The Billionaire And His One Night Stand


“You don’t like it? I have other ones like buttercup, honey bear, or kit–”

I interrupted him. “It’s okay, but I mean why pudding?”

He shrugged. “You’re sweet, adorable, and confident.”

“And how do you know that? You barely know me.”

He gave me a mysterious smile. “That’s why I’m sitting here to get to know you, duh.”

As if he thinks I’m interested in a conversation. Secretly, I am.

“So,” he continued. “Let us start over again, because when we met at Ximena’s office I was kind of… shocked.”


I recalled him being mad not shocked. “Your definition of shocked means mad in my dictionary.”

He chuckled, “Pudding that happens when I’m shocked. I yell.”

I shook my head. “You’re unbelievable and I say that because I already have experienced some of your unbelievable moments.”

“If you refer to the bathroom and Victoria secret incidents, those weren’t even close from unbelievable, pudding.”

I looked at Flynn when he said that. I noticed that his eyes were closed and his dark brows were actually graceful, but currently furrowed in a frown. He looked so peaceful like this, not like the arrogant and conceited jerk he always is. He’s quite nice around me lately and I wondered why? “A picture will last longer.” he mumbled, a small smirk playing on his lips.

My face turned fifty shades of red. How could he know that I was staring at him?

“And if you are thinking about how I know that you’re staring at me. You’re eyes are burning holes in my body.”Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

How the hell did he know that I was thinking about that? Geez. I decided to change the topic.

“So if you call me pudding, do I need to give you a nickname too?” He opened one eye and looked at me. “Do you want to give me one?”

I put on my thinking face. “What about Mr. conceited or Mr. Arrogant?”

“I suggest staying with Flynn.” he muttered at my choice of nicknames.

I laughed. “Come on Flynn, you should help me choose. What do you think fits the best on you?”

He turned his head towards me. “Mh, I would say sexy, hot, Greek god, but I would prefer you calling me daddy.”

“Mr. Conceited it will be then and ew, did you just say I should call you daddy?”

He snickered, “Yes, pudding. I prefer you calling me daddy.”

“Ew, hell no! Gross!” I gagged. Flynn burst out laughing. “You should have seen your face when you made those gagging noises.”

I shook my head. “You’re a freaking CEO of a multi-billion company and here you are acting like a high school bad boy.”

He shrugged at my statement. “I don’t really care. I have nothing to lose and bytheway I have dedicated my entire high school and college years to become this successful, the least I can do now is have fun.”

“But you got the company on a silver platter; your dad was the last CEO right? Isn’t it some kind of family business, like the oldest son gets the company kind of thing?”

Flynn scoffed at the question I asked. “Silver platter? Ha, I wished. If I wouldn’t bust my ass off at school he wouldn’t hesitate to give it to someone else who did. It doesn’t matter if it’s a family business or not.”

“I was just asking.” I replied in defense, turning my attention back to the water. Maybe having a decent conversation with Flynn wasn’t so bad after all. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.


I turned my attention back to Flynn when he said that. “I want to show you something.”

He grabbed my hand and I shivered when he did that. I never held his hand before, but it felt like my body recognized his touch, because I got goosebumps all over my body.

“What?” I asked as he dragged me towards the railing of the yacht. He let me lean against the railing as he stand right behind me. If he’s trying to copy the Titanic scene I wouldn’t hesitate kicking him in his balls. I’m not really a Titanic fan, the only reason I watched it was because of young Leonardo.

“From here you can see the Brooklyn Bridge, at night it is even more beautiful.” he whispered in my ear as he put his hands on my waist.

“Hands to yourself Vasilios.” I warned him as I playfully slapped his hands. He chuckled as he pulled his hands away from my waist. “It’s Flynn for you pudding.”

I rolled my eyes. “Are we going to stay till night?”

“Uhm no, my mom has a family dinner planned tonight. Did you have fun though, I mean today.”

I nodded my head. “The food was good, so yeah it was fun.”

He chuckled when he heard my answer. “Women and food.” he mumbled. “But do you know what’s even more fun?”

I was about to turn around and ask what, but before I could do that he scooped me up bridal style and walked closer to the railing.

I squealed when he did that. He is not doing what I think he’s doing.

“Flynn, put me down!” I exclaimed as I was trying to fight my way out of this position, which was useless. Flynn made it seem like I was a feather in his arms.

“Do you have a dead–” before I could finish that sentence he threw me in the water.



Jill Malik P. O. V

“I’m so glad you could make it tonight!” Ximena squealed and hugged me tightly. She looked drop dead gorgeous in her azure blue dress, it complimented her eyes. Her hair was in a messy bun and she wore a blue flower crown. She looked like a princess, but she had all the right to look like a princess tonight.

After all it’s her engagement party.

Reina and I were invited to Ximena’s engagement party. I was not sure if I could make it due so much work recently. Even though Ximena was my friend, I was still her employee and she expects the same from me as she does from other employees.

Hard work and dedication.

“Congratulations on your engagement.” Reina congratulated Ximena. Reina and Ximena knew each other through me. They weren’t really the best of friends, but they could get along really well.

“Thank you, how are you and Luca doing? I saw pictures of you guys in Daily mail.” Ximena said smiling as she looked at Reina who was wearing a black chiffon dress.

Reina blushed deeply. “He’s doing great… We’re just.. uhh friends.”

“Ah, that’s great.” Ximena replied not really convinced by the hesitant answer of Reina.

Ximena’s engagement part is held at the Manhattan penthouse. The venue was beautifully decorated and I wondered where Ximena got her wedding planner. Everything was perfectly arranged and the views from up here were spectacular.

The spacious Reception Room with elegant tables has arched windows on either side of the dance floor. There was also a beautiful bar with stained glass and oak paneling between the two doorways leading to the Ballroom.

I saw Blake coming towards us with a glass of champagne in his hand. He looked handsome in his blue tuxedo. His tousled black hair, which was thick and lustrous, was combed neatly into a man bun. It suited him.

“Hello Jill, how are you?” he asked as he extended his hand for me for a handshake.

“I’m doing well and bytheway congratulations on your engagement.”

He smiled. “Thanks, hope you have a great night so far.”

I nodded my head. “Yes totally, it’s beautiful up here.”

“It is.” he agreed. We talked for a while, but then he had to proceed to walk towards a table behind me to greet more people.

I decided to get something to drink at the bar, but halfway I got stopped by the trio that walked out of the elevator.

Flynn, Rodrigo, and Ellie.

“Jill!” Ellie squealed as she ran up to me. The pink lace dress she was wearing hugged all her curves in the right places. No doubt that she will steal the spotlight from Ximena tonight.

She hugged me tightly and when she released me I saw Rodrigo and Flynn behind her watching us with an amused expression plastered on their face.

“Hello Rodrigo.” I hugged him and he chuckled. Rodrigo is cute, I have to admit. That boy has the looks, but since the first time I’d met him it was clear that he didn’t see me as more than a friend.

“Nice to meet you again pretty lady.” He replied chuckling.

I released myself out of his hug and saw Flynn silently glaring at him. I raise my eyebrows up in confusion. What is wrong with him?

“Good evening Vasilios.” I said extending my hand to him for a handshake. He looked dumbfounded at my hand. If he thinks that I forgave him for what had happened in the yacht he is so wrong.

“No hug?” he pouted.

I rolled my eyes at him.

“I haven’t forgiven you yet Vasilios!” I replied flatly.

“What?!” he asked, the smile on his face disappeared. “It has been two weeks and it wasn’t so bad, pudding.”

“It was freezing cold you moron and I don’t forgive so easily.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Oh really?” he smirked. “I have sent you so many bouquets the last two weeks. Do you want more so you can forgive me faster?”

I shook my head wildly. The past two weeks he had sent me all types of flowers with a note that said ‘sorry’. Even though the flowers were pretty and I didn’t have the heart to throw them away, it took quite a lot of space in the living room and on the kitchen counter.

Last night Reina had to prepare dinner under a huge bouquet of Roses and sunflowers.

“Oh please don’t, my apartment look like a botanical garden right now.”

He laughed. “So, hug?”

I sighed defeated, “Fine, a hug.”

He walked up to me slowly and pulled me closer to him wrapping his arms around me. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around my small body.

It wasn’t like the quick hug Ellie or Rodrigo gave me. This was a real hug. The world around me melted away as I squeezed him back, not wanting the moment to end.

I always loved it when guys hugged me like this. For some reasons these hugs were so addictive and I always felt protected. It is the kind of hug I want to feel over and over again.

“Strawberries and whiskey.” he murmured as he inhaled the scent of my hair.

I gasped and pushed him off me. “What did you just say?” I asked shocked.

“W-what?” he looked confused at me.

“You said something…”

He shook his head. “I think I got lost in the moment.”

“You said strawberries and whiskey.” I whispered. The last time I heard someone saying that about me was six years ago.

“What do you know about that?” I whispered again.

He can’t be the one, can he?

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