The Alpha

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Scarlet's POV

I quickly reach out to grab Ethan's hand, knowing that the mate bond would help to calm his anger.

Unfortunately, he quickly snatches it away from me as he turns to me with a cold glare. "What were you

doing in his bedroom?" he hisses, clearly trying to reign in his emotions as he grit his teeth and

clenches his jaw.

His voice is lowered, but I know that everyone can still hear him. You could hear a fucking pin drop with

how quiet everyone is, all eyes frozen on us with panicked, wide-eyed expressions. I clear my throat,

trying to remain calm and reasonable. "Well... as you know he wanted me to pose for him—"


I let out a sigh. "Yes, but nothing happened. You can talk to Levi and Tony. They were right outside the

door the whole time."

"That's not the point! You were alone with another man in his bedroom!!! YOU ARE MY MATE

SCARLET!!!" he booms angrily. Suddenly, his eyes seem to widen as though he just thought of

something and in a harsh whisper he asks, "Did he touch you?" Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

I reach out for his hand again and this time he allows it. "Ethan. Nothing happened. He didn't touch me

in any inappropriate ways and as soon as I went into heat, I got out of there. Levi and Tony came in

immediately and kept everyone else away."

He stares at me long and hard for a moment, his lips pressed together into a grim line as he

contemplates me, seemingly discerning if I'm telling the truth or not. "Fine. I believe you." At those

words Nicole immediately lets out an aggravated huff and shoves away from the table, stomping away

from us. I don't pay her any mind as I focus on Ethan as he remarks sternly, "But under no

circumstances are you to ever be alone with him again. Am I understood?" I instantly nod considering I

have no plans of being alone with him ever again anyway. "And until I can mark you, I don't want you

leaving the penthouse without me."

"What?! Ethan—" I begin but he cuts me off as he holds up his hand to me.

"No Scarlet. What if it would have happened while you were in the middle of a crowd? What if there

would have been too many unmated wolves around for your guards to fight them off? I'm not willing to

take that risk and you shouldn't either."

"But what about helping at the shelter?"

"Same rules apply."

"Does that mean that you'll be going with me then?"

His eyes widen as he looks at me. Clearly, he wasn't expecting me to say that. "I don't have time to be

going to The Scourge all day everyday Scarlet," he remarks as he sweeps my hair back and tucks it

behind my ear.

"Ethan, I'm not giving that up. I'll have my guards and Jo will protect me to," I insist.

"Joe? Who's Joe? Is he mated?"

I smirk at him and his furrowed eyebrows. "Babe, Jo. J. O. She's the woman that raised me. And I'm

sure she'd like to meet you one of these days."

His shoulders instantly relax before his jaw tenses again and he gives me a serious look. "And what

about that guy friend of yours? Will?"

I shift uncomfortably in my seat as I drop my gaze, unable to look him in the eye as I consider his

question. "As I said, I'll have my guards.... And Will... he'd never intentionally do anything to hurt me."

"Maybe not intentionally Scarlet, but if an unmated wolf catches your scent while you're in heat all

coherent thoughts go out the window. The only thing that will be on their mind is mounting you and I'll

kill anyone who tries," he growls out.

"Fine. How about we get a few of the Omegas to help out for breakfast and then you and I go there for

dinners until I've been marked? That way you are able to do what you need to do during the day, but I

can still make sure that the packless are getting their leftovers and the help they need," I bargain.

He lets out a sigh and drops his head, ruffling his hair before turning his gaze back to me. "Fine. If

that's what will make you happy and keep you safe, then that's what we'll do." I smile widely at him

before wrapping a hand around his neck and pulling his lips to mine. I plant a kiss on him that he

instantly deepens as his hands cup my face. "Goddess, I love you Scarlet," he says breathily after our

lips part.

My grin stretches further as my heart flutters in my chest. "I love you too."

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