The Billionaire I Fell In Love With

Chapter 170

Catherine ordered Aimee to get Maria after she was sure Irish has gone to bed.

Maria walked into her room with Aimee and Catherine sat up on her bed.

“You all should go to bed” She said to her personal maids who were looking tired and sleepy. They bowed and hurried to their rooms.

“Hi Madam Catherine” Mariaa said.

“Hey, i want to ask you something now and i want nothing but the truth okay?” Catherine said and Maria nodded, she was in her pajamas, ready to go to bed when Aimee came to get her. She knows what all this is about.. Catherine want to ask her about Irish.

“I know you’re now so close to that thing, i want you to tell me everything you know about her that we don’t. Everything” Catherine said.

“I.. i don’t understand Madam Catherine”. Maria said, feigning ignorance.

“I mean, is there anything off you noticed about Irish, like is there something she’s trying to hide from us?” Catherine asked.

“No Madam Catherine, since i started working as her personal maid, I’ve not noticed any weird move from her, i don’t think there’s something she’s trying to hide, she’s always her normal self whenever we’re together” Maria said.

Catherine sighed “Are you sure?”

“Yes Madam Catherine”

“If i find out there’s something you aren’t telling me, I’m not going to spare you, trust me” Catherine threatened.

“I would never lie to you Madam Catherine, you’ll forever remain my boss and I’ll always be loyal to you. I can be watching her closely if you want” Maria suggested and Catherine’s eyes lit up. “Exactly!” She smiled. “I like the fact that you’re so smart. I want you to watch her closely and give me a detailed report on whatever she does”

“Okay Madam Catherine” Maria bowed.

“You’re going to get a huge reward from me” Catherine said, impressed with Maria.

“I’ll try to do my best ma’am” Maria smiled.

“Alright, you can go to bed now” Catherine said.

“Goodnight Madam Catherine”

“Goodnight Maria” Catherine smiled.


Ethan walked into the kitchen in the dead of the night.

He couldn’t sleep, he kept tossing in bed.

He was so worried, scared and confused after receiving Irish’s text.

He’s going to see Irish again tomorrow.. he’s glad but he’s so confused and doesn’t even know what to do.

Is she going to talk to him?

Will she finally leave Morgan and come to him? Or just to taunt him?

Will she come back to him?

Why the sudden meet up? He knew he should be happy he’ll be seeing her but….

Different thoughts ran through his mind at the same time that he felt exhausted.

His mind is unsettled.

He opened the fridge door and took out a carton of milk, he glanced round for a glass and concluded that was too much trouble, so instead he raised the carton to his lips. The milk was so cold and refreshing.

He savoured the richness before wiping the smear from his upper lip with the back of his hand. He sat on one of the chairs in the kitchen and gulped more of the milk.

Somehow, Irish’s words reassure him, she had told him to be patient but he didn’t know what to expect tomorrow, he assured himself that he should be able to handle anything that comes his way.

He’s ready for it.


“Everything will be fine” Mrs Harlow said to him the next evening he was ready to leave for the restaurant.

The appointment was scheduled for 3:35pm and it’s almost time, he had gotten up late and hurriedly took his bath and dress up.

Arin and Jessica were still taking their nap, they get to sleep more on weekends. Mr Harlow patted his back affectionately.. “Anything that happens, just take it as part of life okay?”

Ethan nodded, he quickly gulped the coffee Mrs Gabrielle prepared for him.

“I just wonder why the sudden meet up” Mr Harlow said, sighing.

Ethan thanked them and then headed out.

He’s having a dinner things will turn out good but he can’t rely on that.

It’s just a hunch.

He somehow felt nervous to be seeing Irish again after a week and he’s somehow mad he’ll be seeing her with Morgan.


Irish walked into the restaurant with Catherine and Morgan accompanied by some bodyguards.

She darted her eyes everywhere for Carl as they moved to their reserved seats, she sighted him and Max and two other unknown men at the far edge of the restaurant reception.

Carl winked at her and she tried to hide her smile, she quickly removed her gaze not wanting Morgan to suspect anything.

Morgan seems to have booked the whole restaurant as there’s no single soul around. Catherine had refused to come with them, she said she’d feel embarrassed to be seen eating and dining with her daughter’s Nanny. Morgan had did a great job in convincing her with the promise that the restaurant will be private.

The thought of seeing Ethan again after a week made her a bit nervous and she couldn’t believe she had taken extra time in getting dressed up.

She’s putting on a short black leather skirt, a red sweater and thigh-high boots, her hair was styled in her favorite style but with extra effort this time and it looked more beautiful.

As usual, her beautiful face glowed with no make up and even Catherine had to admit to herself that Irish looked more beautiful today.

Catherine wore a black satin gown that showed off her figure with black high-heeled shoes and an alligator bag.

‘so bad she’ll be going to detention dressed so beautifully’ Irish thought inwardly.

Maria had told her about the meeting she had with Catherine yesternight.

She admire Catherine’s smartness, so bad.. it’s too late already.

Morgan rocked one of his expensive tuxedo with great black shoes, a killer sunglass and grey face cap, he was all smiles as they walked on.


Irish, Morgan and Catherine were sitted on the chair specially meant for them. Different type of food filled the table.

Ramen Burrito,

Ramen Burger,


Fish tacos,

Mac and cheese pizza

Carne asada fries,

Triple A. And many more that Irish wondered if they’re going to finish it.

Wine weren’t excluded too.

“I invited Ethan” Irish said interrupting the silent Atmosphere.

“What!?” Morgan and Catherine yelled!.

“I’m sorry…. I just wanted to let Catherine know I’m trustworthy and for real.. I’m going to embarrass Ethan, right in front of you both. Morgan, I want you to ask me one question in front of Ethan” Irish said.

“What?” Morgan smirked.

He was pissed the moment she said Ethan was going but is now relieved with what she said. Catherine still look piss too.

“Ask me to choose between you and him, who I love and who I want to be the father of my baby,” Irish said.

“Ofcourse! And I guess I’m the one right?”

“Yes” Irish said.

Catherine remained silent, if she knew Ethan will be coming she would have putting on something more hotter than this.


Ethan arrive at the restaurant and walked in, his legs almost got paralyzed when he saw Irish. Not only Irish, Morgan and Catherine too.

Is this some sort of joke?

He stared at Irish and almost cried, he had missed her so very much.

“Come on Brother… And join us” Morgan smirked and Catherine sniffed.

It’s a good plan though and she hope it favors her, when Irish chose Morgan , Ethan will be left with no option than to chose her.

“Irish…. If you really want us to talk, let’s go elsewhere , I can’t sit here” Ethan said when he find his voice.

He badly wished he could swing her into her arms.

“I invited you here Mr Ethan… I insist you join our table” Irish said trying hard not to stare at me. He was looking very hot, hotter than the last time she saw him


Irish gave a go ahead to Morgan, meaning he should do the talking.

“Well Ethan, not here to waste your time as you know you’re not welcomed here” Morgan said and Ethan scoffed.

His gaze was fixed on Irish who wasn’t ready to return his gaze.

“Ethan, Morgan. I just want to clear the confusion and stat it clear of who I love so the other can go away and get a life” Irish said.

Ethan’s heart skipped a beat, Is Irish going to chose him? What if she chooses Morgan? Again! He sure won’t survive it.

He stared at Morgan who was grinning so hard making Ethan almost believe Irish’s going to choose him.

But he doesn’t want to give up yet. Catherine was staring at him too. Argh! He hates the sight of them.

“So my dear Angel, Irish…. Can you tell us who you love and will like to stay forever with? And who you want your child to grow up knowing as father” Morgan grinned.

Silence followed but Morgan and Catherine doesn’t seem to care. Ethan was the only troubled one.

“Well…” Irish said.

“Ethan” Irish smiled and both Morgan and Catherine were shocked.

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They had tears in Irish and Ethan’s eyes but Ethan stopped his from flowing.

Irish cried and he hugged her closely, wiping her tears.

“We’re going to have a baby Irish, together” He whispered to her and kissed her hair. She bursted into a loud cry, she had longed to hear ‘we’re going to have a baby’ again from no one else but Ethan and it happened!

Ethan understood how emotional she was now, he held her without saying a word, he only carress her soft hair.

They both seems to be unaware of the people around them, Morgan recuperating from shock while Catherine didn’t care, thinking the baby is dead anyway.

“Crying crystal” He teased and she smiled up at him, eyes glistening with tears.

He wiped her tears again and kissed her forehead.

“I’m sorry.. for causing you so much pain” She said in a voice barely more than a whisper. “I..” She continued but Ethan stopped her.

“I deserve an explanation but not now okay?” He said and she nodded.

He smiled as she touched his face with longing in her eyes.

She missed him as much as he missed her.

She’s back, with his baby still intact. He can’t be more happy and grateful.

He had prayed and his prayers was answered.

“What the hell is going on here!” Morgan slammed the table, sending some fries flying in the air. “You’re joking right?” He asked Irish breathing heavily.

“W.. what are you doing with him?” Morgan asked Irish, his whole body shaking in anger.

“What does it look like? He’s the one i love and i can never ditch him for anyone, not even themost handsome and wealthiest man on Earth, i was only in your house to get some things done and gladly it was accomplished, thanks for being a dunce all the while, you really made my investigation easier” Irish said.

Morgan felt like collapsing with shock, he stared at Irish in disbelief. His shock grew to rage and he made to hit her.

“Damn it!” Ethan scowled, grabbing Morgan’s hand halfway and twisting it behind his back. Morgan groaned in pain.

“How can you be so petty to want to hit a woman and not just any woman but my woman! While I’m here! You’re so funny” Ethan twisted Morgan’s hand tighter, making it more painful. Morgan struggled to release himself from Ethan’s tight and painful grip but he wasn’t strongenough and when Ethan finally released him, he staggered back and forth groaning in pain.

“I told you she’s not to be trusted Morgan! She betrayed you” Catherine yelled and Morgan regretted not listening to her.

How can he be so blind to everything!

It was so obvious, so clear but he just doesn’t know what clouded his sense of reasoning. He’ll make sure he doesn’t spare Ethan and Irish once he gets out of here.

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