The Alpha

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Ethan's POV

My men and I gather at the front gate. Xander and Alex each took their own men to the other exits so

that we would be able to attack our opponents from the sides as well. Their only escape would be to

retreat. Caleb stayed on the wall to lead the archers and our back-up forces. We are all ready to go and

I look around, realizing that I don't see Scarlet anywhere. I have a moment of panic when I see her

descending the stone steps with Cassia. They are leaning towards each other having a quiet, and

seemingly heated conversation. My eyebrows furrow. Something is wrong.

A large boulder comes flying overhead and crashes into a tower, sending brick and glass shards

cascading down. My attention instantly goes back to the task at hand. "Scarlet! Cassia! Time to go!"

They both shut their mouths and hurry up to me. I quickly mind-link a few of the guards and the gates

open. Cassia immediately throws up a shield as we march onto the battlefield. She stands on one side

of me while Scarlet is on the other, her hand tightly gripped in mine. I focus in front of me as we near

the enemy lines. Spells and arrows continue to bombard us but Cassia's barricade holds. I can see

Xander and his warriors to the left and Alex and his men to the right. She is protecting them as well.

"Cassia, on the count of three drop the barrier. When the fighting begins I want you to stay out of the

fray and focus on protecting everyone from any spells or death blows. Scarlet, when that happens take

out their catapults so they can't do anymore damage to the city. And no matter what you stay by me," I

state to both of them before mind-linking all of our warriors on the field. A few of them are assigned to

protect Cassia while others are to protect Scarlet. The rest will take care of the witches and Silver

Shadow Pack.

Once everyone has their assignments and knows what to do I yell out, "One... Two...Three!"

Cassia instantly whips down the shield as Scarlet sends a giant blast towards the catapult. It

immediately splinters and bursts into rubble. The warriors of our opposing pack instantly rush towards

us with growls and snarls as half of them shift into their wolf forms. Our soldiers then do the same as

we all clash in the middle. The sounds of multiple fights fill the air along with the coppery scent of blood

being spilt.

Right away, I notice that Lucien has stayed behind. The coward is hiding behind the witches with a

small party instead of fighting alongside his warriors. I want to get to him, but I am unwilling to leave

Scarlet's side. I'm hoping that we'll eventually be able to work our way through his forces and get to

him, but I know it is unlikely. Even if we manage to kill all of his pack members that stand between us,

we will still have the witches to contend with. I've seen enough of Scarlet's and Cassia's powers to

know that it will be near impossible to get passed their defenses. All I know is that I want to murder that

son of a bitch for everything he has put my mate through, everything he has put me and my pack


Scarlet and I stand back to back as she shoots her magic towards our enemies, taking out anyone who

sets their sights on us. A couple wolves manage to get close to us and I instantly shift into my large

black wolf. Pouncing on one, I sink my teeth into its jugular as the other jumps on my back. I spin,

throwing him off before swiping my claws out at him. We snap and growl at each other until he lunges

at me. I flip myself around and kick him over me before pinning him underneath me and biting his neck


An orange burst of light comes flying at me as soon as I look to find my next opponent. I duck and roll

before another one spirals towards me. It stops midway and crackles out of existence. Turning my

head, I see Cassia dropping her hand to her side as she releases the shield. Our eyes meet in a silent

thank you before I notice one of my warriors knocked down by a Silver Shadow wolf. He was one of the

ones meant to be protecting Cassia. The enemy wolf has his eyes set on her and I quickly bark at her

in warning. She spins around just as the wolf lunges at her. Cassia stumbles backwards as another

wolf leaps into the air, colliding with her attacker and knocking it to the ground. I instantly recognize the

wolf as my brother Xander. Though he has been very stand-offish with his new mate, he clearly cares

about her. He growls ferociously before snapping the other wolf's neck.

I spot movement out of the corner of my eye and turn to face my next attacker. Fur flies as we claw and

bite at each other. A snarl escapes my lips as he swipes my leg, leaving a deep gash. I jump on him,

slicing at his underbelly before another one pounces on me. My body slides across the grass before he

pins me, his teeth gnashing together as he tries to get at my jugular and I squirm underneath him.

Before I have the chance to fight him off a burst of light hits him and he freezes, falling over to his side.

I look up and see Scarlet, still shooting spells around her. Will's wolf is next to her as he fights off one of

the Silver Shadow wolves. He takes one out, just in time to tackle one that had lunged for Scarlet as

she was fighting off two others in the opposite direction.

Forcing my way back over to her, I take down three more. We are severely out-numbered. So far, we've

been managing to hold our own but I don't know how much longer that will last. Using magic drains a

person's energy and I'm not sure how much longer Scarlet and Cassia will last. Scarlet would save

energy turning into a wolf, but her powers have been a big help. Sweat beads along her hairline and

she is looking pale. "You should shift," I insist to her.

"I can't," she responds back.

"You're going to pass out if you continue to push yourself."

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine." NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

I'm unable to continue arguing with her on the matter as more enemy wolves converge on us. Soon, I

find myself taking on three at a time. My body burns from pushing my muscles so hard. I'm panting and

growing tired. We are surrounded and they just keep coming. All of our allied packs have slowly inched

closer to each other so that we are now clustered closer together. Silver Shadow wolves are coming at

us from all sides as we have formed a loose circle. All of our strongest warriors are on the outer edges

while both Cassia and Scarlet are in the middle surrounded by wolves that are ready to protect them.

Wolf corpses are scattered all over the battlefield. Luckily, most of them belong to the Silver Shadow

Pack. Several witches are dead too and the ones that are still fighting are clearly getting tired. Soon,

they will be struggling the way Scarlet and Cassia seem to be. "You shouldn't be... pushing... yourself,"

I overhear Cassia murmur to Scarlet between shooting spells out at a couple of the witches.

My anxiety spikes, knowing that Cassia is also insisting that Scarlet needs rest. Of course, my

stubborn, amazing mate refuses to back down. She never listens. I just have to hope that she knows

what she is doing and is not pushing herself beyond her limits. I take down another wolf before moving

to the next. Lunging for a jugular, another one falls. Several minutes pass as I continue to fight before I

hear Scarlet's voice in my head, using the pack link. "Everyone get down now!"

We all listen as we hit the ground. Scarlet and Cassia are holding hands and a burst of bright white

lights explodes out of them. The light spreads across the entire field, taking down every wolf still

standing and knocking the witches to the ground. I immediately look over at Scarlet to see her and

Cassia swaying on their feet. Both of them have met their limits as their eyes fall shut and they

collapse. I'm quick to catch Scarlet as Xander hurries to reach Cassia. She lands in his arms as I scoop

Scarlet up bridal-style. "Hunt down survivors and kill them. If you find Alpha Lucien detain him. I want to

be the one to end his life," I command as I carry Scarlet towards the opening gates.

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