The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

33. Dinner In Red


“The King said to get changed, tonight you will dine with him.”

Those were the words the Omega girl spoke before she asked if I needed help getting ready. I had declined her help and had decided to get ready by myself.

I hadn’t been able to go down to the courtyard for more blood, but it was fine, I needed to be careful, and so I spent the day searching this part of the castle. Although most of the doors

d, I still had a look around. I hadn’t managed to find the keys to the journals much t o my disappointment, but I still had this room to search more thoroughly.

Wherever that annoying Alpha had hidden them, I’d find them.

I knew what I wanted from him, so I decided to use my allure and looks tonight to keep him distracted and hope he’d agree to what I was asking. I knew I had a hold over him with the mate bond, and something told me that if I wanted, I would be able to bring Thanatos forth. Unlike his human counterpart, he was much more smitten with me. However, that too could b e dangerous considering how rough he had been last time.

Isn’t it funny, that I, a vampire, was mated to the Alpha king? I wonder if I really wanted to, would I be able to bring him to his knees and have him yield to me? Oh, I knew I had the capability to… If I wanted, I could make anyone fall in love with me. I could be so sweet, despite how psychotic I am too.

I had just showered and was now staring at my large array of clothing. Now… What is the perfect colour to bring a man to his knees?


I chose the sexiest dress from the wardrobe. Slipping it on, I just about got it zipped up. It was tiny, with my height it just about covered my behind, my legs were on full display.

Applying some smoky eye make-up and deep red lipstick, I finished off with some highlighter. Putting on some heels and curling my black locks before running my fingers through them. Finishing with a touch of fragrance, I looked in the mirror for a moment. It felt like I was Morgana Araton, princess of the Sanguine Empire, once again.

What had I become? Stuck in this place as a captive. I was losing my identity with each passing day.

I pushed the thought away and glanced at the time. The Omega had said dinner would be served downstairs at eight pm. How strange, from what I had thought, wasn’t he meant to be dining with his guests for the next few nights? I guess I would ask him…

I left the room, making my way downstairs, the smell of delicious dishes wafted through the

air but it was something else that made me stop in my tracks.

Kian was leaning against the bannister of the staircase, arms crossed. He looked incredibly handsome in more formal attire; his bulging muscles strained against the fabric of his shirt. A few buttons were left open, showing off the necklaces that always hung around his neck. His intoxicating scent overpowered everything else, leaving me feeling slightly lightheaded.

He turned, glancing up at me, I didn’t miss the way his heart began to race. His eyes darkened with desire as his gaze trailed up my body, I fought to keep my heartbeat steady. He was doing it again…

His gaze alone was playing with my emotions. My stomach was fluttering like crazy and that familiar ache settled in my core… But this man was not going to touch me again. Not after how he played and used me last time, I just had to remember that.

I walked down the steps, chin held high and my hips swaying. Yep, I was just being a little more sexier than normal. My hair bouncing around me, I stopped when I approached the bottom. Reaching out, I placed a finger under his chin, trying not to gasp at the sparks that rushed through me.

“Never seen a woman before?” I asked mockingly.

He raised an eyebrow, his gaze dipping to my breasts. My satin dress left a lot of cleavage on show.

“Not one as beautiful as you. You look… ravishing.” He said huskily, his deep voice sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

My stomach fluttered, but I was not going to let him get to me. I let go of his chin and tossed m y hair over my shoulder.

“Obviously,” I stated.

I was confused. After what happened with Sage, was he really going to continue this?

“This way.” He said, stepping ahead and leading me down the hall. I had come here earlier, so I knew exactly where the dining room was.

However, the room that had been dark and empty earlier was now warmed with dimly lit lights. There were a few candles in the centre of the table, along with some fresh flowers and a variety of dishes set out. The table that was large enough to seat eight had only two places set, one at the head of the table and one to the right, meaning we were sitting side by side.

I frowned when Kian pulled the chair out for me. What was this?

I narrowed my eyes and took the seat.

“It’s surprising to see you have manners. I mean, to come from keeping me tied for days, to holding out a chair? How sweet.” I said coldly as he tucked my chair in.

He didn’t reply, frowning slightly as he took his seat

“Do you prepare your snarky comments in advance, sunshine, or do they naturally come to you?” He said, picking up the bottle of champagne and pouring two glasses.

I smiled sweetly.

“Oh, they come naturally, especially when I’m around dimwits.” I said innocently.


He cocked a brow and smirked.

“At least you’re entertaining.”

“Oh, I’m glad you see it like that.” I said, picking up my glass.

He did the same, clinking it with mine before knocking half of it down in one go. Was it wrong to admit that he was irritatingly handsome? Everything he did captured my attention, and if he wasn’t such an annoying asshole, maybe – just maybe – I would have fallen for him.

“Indeed, now let’s dine before you actually end up pissing me off.” He said, gesturing to the food.

I smirked.

“That is the aim.” I said haughtily, taking a sip of my wine. A short while later, we had food on our plates and silence had fallen. Although I could feel his eyes on me often enough, he at least let me eat in peace.

“So did you think about what you wanted?” He asked, breaking the silence.

I really do jinx things. Why do I do this?

“I did. If I am to stay here, then I want to actually do something. I’m a person, not just a doll

that you are keeping.” I started.

I needed to phrase this like I was simply bored, not as if I had double intentions.

“Do explain.” Came his arrogant reply.

“Back home, I was part of my father’s court, I am good when it comes to battle strategy and.”

I stopped when he smirked.

“What?” I said glaring at him.

“You? Good with battle strategy? Have you forgotten that your every attempt at escaping has not been thought out. I mean, if the Sanguine Empire relied on your strategic methods, I’m surprised they’re not already all dead.” He mocked.

I clenched my jaw, my cheeks heating up. He was not wrong… but mocking me like that!

“Hey! That was me acting on emotion. I am not stupid; besides, we don’t die easily!”

His smirk only grew, flashing his perfectly white teeth.

“So, the fact that they didn’t die is due to their resilience rather than your perfect battle plans? I’m not sure I want to risk my men’s lives.”

I glared at him, and he chuckled, sending a small flutter of butterflies twirling inside of me. H e leaned over, and my heart thundered when his hazel eyes met my own.

“Seems like I’m not the only one who gets under the other’s skin.” He murmured.

Don’t let him get to you…

I glared back at him, doing my best not to let my gaze fall on those plush lips of his that were s o good… He licked his lips, moving back, and I let out a small breath. “Why not test me? In strategy, planning, knowledge, hand to hand combat and with weapons. If I do prove myself, then you don’t have a reason to refuse.” I stated, returning to my food.

He was silent for a moment.

“Fine, I will test your knowledge first. Let’s see what the Sanguine Empire has taught their daughters.”

“More than what the Clair de Lune Kingdom has taught theirs.”

No matter what he said, we were at least treated more equal to men; we were allowed to fight, be part of battle, the court and much more. Yes, there was still the aspect that we had less power in…

“We shall see about that tomorrow.” He remarked, not missing the lingering gaze on my body.


“And weren’t you supposed to be dining with the visitors?”

“I can do as I want, and as promised, I wanted to hear what you desired.” He replied arrogantly.

He confused me. Sometimes I felt he wasn’t too annoying, and then he went and pulled some stupid move. I won’t fall for this, not again. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Does your precious Sage know you’re here dining with me?” I asked, unable to resist.

He frowned at that.

“She knows who you are to me, so she would understand.”

“I don’t know if you’re the idiot here, or if Sage is just stupid.” I said, shaking my head.

“I don’t see why you have an issue either way. The Sanguine Empire’s men have many women at their side, so why are my personal relationships any different than that?” He asked


I cocked a brow, mother’s story returning to my mind. I smiled faintly.

“Because I thought your kind were different… If there was one thing that I actually respected, i

t was the love and respect of the mate bond. Where a man loves and cherishes one woman forever.” I said quietly.

An emotion I couldn’t read flashed in his eyes, and was that also sadness? I wasn’t sure, it was gone as quickly as it had come. He reached over, taking hold of my chin.

“Tell me, Morgana, does it hurt when I’m with someone else?”

“Oh please, don’t turn this around on me. I’m just saying I thought the mate bond was more, but clearly, it holds no value to-”

I was cut off when he leant over, claiming my lips in a sizzling soft kiss that sent a wave of pleasure rushing through me. The taste of the champagne lingered on them, but before I could even pull away, he moved back. His eyes met mine.

“It does hold value… Way fucking more than I can ever tell you.”

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