The Alpha

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Ethan's POV

The room sits in silence for a moment as everyone's eyes look between Xander and Cassia as they

gaze at each other. Xander's eyes are black, showing that his wolf is pushing for control as he stares at

Cassia with the lust and possessiveness that all wolves feel for their mates. Cassia's eyes not he other

hand are wide with surprise and her whole body is tense. Xander's gaze drops to her cuffed wrists and

he lets out a low growl. Cassia shifts uncomfortably and I can't say I blame her. She probably has no

idea what's going on and right now Xander seems like a predator ready to pounce on his prey.

"Umm... what's going on?" Cassia inquires, leaning away from Xander and looking around him to shift

her gaze between me and Scarlet.

I grimace, unsure of what to tell her. Xander clenches his fists and blinks his eyes a few times. He

takes a step back and turns to face me, his back straight and tense. His irises are back to their normal

deep brown color. His jaw is set as he grits his teeth. Scarlet is about to open her mouth, likely to

explain to Cassia why Xander would have behaved so oddly.

Before she has the chance to speak, I clear my throat, interrupting, "Can Xander and I have the room

for a moment? The rest of you can wait in the lounge for a minute."

Xander's men immediately step back from the room instead of bothering to come in. They turn and

stride back down the hallway to where the waiting lounge is. Our conference rooms are on the floor

where our business offices are so there is a reception desk and sitting area right in front of the

elevators. The guards standing by the door nod and walk out too, waiting for Scarlet and Cassia to

follow. Scarlet gives me a questioning look and I give her a nod. I can explain everything later.

She gestures at Cassia to go first so the young witch stands up from her seat. She looks over at

Xander with a frown as her eyebrows pinch together in confusion. After he got his wolf under control,

he didn't spare her another word or glance. She gives her head a little shake before strolling towards

the exit. I would like to know what she's thinking, but I certainly can't ask her. Hopefully, Scarlet will be

able to talk to her and smooth things over a bit.

Scarlet gives me one last pointed look before following Cassia out of the room, closing the door behind

her. Xander sighs and takes the seat in front of me. "Are you okay?" I ask him.

He just sits there, seemingly in a daze as he stares down in front of him. I wait patiently, knowing that

he has a lot to process. Eventually, he wipes his hands on his jeans as though his palms are sweaty

then he looks back up at me. "Yeah... I guess so. I just never expected this."

I simply nod in understanding, not wanting to push him to talk about it. We all know that he has no faith

in the mate bond and what his reasons are for it. I hope that one day he'll start believing in it again and

that maybe Cassia can help with that. The silence lingers for a while before I finally question, "So, what

are you going to do?" He shrugs and lightly taps his fist on the arm of the chair, not meeting my gaze.

After a few seconds, he looks up at me and answers, "I'm going to show her to her room, get the stuff

she needs for that potion, and then I'll meet with you and the others to come up with a plan of attack."

"I meant about Cassia," I remark seriously.

"That's her name?" Xander replies as he straightens in his seat a little, as though finding out her name

excited him. The corner of his mouth twitches into a small smirk as he seemingly mumbles to himself,

"That's a pretty name." He seems dazed for a moment before blinking his eyes and clearing the fog. He

quickly covers up his reaction as he slouches back into his seat, kicking a foot up and resting it on his

opposite knee. "I don't plan on doing anything right now. We have more important things to deal with."

I let out a sigh. "You can't avoid this Xander. One of these days you're going to need to talk to her. Like

REALLY talk to her. And figure out if you're willing to give it a chance." I really hope that he does. I want

him to realize how amazing having a mate can be.

He doesn't meet my eyes but he nods. He exhales as though he has been holding a breath in then

slams his palms down on the arms of the chair. "Well, good chat bro, but I gotta get going. I'll link you

once I'm on my way back."

With that he gets up and swings the door open before leaving my office and walking over to Cassia and

his waiting men. Cassia looks over at Scarlet as though silently asking if it's okay to go with them

before Scar gives her a reassuring nod, gesturing at her to follow them. Xander leads them over to the

elevator without acknowledging her before they all disappear behind the doors. Scarlet stands there,

waiting for me and cocks an eyebrow at me. I simply shake my head, not sure how much I should

share. It's not really my place to say. "Let's get going. We need to meet everyone in the conference

rooms to figure out a game plan and I want to make sure I'm prepared," I tell her as I wrap an arm

around her waist, leading her away.


A couple hours later I am sitting at the head of the table in our largest conference room. Xander and

Alex are both there along with all of our highest ranking pack members. The Alphas from our allied

packs are also here and the room is completely full. Alphas and Betas surround the large rectangular

table while all of the Gammas and Deltas stand against the wall around the room with some of our

other strategists and lieutenants. Scarlet is next to me with her hand over mine as it rests on the table.

Her mere touch calms me as the familiar tingles run up my arm.

Cassia sits on the other side of Scarlet, staring across the table at Xander who is actively avoiding her

gaze. Alex shoots me a inquisitive expression and I mind-link him back. "We'll discuss it later."

He gives a curt, almost imperceptible nod and I clear my throat as I stand to address the group. "Good

evening and thank you for joining us this evening," I begin.

Once I have explained everything that has happened over the last couple days and what Cassia has

told us the room bursts into chaos as all of the men begin talking and debating among one another.

"We need to finish building our wall!" a voice calls out.

"We should stock up on silver bullets and use snipers to take them out as soon as they get close

enough!" another says.

"How are we suppose to beat a coven of witches? They can probably just teleport into our borders no

matter what we do!" someone exclaims.

I whistle loudly, regaining their attention as the room instantly quiets and all eyes turn to me, wondering Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

what I have to say. "The wall will be finished and Cassia will be spelling it with protective enchantments

so that they cannot use magic to get within our borders."

"So, then why are we meeting? Surely they'll give up and leave once they see their magic won't work

on us," the Alpha of the Sharp Fang Pack remarks.

Cassia then speaks up. "My magic isn't strong enough to hold up against them. It will give us more time

but it will only prolong the inevitable. They'll eventually be able to get in unless we can stop them


"Since when do we trust a witch? She could be working with them!" an angry voice calls out. A low,

threatening growl follows and I instantly look at Xander whose fists are clenched on the table.

I look back up to the men that are surrounding me. "We can trust her. Now, lets move on."


A week passes as we make preparations for the coming attack. The wall is finished and Cassia has

been walking the perimeter, ensuring that her enchantments are in place and working properly. She

has been a big help and has continually tried to give us insight on how her coven thinks and works.

She has finished the potion she promised us and all of the people and wolves within our borders have

taken it so that no one can be used against us. Weapons have been forged and spelled to ensure

accuracy and protect them from counter-spells. Catapults have been built and trenches have been dug

with pikes surrounding our walls. Women and children will be protected in the underground levels of

several of our buildings. We have been taking every precaution possible and still when I look out my

window and see thousands of men marching towards us, my world stops.

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