The Alpha’s Dynasty

Two people


It was weird how situations could change in such a short time. Two hours back, I would never have imagined that I’d be lying naked next to my company’s new CEO with my arm on his stomach. My head was near his chest and I could feel the rhythm of his breathing. He was staring at the ceiling, his mind lost in thought. Maybe this was a terrible mistake, or maybe not. But, I knew it changed everything between us.

I was not sure about my thoughts on the situation. I couldn’t stop worrying about what would happen to us. Did he want a relationship or nothing to do with me? I was worried he was going to toss me out like some useless garbage. It was only after sex that I got back to my senses and remembered that he had once walked out of the building with Kim and they had never been seen together again. Was that going to happen to me as well?

It hurt to think that the beautiful moments we had shared had to be put in the past when we both went back to our lives. He drove me to heights I’ve never reached before, making me feel I was out of this Earth. How could anyone want to forget that?

After some time, I stepped out of bed and went to the bathroom to clean up. When I returned, Zane was still lying on the bed. I started picking up my clothes

“What are you doing?” he asked, using his elbow to keep his upper body propped up.

“I need to leave,” I said while putting on my underwear. I avoided eye contact because I was not ready to face what we have done at that moment. I didn’t want to hear him say it, that it was just a one-time thing.

“Okay,” he said. The fact that he did not insist made me even sadder. He just watched me in silence as I dressed up.

“Goodbye,” I said when I was done.

“George will take you home,” he said.

“It’s alright, I’ll get a taxi.”

“Not happening. You left your car at the office because of me. I’ll ensure that you get home safely.”

As I walked towards the door. It felt like I was walking out of his life forever which broke my heart. When I glanced back, he gave me a weak smile.

What had I done to myself? He was probably thinking he just made the worst mistake of his life. They say bad luck strikes in large doses and now I was starting to believe there was truth to that. I wondered what else the universe is sending my way. I had been stupid to think that I could just have sex with a man like Zane and forget it. He was not a random man from the bar, but someone I actually had strong feelings for.

When I reached home, I showered and waited for Anna. We had planned to watch a world cup match together on TV.

“I can’t believe Zane kissed you,” she said five minutes to the start of the match. She was seated on the carpeted floor while I was lying on the couch. Next to her was a half-full glass of cold soda. I had not told her everything I did with Zane. I lied to her that we went to his house to finish some work and he kissed me then I left. “You’re so lucky. I’ve seen that man and he is the hottest thing that ever walked this city.”

I forced a smile.

“You’re so lucky,” she said. “It’s a pity he hasn’t called yet.”

“Yeah, he’ll probably never call but that’s okay. I don’t care about that man.”

“Because you have Harry,” she pressed the unlock button on her phone and stared at the screen as if she was expecting a message.

“Shut up,” I laughed, hitting the top of her head lightly. “Let’s watch the game. I don’t want to miss even one single moment.”

We watched the players get into their positions. Ten minutes into the match, there was a knock on the door. Anna and I glanced at each other. She smiled.

“Expecting someone?” I asked.

“Two people,” she told me, getting up.

“Why did you have to ruin the game by inviting more people?” I wanted to watch the game with her and not a crowd of people. “You didn’t tell me about this.”

She shrugged and went to open the door while I waited to find out who dared to intrude on our best friend time.

“Oh no,” I said on seeing the intruders. Harry hugged Anna and walked in, leaving his cousin Nicky with her. The two of them had a friends with benefits arrangement because they liked each other but didn’t want to be in relationships.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“How’s my favorite actuarial officer doing?”

A smile crept up my face. “Why are you here?”

“To watch the game with you?” He said, kneeling in front of the couch. His face was now very close to mine.

“Can you please sit like a normal person?” I asked, sitting up and putting my legs on the floor.

I looked towards the door and saw that Anna had disappeared with Nicky. So, this was her plan to get away from me. Thanks to my horrible best friend, I was stuck with Harry, the one person I didn’t want to be with after what I had done. To make things worse, he chose to sit right next to me. I felt his warm thigh against mine and inhaled.

I had a feeling that evening was going to be a long one. I was pretty sure Harry was going to say things that I didn’t want to hear and I was going to have to turn him down, something I was not looking forward to. Whatever was about to happen would decide the fate of our friendship. I liked Harry, and I didn’t want to lose him.

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