The Billionaire And His One Night Stand


“Skinny dipping.” I said and with that I turned around, unhooked my bra and pull my panties down before dashing into the water.

###Chapter 28

Jill Malik P. O. V

“Are you coming? Don’t stand there like a wimp.” I yelled at Flynn. I saw the sour look on his face. I snickered, it feels so good to torture him. I swim further into the water and I could feel Flynn’s eyes burning on my back.

“Are you on your period?” I continued taunting him from afar. Even from here I could feel how annoyed he was.

His lips formed into a scowl and he narrowed his eyes at me. “If you want another baby, just say so !” he yelled at me from the shore. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. “You can keep your hands to yourself, Vasilios. C’mon the water feels so good.”

“Do you know how hard it is for me to stand here knowing so well that you’re totally naked there? It takes all of my will power.”

Poor Vasilios. But then again it feels so good to torture him.

I never thought it would be so easy for me to let Flynn into my life again. I thought that I would play hard to get, throw tantrums, ignore him, or even worse get back at him for what he did to me. Luckily, none of that happened. It all went so smooth and I’m actually glad about that. I’m happy that everything is behind us and that we can start fresh.

The only thing that we both need to work on is communication and trust. And who knows how long that will take.

“So you say that you can’t resist me huh?” I laughed derisive as I sputtered in the water. I know I was playing with fire, but I just could not let it. And besides, I knew he would not come into the water. Since I came back I saw so many changes. And the first change that I saw was that he had much more respect for me.

If we were in this situation three years ago he would not even think twice to jump into the water. Now, however he’s taking things slowly especially in situations like this. I really do put him on a test.

“I’m a man, Jill. I don’t think any man could resist a body like yours.” Flynn said as he sat down in the sand, next to my clothes and phone.

“So tell me about you being celibate. I’m… surprised.” I couldn’t help, but giggle at the last part. Flynn being celibate totally caught me off guard. I could not believe it that the womanizer turned into a nun.

Big change.

“I know right, but my hand does a pretty good job.”

“And when are you planning to dip your dick again in some… juice?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. The sun was almost under and the waves were starting to get higher.

Flynn bursted out laughing. “Seriously?” And then he turned serious. “Until you let me back into your life, pudding.”

“What if I would never come back Flynn? What if we are not going to be a thing anymore?” I wanted to hear what he has to say about that. It could happen. I’m not obligated to blew new life into our relationship that ended three years ago.

“But what If we do?” He asked, looking into my eyes. I could feel the chills all over my body and it was not because of the water. “You need to think positive. I believe in us. I know that we will be a thing again.”

“You’re so optimistic.”

“I’m trying to fix what I broke. I want to have you in my life, pudding. I don’t think I can live another year without you.” His voice was soft, almost pleading.

My phone rang and Flynn looked at the Caller ID. “It’s Aunty Lydia.” He said and wanted to pick up the phone.

“Wait, no!” I yelled out just in time. My heart was beating so fast. “I’ll pick it up. Turn around so I can change.”

Aunt Lydia still didn’t forgive Flynn and she would flip out if she knows I’m on vacation with him. Oh my god, thinking about her makes me so anxious. I don’t like to keep secrets from her, I’m not a teenager. And even if I was a teenager I seldom kept anything from her.

Flynn turned around like the gentleman he was and I hurriedly put on my panties and bra and picked up the phone. “Hey Tia.” I answered a little out of breath.

There was a long pause followed with a loud cry. My heart immediately started racing. What the hell is happening? All kinds of scenarios were playing in my head. “Tia, talk to me! What happened?!” I yelled out frantically. Flynn turned around and crouched down next to me. He took my hand in his and caress it softly.”Is everything alright?” He mouthed worried.

I heard sobbing in the background and then Aunt Lydia finally spoke. “Milan is in the hospital !”

Jill Malik P. O. V

One moment we were in South- Africa enjoying the beautiful sunset and the next we were back in the private jet on our way to Barcelona. My whole body was shaking and all kinds of thoughts were crossing my mind.

Milan is in the hospital.

Aunt Lydia didn’t say anything except that he was in the hospital, which made me even more concerned. Aunt Lydia could barely talk during the phone call, the only thing I heard were loud sobbing noises. What could happen to Milan? An accident? The flu?

I hated to stay so far away from him. I wished he could live with me like Amari. But I can’t be so selfish and drag him from one country to another. He already had friends at school in Barcelona and I didn’t want him to move to another country only for him to make new friends.

And now he’s sick. I hated moments like these.

I needed more information, but I will only get that when I will arrive in Barcelona. After we boarded the private jet Flynn took Amari to the bedroom, because she was getting fuzzy. We have been traveling for so long in the plane and she’s not used to that. She was enjoying the castle in South Africa and even cried when we boarded the plane again.

“Pudding, don’t think about it too much. I just called the hospital, I send one of the best doctors to treat Milan.” Flynn snapped me out of my thoughts as he walked out of the bedroom. He wore a navy blue shirt with black pants. I love seeing him dressed casual, it makes him so much more attractive. His muscles, sixpack, v-line. It was swoon worthy.

“Do you know what happened to him?” I asked averting my eyes from his sexy as sin body to his devilishly handsome face. But Flynn just shook his head. “No, the doctor’s on his way to the hospital. He will call me in twenty minutes or so.”

I sighed deeply and rested my head on my hands. The pain in my chest didn’t disappear. I just wanted to know if Milan is alright. “You shouldn’t have done that. The medical bill will be so high for Aunt Lydia and I.”

Flynn gave me a disapproving look. He sat across me and folded his arms and stared at me. “Jill, don’t worry about the medical bill. I’ve got it all covered. The only thing you should worry about is Milan.” His voice was stern, but gentle.

“Flynn, you don’t have to do everything for me. I can manage it on my own.” I mumbled, tapping my fingers on the table.

“I know you can, pudding. But I care for Milan too. So don’t worry.” He said softly. “I haven’t seen him in so long, you may not know it, but I actually missed him.”

A small smile appeared on my face. I never thought that Flynn would miss Milan. I knew he cared for him like an actual father, but it just never crossed my mind that he would miss him. I thought he just liked Milan to impress me.

“Where’s Amari?” I asked after a short silence.

“She’s sleeping in the room. Princess is so tired.”

“I bet she is. We only have been for a couple of hours on land. I’m so sorry we couldn’t stay in the castle. I really loved that place. I hope you get your money back for it.”

“It’s nothing. ” Flynn said, waving his hand in dismissal. “We can go back anytime we want, besides Milan is way important than our mini vacation.”



Finally we touched down in Barcelona. Amari woke up two hours ago and watched barbie on Flynn’s tablet. He couldn’t get any work done and Amari even accidentally send a barbie video link to one of his investors through whatsapp.

“There’s a black car waiting outside to bring us to the hospital.” Flynn said as we made our way to the exit of the plane. “Are you going to sleep at your aunt’s house?”

I nodded my head. “Yeah, I really want to invite you over, but I—,”

“It’s okay,” Flynn said, he opened the door for me and motioned for me to step in. “I’ll stay in a hotel.”

We stepped in the car and drove to the hospital. “Where are we, mommy?” Amari asked as she pressed her nose on the car window.

“In barcelona, princess. We’re going to visit Grandma Ly and Milan.”

“Granny and Milan?” She clapped excitedly in her hands as she made cheering noises.

A couple minutes later we arrived at the hospital. I lifted Amari up and walked inside the hospital followed by Flynn. At the front desk Flynn asked where Milan’s room was and the nurse guided us to the room. It was a private room in the second floor with all the amenities one needed. When we entered the room I heard the sound of a videogame and I immediately felt so relieved.

He was alright.

“You’re here!” Aunt Lydia jumped off the bed and walked towards me. She gave me a tight hug and then squatted down to pick up Amari. “How’s my little bella doing?”

Amari smiled cheekily. “I want Milan.”

Aunt Lydia brought her to Milan who was sitting on the bed playing a video game. He looked really pale from the last time I saw him. “He got a food poisoning.” Aunt Lydia said. “It was so bad, he had to be rushed to the hospital.”

From the corner of my eyes I could see Milan hugging Amari. He was such a caring big brother. I turned towards him and caressed his thick lustrous hair. “Hi mi amor.”

“Hey mom.” Milan smiled at me. “I have missed you.”

He was so big now. Nine years old. My big baby boy.

“I have missed you too, mi amor. As soon as I find myself a bigger house, I’ll bring you over to America okay.”

“But you said that the last time already.” He pouted.

“This time it is for real.”

Milan shrugged and continued playing his video game. He gave Amari a controller and my poor baby girl had no clue what to do with it.

“Talking about that,” Aunt Lydia placed her hands on her hips as she gave me a skeptical look. “We went from a regular room to a private room. How?!”

I bit my lip contemplating if I should tell her the truth or not.

And right at that moment, Flynn decided to walk in. Well, I guess there’s now only one way out. The truth.

“You!” Aunt Lydia yelled out as she stared at Flynn with anger visible in her eyes. Flynn took a step back. “Uhm…” He looked at me with a questioning look on his face. I haven’t told him that aunt Lydia was mad at him.

“Tia,” I held her by her upper arm so she would not run to Flynn and possibly murder him. That would be so bad. Who would pay the medical bill? I shook my head. That was such a stupid thought. I really need Aunt Lydia to forgive him. Everyone deserve a second chance.

“I forgave him.” I answered curtly.

She looked at me with a disapproving look on her face. “You what?! Are you stupid?! I don’t want to have him in this room.”

She was seething from anger. Damn, how much did she actually hate his guts?

“He’s actually the one paying for this room.” I told her, my heart stammering wildly in my chest.

Before Aunt Lydia could say something, Milan spotted Flynn. His eyes widened in surprise and he smiled widely. “Papa!” He squealed and jumped off the bed and ran towards Flynn.

Milan hasn’t seen Flynn since I moved to Jordan. He often asked about him, but my answer always stayed vagued. I was shocked when he called Flynn papa. Even after three years, he still remembers and loves Flynn.

Aunt Lydia face turned red from anger and she walked out of the room without saying anything.

My chest tightened in pain again. Now it’s not about Milan, but because I couldn’t stand seeing my two favorite people like this.

Jill Malik P. O. V

“I can’t believe you hija.. You brought that cheater here! You will get hurt again, you never listen!” Aunt Lydia paced back and forth in the living room. She was angry, her eyes were basically spitting fire. I was glad that Flynn took Amari for dinner, because that gave me some time to talk with Aunt Lydia alone.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“He changed Tia. He’s not like any other man that cheated.” I massaged my temples, because I am so tired of convincing her that Flynn changed. “You should give him one more chance, please Tia. For me and for Amari.”

Aunt Lydia let out a deep sigh and sat down next to me. “The things I do for you hija. I will do what makes you happy, because I know that’s what your parents want. You to be happy. If you’re happy with Flynn, then I cannot keep you away from him.”

“Thank you Tia. Gracias!” I hugged her tightly and hot tears rolled down my cheeks. The happiness I felt deep inside me was indescribable. “I’m so happy that you forgive him. You have no idea how relieved and happy I am now.”

“He’s a good father for Amari.”

I let go of Aunt Lydia and nodded my head. “He’s an amazing father for her. I should have known by the way he treated Milan. He loves kids.”

A small smile appeared on Aunt lydia’s face. “That’s the one thing I like about him. The way he treated Milan. He was too good.” She paused and continued, “But, if he’s going to hurt you again I will not hesitate to chop his balls off. I swear Jill, this time I will do it!”

I calmed Aunt Lydia down and chuckled. “It’s okay, don’t worry. It will not happen again.”

“He better not let it happen again.” She treated and stood up from the couch. “I’m going to prepare dinner. Is he coming over to eat.”

“No, he and Amari went out for dinner.”

She nodded and walked to the kitchen. I stayed behind in the living room to call Flynn up.

“Hey… it’s mommy, Amari.” I heard him say. “Hey, whats up?”

“Everything is settled. You can come bring Amari now.”

There was a short pause when I heard his voice ask, “Is she still mad at me?”

“No,” I answered. “She forgave you, actually.”

“Really?!” I heard the relief and excitement in his voice. “Damn, I’m so glad! I think I should buy her a trip to an exotic island. What do you think of Bora Bora or Maldives… Or no, no Santorini is beautiful—,”

“Flynn!” I cut him off. “Jesus, why do you want to buy a trip for her? Are you out of your mind?”

“Am I out of my mind?” he repeated, “Of course not! Your aunt forgive me. Do you know how happy I am right now? I don’t know what I would do if she would not forgive me. I know how important she is to you. So yeah, what do you think pudding? Santorini, Bora Bora, or wait.. wait..- Bali, that’s a pretty pla—,”

“Miguelitos.” I interrupted him.

There was a short silence and then Flynn spoke again,”Is that a new Island, because I have never heard of it before.”

I bursted out laughing. “No, it’s a pastry. Aunt Lydia loves it a lot. If you want to buy her something buy her a box full of Miguelitos and not a ticket to an expensive Island.”

“But, I want to spoil her.” Flynn whined on the other side of the line.

“You’ll have your entire life to spoil her.”

There was a long silence and I thought he ended the call. “Hello?”

“Did you hear what you said?” Flynn asked, “Jesus, Do you mean it?”

“I know what I said and yes I mean it. If I was not serious of getting us back together, do you think I would let Tia forgive you?”

“Right, of course. What does she like again? Mamamitos?”


“Oh okay, got it.”

“Where’s Amari?” I asked, I haven’t heard her voice. “What did you guys had for dinner?”

“She’s playing in the game arcade. We had burger and chicken wings.”

“So unhealthy.”

“Come on, mommy.” Flynn mimicked Amari’s voice. “This time only…” And then he went back to his normal voice and whispered. “The woman next to me looks at me like I’m crazy.”

I chuckled and said, “Anyways, I will see you two later.”

“Bye, pudding. I miss you so much.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “Bye.”


###Chapter 29

“I made paella enough for a whole soccer team. I hope you’re hungry.” Aunt Lydia said as I walked in the kitchen.

“Wow.” My eyes widened at the amount of Paella on the dinner table. “If you had told me that you would make so much food, I could have told Flynn not to buy dinner.”

“Well, at that time I was not sure If I would forgive him,” Aunt Lydia said as she placed two plates on the table. “C’mon dig in, I’m hungry. I have been in the hospital the whole day.”

Milan was currently still in the hospital. His favorite nurse came in the room and told us that we could go home and have a good night’s sleep. After all it was his job to watch over Milan. But Flynn protested and said that he wants to spend the night with Milan.

The nurse then told him to come back at nine pm, because that’s the time parents can come back to spend the night with their kid.

After we ate the delicious paella, Aunt Lydia cleaned up the table and I put the leftovers in plastic containers. “I’ll put paella for Milan, in case he gets hungry tonight.” I said as I was about to scoop some paella for Milan.

Aunt Lydia shook her head. “He’s not allowed to have food from outside. For now, he can only eat hospital food.”

“Oh.” I said.

When we were almost done cleaning the kitchen, there was a soft knock on the front door. “Must be Flynn.” I wiped my hands on the kitchen towel and walked to the front door. When I opened the door an exciting Amari jumped on me.

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