The Billionaire And His One Night Stand


“Nice to see you too… You changed a lot.” I said, giving him a side hug.

“Haha thanks. You too. You look more sophisticating.”

“Don’t let your girlfriend hear that.” I whispered, glancing at Reina who just rolled her eyes.

“Oh don’t worry, she’s totally fine with it.” he said with a reassuring smile.

“I’m fine with it, because she’s my bestfriend and she has a thing for that Vasilios boy. Otherwise I wouldn’t mind chopping your precious balls and flushing it down the toilet.” she threatened jokingly.

“Ouch, Vita Mia don’t be so harsh on my boys.”

“And.. I don’t have a thing for that Vasilios boy.” I added

“Keep telling yourself that honey.” Reina purred, wiping sauce off the table.

“What did you guys had for dinner?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Spaghetti by me.” Luca said proudly. ” We’re just cleaning up the mess we made in your kitchen. ”

“I left some for you in the fridge.” Reina said.

“Thanks guys, I’ll go change and take a shower.” I walked out of the kitchen and headed to my room.

I threw my bag on the bed and sighed. I can’t wait to take a long cold shower after a tiring day.

After I was done taking a shower I walked back to the kitchen to heat up the spaghetti. Reina was in the living room watching tv.

“How was work?” she asked, when I joined her with a big bowl of spaghetti on my lap.

I shrugged. “The usual. Tons of work, meetings, Ximena all stressed out.”

“I can’t imagine how tired Ximena is right now. With the wedding and stuff.”

I shoved a fork full of spaghetti in my mouth. It was delicious.

“Blake is doing the wedding.” I said, after I was done chewing.

“Really? Wow she’s one lucky girl. Anyway have you heard of your lover lately?” she asked teasingly.

I rolled my eyes. The past two weeks she called Flynn my lover. It all started after I came home from Barcelona and she demanded that I had to tell her everything that had happened between us.

When I told her he brought me to the Placa de Catalunya, she lost it. She started screaming and jumping up and down my bed from excitement, almost breaking my antique vase on my nightstand.

“No, and he’s not my lover.”

“Oh, he is. He has a crush on you.” she gushed.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

“Crush are for little boys. He’s a grown up man.”

“Age doesn’t matter. A crush is a crush.” she stated.

I rolled my eyes and continued eating my spaghetti. “This is good. Your man can cook.”

“Of course.” she smiled proudly. “I bet yours can too.”

“I don’t have one.”

“Oh you will. Flynn will ask you on a date. Sooner or later. Mark my words.”

I laughed. That will probably never happen, but I still replied with: “We will see.”

After I finished dinner I went back to my room to grab my laptop.

“Do you still have a lot of work to finish?” Reina asked when I came back in the living room with my laptop clutched under my armpit.

I nodded. Only the the thought of the amount of work I need to finish, is making me tired.

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep you company.”

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” I mumbled, plopping down next to her.

“Honey, don’t say that.” she playfully nudged me. “But this time, you should tell me a little bit more about that mysterious one night stand guy.”

“I already told you everything.”

“But I still feel that there’s a missing part.”

There is a missing part.

A huge one, that I don’t even know about.

Everytime I think about it, my mind wanders to Flynn.

The things he says.

The effect his touch has on me.

All so familiar, but still a mystery.

I want to put two and two together, but it doesn’t make sense.

Flynn doesn’t make sense.

Because if he was the mystery guy from the one night stand, he would have told me right?

Jill Malik P. O. V

“Fuck!” I cursed as I kicked the water dispenser. It made a loud shrieking sound, before it became silent.

Dammit !

This was the third time this week it had refused to work.

I was tired. I needed coffee. I needed caffeine. And my last source of energy just gave up on me.

I didn’t had a good sleep in three weeks due to so much work and so many things that needed to be finalized. The launch will be in two weeks, and the pile of work I need to finish is still high like the eiffel tower.

“Is there a problem Miss Malik?” Claire asked, walking into my office. I bet the sound the water dispenser made could be heard through the whole building.

I sighed tiredly. “Can you please grab me coffee and something to eat?” I asked as I slumped back in my chair and turned my laptop on.

She nodded silently and walked out of my office. Lately everyone was stressing out. Ximena wanted to have the perfect launch and ninety percent of the time she didn’t agree on the ideas we presented to her, which means we had to start over again and work even more harder.

I don’t blame Ximena, her brand will be available worldwide and I know she wants the perfect launch to impress investors from Brazil, Paris, and Russia who will also be present as VIP guests.

From my office I could hear Ximena giving a presentation to a group of upcoming makeup gurus.

Lately we both were so busy that we didn’t had time to have a little chit chat. During lunch she was either still in a meeting or she had to meet someone important to discuss launch details .

I, on the other hand stayed in my office, finishing my work that looked endless.

I stood up to grab a file from the drawer behind me when I heard a knock on my door.

“Put it on my table.” I answered, assuming it was Claire with my lunch. I rummaged through the drawer and finally found what I looked for. I really need to clean up the mess in here.

When I turned around I let out a yell as I saw who was standing in front of me.

“Flynn?” I breathed out, after a while. “Uhm Ximena is in a meeting.”

Flynn looked ridiculously handsome in his white button up shirt with rolled up sleeves. His hair was damp and his lips were a light shade of pink.

Totally kissable.

I mentally slapped myself for thinking that. Who knows where those lips had been before he came here? The thought only makes me want to gag.

“Actually.. I’m not here for Ximena.”he said, casually sitting down on the chair in front of my desk.

“Do you need my help in something?” I put my file down and sat back on my chair opening my laptop. “Tell me.”

I looked up at him and his piercing blue eyes were staring straight into my soul, making me uncomfortable.

“Yeah actually, what do you have planned tomorrow evening?”he asked.

“Uhm nothing. Is there a meeting I need to attend tomorrow, because I’m not going. Just send Claire.”

I was tired, tomorrow is Friday and I was looking forward to spend a night alone watching netflix.

He laughed. “Not a meeting, but a date.”

“Date?” I asked confused. Is that what he came here for?

“Yeah, If you want to go on a date with me.” he clarified.

I stayed silent for awhile as my eyes widened at what he just asked

I was shocked.



Is he alright?

“Can I send Claire?” I croaked out still in shock. Once those words left my mouth I immediately regretted it. What kind of dumb answer was that?

My mind was probably playing games with me. I didn’t had my daily dose of Caffeine and sugar yet, I think I must be hearing stuff.

Flynn laughed and shook his head. “No pudding, I want to go on a date with you, not Claire.”

“Right yeah, of course.” I answered, still in a daze. This felt so surreal.

Not because he asked me, but because Reina was right.

Sooner or later he will ask you on a date. Mark my words.

“So is that a yes?”

I nodded softly. I pinched myself on the cheeks while closing my eyes. Maybe this was just a dream.

Part of my imagination.

Why would he want to date me, he’s a womanizer. Isn’t that what he’s famous for after being the most hottest, richest, and youngest CEO.

“Pudding, are you alright?” I heard Flynn’s voice in the distance.

I opened my eyes and he was there. Looking at me confused and worried.

This was not a dream.

“Did you just ask me on a date?” I asked, scrunching my eyebrows in confusion.

“I did.” he said, “So is that a yes?”

This was reality.

“Uhm yeah, I mean It’s a yes Vasilios.” I answered, nodding my head in the process.

“Oh god.” he sighed relieved, “I thought you would play hard to get. I will pick you up at seven tomorrow.”

I am going on a date with Flynn.

“Where are we going?” I asked curiously.

“That’s a surprise.” he said mysteriously. “But wear something beautiful.”

And I need to dress up. Which means shopping.


“Are you alright?” Flynn asked worried as he studied my face.

“Just in shock.” I answered with all honesty.

He chuckled. “Don’t worry. I’m sitting here all casual and chill, but damn my heart is running faster than Usain bolt right now.”

“Please don’t get a heart attack in my office, I don’t want to deal with a dead bo—,” I rambled, before Flynn cut me off.

“Pudding, I think I should go so you can process my question.” he suggested, standing up from the chair.

“Yes of course.” I needed him out of my office, so I could sort out my messed up mind.

“But the answer stays yes.”

“Yeah yeah.” I assured him. “The answer stays yes.”

“Good.” he smiled. “See you tomorrow pudding.”

When he left my office, I banged my head on my wooden desk.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I couldn’t even think straight when he was here. Of course, it’s just a date. It’s not that he’s serious about me right?

“Miss Malik, Oh my god. You’ll get a concussion!” Claire yelled, running into my office with my lunch.

I stopped banging my head and looked up at her. The smell of strong coffee filled my small office.

“Coffee!” I stretched my hand out and grabbed the coffee out of her hand. This was what I need.

Coffee. Strong, dark, and bitter.

Hopefully this will help me think straight.


“The black one looks better on you, than the red one.” Reina rummaged through my closet, looking for possible date night outfits.

Today, once again I came home late which means I couldn’t go shopping. It was also the date night with Flynn. He would come pick me up in an hour and I still have no idea what to wear.

“I don’t have shoes to go with that dress.” I said sadly. It was a beautiful dress and I haven’t wore it since I bought it last summer. It was an utterly gorgeous black dress with a plunging neck, wide straps, and a geometric strappy back detail that dips to a tasteful low back. I don’t know why I haven’t wore this before, it was beautiful.

“I do have shoes for you.” Reina ran to her room and came back with a pair of stilletos.

Oh hell no.

“Those are skyhigh.” I protested, eyeing the killer heels she had in her hands.

“You are used to wear heels. You wear it everyday to work.”

“Those are not so high.”

“Doesn’t matter, look these ones has a platform it will not be that bad.” She showed me the bottom parts of the shoes.

I sighed. I don’t want to go into a discussion with her about shoes. It will only make me more tired than I already am.

“Fine, put them there. I’ll do my makeup and I’ll come out in a bit.” I said defeated.

She grinned widely. “Ohhh! I’m so happy for you! I knew he would ask you! I can see Vasilios babies running around.”

She was too enthusiastic for her own good.

“That’s enough Rei.” I groaned. This was the nth time she was saying this to me. “Wait in the living room for me.”

She nodded and exited my room.

I applied a smokey eye makeup, watching a makeup tutorial of Nikkietutorials on my phone. Then I put my hair in a high ponytail, leaving some strands lose in the front.

At last I put on my shoes, practiced a couple of minutes in them in front of the mirror, before making my entree in the livingroom where Reina was waiting for me.

She let out a loud gasp when she saw me.

“You will have Flynn begging on his knees for a second date!” was all she said as she turned me around. “Oh god, you look stunning.”

I laughed. “Well I think you’re exaggerating about Flynn begging. But geez thanks.”

“You two are so cute I—”

She got cut off by the knock on the door.

That’s Flynn! She mouthed and ran to the door to open it. I followed behind her and saw Flynn leaning on the doorframe.

“Oh yes, she’s here.” Reina chirped. “Jill!”

I walked into the foyer and Flynn’s eyes widened when he saw me.

“I know right.” Reina gushed. “She leaves you speechless, mouth wide open, wanting for more.”

“Those are my exact thoughts.” he licked his lips, his eyes trailing up and down my body. “So fucking beautiful.”

“Thank you Vasilios.” I smiled. “You cleaned up nice too.”

“Is that all?” he asked, pretending he was hurt. “This is the suit you chose for me bytheway.”

I looked at his suit and it was indeed the one I chose for him. “You look handsome, now is that enough for your ego?”

He laughed and took my hands in his. He turned to Reina and said: “Don’t worry I’ll bring her home before midnight.”

“You don’t worry.” Reina playfully nudge his shoulder. “This is not Cinderella, I’m not her evil stepsister. You can bring her to your home, I wouldn’t mind.”

“Reina!” I hissed.

Flynn laughed and after I said my goodbyes to Reina we walked towards the elevator. Flynn pressed lobby and we waited for the elevator doors to open.

“Ready for what I’ve planned for you, pudding?” he asked, stroking my hand softly. He send me a dazzling smile, showing off his white teeth, shutting my brain once again off.

Damn Vasilios!

Flynn Vasilios P. O. V

There were no words to describe how beautiful Jill looked tonight. Her short black dress, showed off her smooth tanned legs. Her eyes sparkled and the small smile on her face didn’t fade since we left her apartment.

If Jill would be a princess, she would be my princess. Her bright red lips were asking me to kiss them and her sparkling blue-green eyes held a mischievous glint.

A little freak.

My little freak.

“No way!” Jill gasped clasping her hands in front of her mouth, as I lead her to into Gallow Green. “This is beautiful.”

Not as beautiful as you I thought silently.

“I figured you would like this place.” I said, placing my hand on the small of her back.

“Like?” she said wide eyed, turning around to hug me. “I love this, it’s so beautiful.”

I was so happy that she loved it, because I had rented the entire place for one night. It was a beautiful rooftop bar at the McKittrick Hotel, nicely decorated with lots of plant life and trellises.

All in all it was an enchanting place, just like Jill.

“Why are we the only ones here?” she asked, looking up at me.

I bit the inside of my cheeks. I hope she will not freak out. “Well,” I said. “I have rented this whole place… for us”

“That’s amazing!” She exclaimed, excitement visible in her eyes. “You didn’t had to do this, but I’m actually happy that you did, because this place is breath taking.”

I smiled and led her to our table in the center of the room. Her face lit up when she saw the orchestra in the corner of the room. I pull out a chair for her and she sat down, still in complete awe about her surroundings.

“Good evening Mr. Vasilios and Ms. Malik, can I take your orders?” the waiter ask, pulling out his notepad.

“A tuna crudo for me.” I said eyeing the menu. The food was cheap, but I hope it taste good.

Jill was still scanning the menu. I hope she finds something she likes. There was a reason I brought her here instead to Del Posto or all those fancy restaurants.

“Pumpkin ravioli please.” Jill closed the menu and gave it back to the waiter.

“Anything else?”

“Yes.” I cleared my throat and continued, “Nutella Calzone for dessert and Red wine.”

The waiter wrote it down on his notepad and walked away with a nod.

I looked at Jill and she was already staring at me. “So…” she said, “What made you bring me here?”

“To Gallow Green?” I asked.

She nodded.

“Well…” I was hesitating if I should tell her or not.

“Well?” She rose her eyebrows and I gulped.

“Because I want to.” I lied.

She laughed and shook her head. “Vasilios, Vasilios. I know you better, you would never dine at a place under five stars.”

Damn, she knows.

“You got me there pudding.” I chuckled nervously. “Well, it’s because you’re special.”

That is true. She is special, that’s why I hadn’t brought her to a five star restaurant, yet. A first date is suppose to be special and one of a kind.

“Am I?”

I nodded. “You are, I didn’t want to bring you to a five star restaurant where I brought all my former flings and one night stands. You deserve better.”

Jill was silent. Her eyes were holding all kind of emotions. I couldn’t tell if they were happy, sad, or angry. I hope she was not angry or sad. I was trying to make her happy.

I was trying to give her a one of a kind date.

Someplace where I haven’t been to with one of my flings.

Jill deserved a first date that is amazing as her.

“I-I’m.. I mean that’s nice.” she spoke softly. “You haven’t been here with one of your regulars?”

Regulars? What is she talking about?

“What?” I asked, scrunching my eyebrows in confusion.

“Regulars.” she emphasized the word. “Flings. One night stands.”

Oh, so that’s what she called them.

“No.” I answered, smiling at the thought that she called my flings regulars. “I mean, I’ll bring you to Del Posto and all those fancy restaurants, but for our first date I wanted it to be special.”

“You’re really something Vasilios.” She smiled and turned her attention back to the orchestra.

Seeing her enjoying herself gave me a content feeling. It was always hard to please a girl. All the girls I took out on a date in the past wanted to go to fancy restaurants, but they ended up buying a damn salad. What’s the point of going to the world’s best restaurant only to buy a salad?

“Did I already told you that you look beautiful?” I asked, studying her side profile. Her ponytail brought out her perfectly sculpted jawline.

She turned around to face me and blushed. “You already did. You called me fucking beautiful in front of Reina.”

“Right.” I remembered.

“This is really beautiful Vasilios. I have to admit, this is better than I expected.” Her voice sound angelic and sweet. And the way she said Vasilios, it just came so perfect out of her mouth.

“Did you expected a five star date?” I teased, my lips twitching in a smile.

She laughed. “Well I actually did. Isn’t that what rich people are into?”

I snorted. “Not this one.”

It was not a complete lie. I didn’t like places rated under five stars, but for Jill I would do anything.

Even going to a place rated zero stars.

The horror.

But if it makes her happy, it fucking makes me happy.

We stopped talking when the waiter arrived with our food. He poured wine in our glasses and wished us a pleasant evening before returning back to the kitchen.

We ate and talked. The food was delicious and so was the dessert. I was really impressed and I would definitely come back here in the future. Maybe with Jill, since she loved this place.

After dinner we walked around the rooftop and sat down on a couch in front of a fire, surrounded by plants. It was a beautiful and romantic setting.

Jill sat down next to me and together we make s’mores. She laughed a lot at the awful jokes I made, but she was also a good listener when I told her about my business trips, deals, and ideas.

###Chapter 13

She gave me some very interesting feedback, especially on my last project. It would be one of my biggest ones so far and having feedback really helped to improve my idea.

On my turn I asked her about Milan and Aunt Lydia. They were the only family she had. I can’t believe people can be so cruel to abandon their own blood. I would be disgusted by myself if I would ever do that.

After we ate our s’mores Jill leaned on me and placed her head on my shoulder. “Thank you.” She whispered. “For tonight. I had an amazing time.”

I played with her hair and inhaled her scent. “Only for you pudding.” I murmured and leaned in to place a kiss on her forehead.

She froze, but then calmed down.

I’m pretty sure she thought I would kiss her on her lips.

How much I really wanted to do it right now, especially seeing her plump lips in a wicked smile.

I can’t.

Or at least, not yet.

But soon.

Soon pudding, you will be mine.

And I’ll tell you the truth.

The truth, that I’ve known you all along.

Jill Malik P. O. V

“So… How was the date?”

The moment I stepped out of my room to have breakfast, Reina started to interrogate me. I ignored her and made myself coffee and a sandwich. It was early in the morning and I have no idea where Reina get all her energy from.

“Hey!” I yelled when Reina grabbed the sandwich I just made. She smirked and took a big bite off it.

“So, are you going to spill?” she said, after she was done chewing. I rolled my eyes as I was grabbing a granola bar and apple.

I didn’t had time to make myself another sandwich.

“It was fine.”

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