The Billionaire Mafia’s Slave




I was still feeling sick and feverish, I got down from small bed meant for me and sat on the floor.

I heard voices from outside then followed by the door to my room being opened.

“Lily”, it was him, I shivered not due to my fever but the way his voice sounds when he called my name, I was scared of him.

I raised my head to see it was the devil himself.

My face morphed from looking sick to disgust, I so much loathe him.

He kept trying to say something to me and every time he did, I interrupted him, I enjoyed it. But I was only making a grave mistake.

“You really need to know when not to speak back”, He said and I could see the building anger in his voice, I needed to test him more.

“Or what? You would kill me or hang me–“, I didn’t get to say it all when he rushed towards me like lightning speed and grabbed my jaw. I froze in shock.

“You have no idea how easy it would be for me to crush this jaw of yours in just zero point one second huh?”, He said to me with a sly look.

‘Oh God, what have I done?!’, I instantly regretted talking back at him, even when he warned me.

I struggled in his grip but he didn’t ease a muscle, rather his grip on my jaw tighten and I could almost see stars.

The tears came pouring down, I shut my eyes really tight so the tears would go away but it didn’t. I didn’t want him to think I was weak.

After a minute or two he let go of my jaw and I came crashing to the ground, holding both sides of my jaw in shock.

He said something but I didn’t hear it, I was too afraid and in shock.

‘He is a monster, he is the devil’, I said to myself.

I didn’t notice when he left.


The next day, a maid came to call me.

“Master wants you to come up for breakfast”, the young girl said.

She wasn’t too young but not up to 30 either, she was beautiful and fair.

I wasn’t interested in admiring her, right now I had other pressing issues.

“What?!”, I asked in surprise.

‘Why does he want me to come join him for breakfast?’, I asked myself.

“Why? what are his reasons?”, I asked the maid.

“I am sorry I can’t answer that”, she replied me, bowed and left.

Of course what did I expect, she wasn’t going to gossip about her boss to his prisoner.

I have been in this mansion with him for more than a month and he’s just asking me to join him for breakfast? Has he forgotten how he almost murdered me yesterday?!

I looked at the door where the maid left from and it was very wide open, normally it should be locked when I’m the only one left in.

‘Or is this his way of apologizing about yesterday?’, I almost laughed at my own impossible thoughts.

I walked slowly out of the room, a guard two feet behind me. With my heart racing with worry, I dragged my feet to where the maid was leading me to.

We came to a stop at the very large dining table, on it were assorted food.

My stomach rumbled when my eyes saw the meals I haven’t seen or tasted before.

‘Or was it just because I haven’t had any good food in a long time?’, I asked myself.

“Are you trying to eat the food with your eyes?”, I heard someone say.

I quickly raised my head from the table to where the voice came from, It was Nikolai and my heart raced again.

I swallowed hard and went to take a seat, he was seated at the top of the table and I took a seat just opposite from him. The dining table was for 14 people.

“No no. Come closer”, He said in his deep masculine voice. I quickly obeyed him and sat where he pointed for me, right next to him, I have learnt my lesson to not defy him.

“I heard from my guard that the meals you’ve been fed wasn’t quite okay… Now you can have whatever you want”.

He heard? Wasn’t he the one giving them the instructions to feed me those meal meant for a dog? I don’t believe him.

“Yes”, I could only say.

I took a clean plate and took various food, from pasta, to lasagna and I ate it like it was my last meal on earth, not caring if I wasn’t being ladylike.

“Do you like being choked?”, I heard him ask and with my cheeks like a chipmunk, I spat out the food in my mouth.

I looked at him with wide eyes, he just had a regular look on his face like what he just said was normal.

‘Is this guy crazy? How can he just say something like that as if it was okay?’, I asked myself.

The more I thought about his question, my cheeks started getting hot. I looked away from him and continued my food, this time slowly.

We continued to eat in silence but I noticed he barely ate anything.

‘Does he not like the food? Do he have an upset stomach? Does the way I eat make him disgusted?!’, I couldn’t help but wonder.

But fuck that! Why should I care about how he feels, he is a bad person.

“How do you picture me in your mind?”, He asked such absorb question.

I almost choked on my meal and he chuckled.

‘Who do he keep doing this to me?!’, I took a glass of water to stop myself from choking.

‘A monster’, I said in my head.This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

“A man”, I said out loud, not looking at him.

“Hm… not a monster? or a heartless soul?… or even the devil?”, He asked and I finally looked at him with my eyes wide open in shock.

‘How the fuck did he know that? Does he read thoughts?’.

“Uh, n-no I d-don’t”, I cleared my throat.

“Bad liar”, He said and smirk.

I didn’t know what to say to him so I just left it at that. If I was a bad liar then so be it, at least I’m not a bad person like he is.

He stood up for his seat and I flinched.

“Did I scare you?… don’t be, I won’t hurt you if you know how to obey me”, he said and left, with a mischievous smirk on his lips.

Oh Lord, the breathe I didn’t know I was holding came out.

‘Was he done eating? But he barely touched his plate’, I asked myself. I shook my head to stop thinking and worrying about him.

I ate so much I could go one more week without food, I didn’t know when next I would receive such generosity.

“If you are done eating, I will escort you to your room Miss Lily”, The maid who came to call me said.

The excited in my heart diminished, what was I expecting? That I would never go back to being locked up in that room or that he would just let me go back to Papa? My hopes was raised just because of one stupid breakfast.

“Yes, I’m done”, I smiled faintly at her and stood up to follow her.

No guards was behind me this time which was weird, on a normal day, a maid was always in front of me and a guard behind in case I tried something not so smart.

I followed her but instead of going downstairs to the basement as usual, she went up the stairs.

I was too scared to ask her anything. ‘Was she taking me too Nikolai’s room? Did he really give me a nice meal so he could have sex with me finally?’, I thought but I already saw him leave the mansion.

I kept my mouth shut and followed her, my senses awake.

I followed her till we stopped at a door, she didn’t say anything and just looked at me. I also stared at her in confusion too.

“Uh, wha–“, I didn’t finish my sentence before she spoke.

“This is the room master instructed you stay in from now on”, She said and opened it, my jaws dropped in awe.

It was a thousand times bigger, better, beautiful and bright than the one I was locked in before.

I slowing walked in, admiring the decorations and furnitures. It wasn’t heavily decorations, one could see it was rushed, but I didn’t care, I liked it here than the other.

“Oh my– what–“, I couldn’t find the right word.

I swear I shouldn’t be happy about all these, I mean this man practically kidnapped me, I should be raging and throwing tantrums, planning multiple escape plans but… you needed to see this room and the mansion.

“If that is all, I’ll be on my way. Call me if you need anything Miss Lily”, The maid said as she gave a little bow and left.

I’ve also noticed the maids being nice to me. Before the breakfast, they all treated me like I was some sort of a peasant or a common girl wishing she had it all.

I don’t know if they know how I ended up here.

I shook my head to get rid of negative thoughts, I went to the window side and I was happy I could finally see the sun and the sky.

I hoped it will continue to be like this until I come up with a better plan of escape, I need to do as Nikolai says, maybe I could slowly gain his trust enough for me to leave here.

But why is it I feel something is going to go wrong in the future, like very soon.

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