight in her stomach. It was she who had pushed for this, yearning to peel back the layers of Xavier’s mysterious existence. Yet now, with each step deeper into his realm, a shiver of fear mingled with her desire.

“Something you like?” His eyes flicked to hers-a challenge there. “Just stop and stare. Take it all in.”

A silent assent; her throat too tight to form words.

They arrived at the lockers, stark metal boxes contrasting the luxurious setting. Xavier effortlessly spun the dial on one locker, the loud click echoing in Cathleen’s ears. He casually stashed his phone inside, emphasizing the significance of his actions to her.

“Your turn,” he said, casually as if they were at any mundane gym.

Cathleen’s purse followed suit, her movements robotic. The locker door shut with a clang, sealing away the last vestige of her outside life.

Xavier extended his arm toward her, an unspoken lifeline in this ocean of uncertainty. She latched onto it, clinging to the solid reality of his presence. Together, they moved from the lobby into a cavernous expanse that set every nerve ending on fire.

Dim lights cast long shadows, dancing across the scattered tables like wraiths at play. A bar hugged the wall, its surface gleaming dully under the muted glow. A woman there juggled bottles with a showman’s flair, her movements fluid and mesmerizing.

“Welcome to my church,” Xavier murmured, his voice a dark melody against the backdrop of licentious whispers and moans filtering through the air.

Cathleen’s breath hitched. This was no mere club-it was a temple of sin, a sanctuary for the flesh. And she was its newest acolyte, standing on the precipice of revelation, with Xavier Knight-the enigmatic high priest-guiding her fall.

The sharp clack of stilettos echoed through the dimly lit club, pulling Cathleen’s focus away from the bartender’s bottle tricks. A mysterious figure glided past her naked, a captivating sight in strappy heels that accentuated her legs and a leather choker hugging her neck, the subtle light playing on her glistening skin. Cathleen’s eyes darted to Xavier, studying his expression intently for any flicker of emotion or hint of his inner turmoil. The clack of stilettos on the tile jarred Cathleen’s attention from the bottle-flipping bartender. A woman breezed by, a vision in nothing but strappy heels and a leather choker, her bare skin gleaming under the club’s sparse light. Cathleen’s gaze snapped to Xavier’s face, searching for a sign, any indication of his thoughts.

“Unexpected?” His voice was a low rumble over the pulsing music.

“Quite,” she admitted, her voice steady despite the surreal tableau unfolding around them.

Their interlude was cut short as another figure sauntered into view. Thong-clad, the woman’s mouth was gagged with a pink silicone dog bone, straps hugging her cheeks tight. Cathleen couldn’t tear her eyes away; it was like watching a car crash-horrifying yet utterly compelling.

“Jesus…” she murmured under her breath.

Xavier leaned in, his voice a dangerous whisper that tickled her ear. “Don’t worry, Cat. Play nice, and I won’t have to muzzle you.”

A forced smile tugged at her lips, but her gut twisted. Regret washed over her, a cold tide. She had wanted this-to know him, the real Xavier Knight. But standing here, amidst the deviant splendor of his world, she yearned for the ignorance she’d lost.

“Let’s move,” he commanded.

Each step echoed too loudly, her heartbeat a relentless drumbeat in her ears. Every sense was heightened, every nerve alight with a frenetic energy she couldn’t name. This place, this man-they were overpowering, threatening to consume her whole.

And yet, she walked alongside him, drawn to the fire like a moth craving the blaze that would end it.

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