The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Chapter 8

KellyNôvelDrama.Org © content.

A week had passed since Thorin took me out for archery training and we kissed. Thorin acted as if it had never happened. I guess I should do the same. It made things much less complicated. My father did find out, thanks to Kylie, and reamed out Thorin and I for leaving without a full team to watch in case of Keres surfacing. It reminded me of how different Thorin and I were. He lived in a tiny one-room house he built himself, free to come and go as he pleased. I lived in a massive palace, hundreds of years old, with guards at my beckon call, but wasn’t allowed to leave whenever I wanted. Not now anyway. That might be the first thing that changed when I was made queen.

“Good morning Kelly.” Emmett said, a bit of disappointment in his voice.

“Good morning, everything okay?” I asked as I strolled into his office.

“I have a new drug trial for you.” He said, sitting on the edge of his desk.

“That’s good news, isn’t it?” I asked.

“I’m afraid it might have some powerful side effects. But your father insisted that I give you something more powerful. I have tried to dial it down, but he is adamant that I give you something strong now and make a new, better medicine later.”

“Its fine.” I said, remembering my father’s words.

I was told not to question anything the doctor gave me. Multipe times. Most times I didn’t care, but I was a bit nervous this time around. Emmett seemed very bothered by this round. We have been at it for months now and I have never seen him so leery about giving me something. Keres wasn’t affected by anything yet. The only one affected so far was me. Mood swings, extreme hunger, depression, anxiety, the list went on and on.

“Are you sure?” He asked, standing only a few inches away from me.

“I’m sure.” I nodded, obeying my father’s orders. “Where are the capsules?” I asked.

“No capsules this time.” He shook his head.

“Then what-” I began to ask.

“Come with me.” He said, guiding me to an exam room.

This room was different than the others. I had never seen it before. It looked medieval. There was an exam table in the center of the room with multiple restraints. Two guards, Throin, and my father were already there and waiting. I looked at Emmett, worry etched in my face. He has never called anyone else here before. The room was mostly empty, minus a tray with a large needle filled with a dark blue liquid, a roll of gauze, an alcohol prep pad, and tape.

“Emmett?” I asked quietly. He was about to say something when my father interrupted.

“Get on the table Kelly.” My father said firmly. “Remember what we discussed.”

I gulped and nodded, wordlessly getting on the table. I was hardly seated before the two guards began strapping me down to the table. My hands first, then my feet, one strap across my chest, and another my thighs. My instinct was to fight back, I could even feel Keres threatening to push forward. I had no doubt that my eyes were black from her taking primary control of my vision.

“Hold her steady.” My father said. His voice was muffled, undoubtedly from Keres and I fighting for dominance. “Hurry up doctor!” he yelled.

Emmett was trying to say something to me as he worked but he was muffled too. I could feel something cold on my arm before the prick came, followed by what felt like snake venom being injected into my body. It burned beyond belief. Keres roared in anger, fighting against the restraints. I could hear yelling in the background as my hand broke loose. Thorin was right there to hold my arm back, and before I knew it, I was being injected with something else, knocking me out.

– – – – – – – – – – – –


“What did you give her?!” I roared, moving to Kelly’s side as soon as I saw the restraints start to give away.

Kere’s was right there, right under the surface, if she got loose in the palace it would be detrimental. The buckle on her wrist gave loose, hitting one of the guards in the face, leaving a nasty gash. We would be lucky if that was the only incident today.

“Its a potent mix, loaded with wolfsbane.” Emmett said, grabbing something out of the drawer and stabbing it into Kelly’s neck.

“Why give her wolfsbane?!” I growled in annoyance.

“You know why, Thorin,” King Carson answered in a clipped tone. “Dr. Barbato, the side effects?”

“Drowsiness, vomiting, joint pain, headache, fatigue or weakness, difficulty concentrating or confusion, muscle weakness, blurred vision…” He began to list off.

“Are there any good sides?” I interrupted, while Emmett began releasing Kelly from the restraints.

“Yes, her wolf will be in a sedated state, per King Carson’s request.” He said with a bite to his tone.

“Until something can be found that will work better,” King Carson added, obviously annoyed by both of us. “How long will she be out for?”

“A few hours, at least. Maybe more.” Emmett sighed. “I would like to have round-the-clock supervision to monitor her until she wakes.”

“I will see that it is arranged,” King Carson answered.

“I take first watch,” I said, scooping her up and heading towards her room.

I didnt bother to wait for anyone else to say anything. I had seen enough. Her wolf was a monster, there was no doubt about it, but Kelly was the complete opposite. She was kind and caring and fierce and powerful, in the best ways possible. She didn’t deserve to suffer for her wolf’s transgressions. Having Keres for a wolf was punishment enough. There had to be a better solution, something better than whatever the f**k the doctor gave her today. It pained me to see her this way.

“Sleep, solnyshko. I will be right by your side,” I said as I carefully laid her down on her bed.

I took a seat in a frilly-looking chair across the room where I sat through the night, watching her intently. She never even moved. I despised the doctor for whatever he gave her. I despised the King even more. Kelly was his daughter for goddess sake! You can’t tell me that this was his only option. But unfortunately, the only thing I could do about it was stay by her side. Be a friend. I was not the king or her doctor. I was her trainer.

It was nearly dawn before she finally started to stir. I could hear her breathing change first before she g*****d and her eyes started to flutter open.

“I am here, Solnshko,” I said, moving to her side.

“Thorin?” She winced, her movements slow.

“What do you need?” I asked, helping her sit up.


“What hurts?” I asked, helping her back down.

“Everything.” She cried.

“I’ll get the doctor.” I said

“No-” She begged. “Please don’t leave me.”


“Thorin please…” She said, curling up into a ball. I quickly climbed into the princess’s bed, holding her trembling body in my arms. “You’re…so…w-warm.” She said, getting closer to me.

“You’ll be okay.” I said, adjusting her disheaved blankets. “Doctor warned of side effects.”

“It’s fine.” She gulped. “I deserve it after all I’ve done, and you know it.”

“You don’t deserve. You are not evil…you have spirited wolf.”

“Ha!” She croaked. “She has tried to kill you countless times now.”

“Very spirited then.” I shrugged, making her laugh.

Kelly drifted in and out of sleep all day, teetering between having chills and sweats. Her sister Kelsey came to visit, and the evil plant doctor too. He seemed both relieved and annoyed to see me. I could say the same about him. He said her response was normal and water could help. He also said her symptoms should lessen with time.

Despite Kelly having some strong side effects, King Carson insisted that we continue with training. He just didn’t specify what kind of training. So, I changed my lesson plans from learning how to use throwing stars, to more basic survival skills. Kelly watched as I built a fire, set a trap, and cooked dinner from the rabbit we caught. She was grateful, and within a week she was more herself.

Unfortunately, that meant Keres was back, and with a vengeance. Which in turn meant that Kelly was going back to her plant doctor for new drugs. King Carson had no objection, even knowing that some days made our training near impossible. Goddess help me not to hurt that man. And Goddess help Kelly. Help my solnyshko.

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