The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 122

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 122



I’m struggling to keep Duke from claiming our mate as I hold her in my arms and kiss her passionately. I’ve missed her so much that I’ m already hard, but lucky for me, the blankets are hiding it. The last thing I want to do is scare her away when I’m just getting her back. When I hear her little whimper and watch as she closes her eyes, I take the kiss a little deeper and hold her a little tighter.

There is a commotion in the hall that causes us to pull away from each other. Quinn jumps from the bed just as the door to my room opens and my Beta comes rushing in. He stops suddenly when he sees us and scratches his head.

“Your mom said that our Alpha was down. I thought you were dying!” He places his hands on his hips and breathes a huge sigh of relief.

“That was my bad,” Quinn states, “That’s what I told Cici to say to Amelia, but I wasn’t sure how bad he was. I had to keep giving him my blood because he lost too much.”

“Quinn most definitely saved me, and I’ll be making a full recovery thanks to her. The f*cker took a chunk out of Dukes flank.”

“Oh stop. You saved me first, or did you forget that?” Quinn can’t take compliments, she never could, it embarrasses her too much, but she deserves the credit. “You were lecturing me for being out of the safe room, remember?” She smirks.

“Yeah, but your reasoning is a valid one. You were protecting our pups and everyone else that was in there.” Saying ‘our’ pups

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sounds right even though that isn’t what I meant. One day soon, they both will be ours. I turn back to my Beta, “Report?”

“We have the Gray Skies Alpha in the cells here at Dark Moon. His pack has been decimated except for a few who had surrendered on their own. They are being held too, but I don’t think they are a threat. They didn’t have their Alpha’s beliefs about the Dire wolf.” Carter seems a bit off until he looks at Quinn, “You’re the Dire wolf, aren’t you?” NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

She looks at me, “I didn’t tell anyone, because it’s your secret to tell.” I explain.

“You could have told your Beta; I trust Carter with my life.” She says, “I’ve told Spencer and of course, Cam since they are my right hands. The rest will wait until my birthday.”

“Wow, I really wasn’t expecting you to confirm it, Quinn.” Carter chuckles, “I thought it was one of my wild notions is all.”

“Believe me, I wish it were!” She says, “Hey, what was all the commotion before you came in here?”

“Oh, they weren’t going to let me in, said he needed lots of rest!” The Beta scowls, “They didn’t like it when I used my Beta aura. I’m sorry, I know it’s your pack but…”

“No, it’s okay, I understand.” She smiles.

I’m not liking the way she smiles at my Beta. I know he’s mated, but I want to be the only one that she gives that smile to. So, being a grumpy a*s, I cut into their conversation, “How about you finish your report so you can get back to the pack.”

“Oh, yeah, sorry. The other pack was the Night Shifter pack? They’ re from the southwest, almost a day’s drive. That’s why it took them so long to attack again. I haven’t linked the two packs

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together yet though. We also have a few of their warriors in the cells as well.”

“I want more scouts to go out and make sure it is all clear. We can never be too sure on whether there are more waiting out there or not.” I command, suddenly feeling a bit tired.

“I’m on it, Alpha. I’ll let the rest of the pack know that you are going to make a full recovery.” He smirks and then leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

Leaving the hospital the next morning, I find that my leg isn’t quite healed yet, and I need crutches to assist me for the next two days. The a*shole had gotten a good-sized chunk from what I saw when the nurses cleaned it before wrapping it again.

Quinn has stayed with me since they brought me in, making sure I am taken care of. When I told her that she could leave if she wanted to last night, she had gotten a little upset over the notion, so I let her know that I wanted her to stay if she didn’t have anything going on. She gåve me her smile and settled back down beside me in bed as we watched a little television. When the nurse came in to check my vitals, she frowned over her being in my bed, but Quinn was already asleep, and I wasn’t going to disturb her.

I am waiting for the discharge papers when two of the younger nurses come in and tell us that Quinn needs to step out so they can give me a bed bath before I leave. The glare that Quinn gives the young women is priceless, so I can’t help but mess with her a little.

“Ah, just what I need! Do you need me naked for this bath?” I can literally feel the anger coming off my mate as I try to hold my laughter in.

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“You know what,” Quinn pipes in, “I don’t know is a very good time. His breakfast isn’t agreeing with him, and he’s had the diarrhea since eating it. He’s also been really gassy, and I’m afraid if you move

him around too much, he might have an accident in the bed, and I don’t think you want to be cleaning that one up.” She makes animated faces as she conveys all this.

The women look at each other and then at me. I play along and bring my hand to my stomach and nod. They both rush from the room without a word and I burst into laughter while Quinn crosses her arms and glares at me.

“You were really going to let those to dimwits give you a bath?” She’s so cute when she’s angry.

“Of course not, but I couldn’t pass up getting a rise out of you.” I laugh and grab her before she can move away.

“What are you doing?” She chuckles as I pull her close.


I take her lips and I feel her melt into me further as she returns the kiss. I slide my hand behind her neck to hold her to me, because I don’t want her ending it before I’m ready. She’s still a bit on the skittish side when it comes to this and I don’t want to push her, but I just need to taste her, to help calm Duke down. Okay, maybe it’s for myself as well, but I will deny if I need be.

Reluctantly, I let her go when a throat clears. I don’t care if anyone sees up together like this, but I think she might, especially her pack members. When I finally give my attention to the person who cleared their throat, I see Dr. Sands standing there, smirking.

“I’m so terribly sorry to interrupt, but I was told that you were anxious to get out of this hell hole.” The Doc chuckles.

“Yeah, sorry about that, I just hate hospitals.” I explain sheepishly.

“No need to explain, Alpha Declan, I don’t think anyone likes hospitals, even us doctors and nurses.” He chuckles, “I’ve come bearing discharge papers. I would normally send them in with the nurse, but I wanted to talk to you about something completely off topic.”


“Well, I know it’s old fashion and all, but I wanted to ask you if you would mind if I asked your mother to go on a date with me?”

Quinn chuckles, and I’m not sure what to say to him, “Aren’t you a little young for my mother?” It’s the first thing that pops into my head, and I get a slap in the chest by Quinn as she gasps.

Dr. Sands laughs, “You mother is only seven years older than me, Alpha. She has many years left, and I would love to be part of some of them.”

I study him for a moment. It’s not like I don’t like the guy, I just don’ t know too much about him is all, “How about you come by for dinner tonight, and Let me get to know you a little more.”

“Declan! I am pretty sure that your mother is old enough to make her own decisions, the doctor was only being considerate!” Quinn chastises me and now I feel a bit bad. How does she do that?

“My apologies, Jonah, I didn’t mean anything by it. Of course, take her out, but I would still like to have you for dinner some night to get to know you a little more.”

“I would love that, Alpha, thank you. Now, here are your discharge papers. I don’t think I have to tell you to stay off your bad leg for the next two days. Let you wolf heal you and you should be good. I would like to see you in two days, how about I come to dinner then

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that way you don’t need to come back to this hell hole?” The doctor smirks.

“It’s a deal Doc!” I grab the crutches that they brought in earlier and turn toward Quinn, “Ready to break me out of this joint?”

Thank you for reading! I hope you are enjoying today’s chapters! =)


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