The Alpha King’s Fated Scarred Mate

Chapter 10: I’m innocent

Chapter 10

Ann’s POV

“Take her!”The chief maid brawled, with her index finger pointing over to my side.

Fears gripped me, I blenched, adjusting myself on the strawmat in which I was laying.

Sugar, the girl who had requested I be her sister, rose from her position, stepping up right in front of me.

She stood gallantly, spreading her hands apart like an eagle’s wings. She was shielding me from being carried away.

“Step aside!”They warned, but Sugar attitude at that moment was adamant. She didn’t freaked at their carveat.

She only retorted, “never!”

A slap landed across her cheeks, In a blink of an eye, she was shoved aside.

I was dragged alongside with them, I didn’t argue or hesitate.

“I’ll be right back.” I only uttered those words to Sugar.


First time in my life that I’ll ever have to come in a close contact with the Alpha King.

His facial features were second to none. Although he looked like someone who wouldn’t be dreadful, but I doubt that since he is the Almighty Alpha King.

My gaze darted to the woman who was sitted beside the Alpha King. It didn’t be more of a second for me to realize that she was the supreme Luna, judging from her outfit. She was dressed in a royal golden lace which has this blinking stones emanating from it, her diadem was decorated in red stone.

Her aura spread fears and confusion into my system. My legs wobbled at her stare.

“So, she’s the culprit?” The Alpha spoke in a domineering tone, almost causing me to shrink below the earth.

What culprit? I was befuddled at that moment. Why would I be referred to as a culprit? I pondered, whilst rubbing my wet palm behind my back.

“Alpha, this girl should be killed.” The Luna’s voice sounded like a clout on my head.

I was traumatized at her utterance. I was dumbfounded at the situations I was in. Maybe this was a dream, I had to blink my eyes several of time, even have to pinched my thighs.

It was real! The pain was real.

It actually reality.

Just when I thought my life was a completely mess, and that I cope through it. Such a pity that I would have to die innocently.

I would have spoken but it was actually a red flag for maids to speak when Royal and nobles are speaking. Especially now that it was an Alpha.

“So Jace and Jayden what is your say pertaining to the atrocities which this subject had committed? It would be my delight to listen to you both.”

“She should be torn apart by a boar to serve as a lesson to other people who will dare think of killing our benevolent queen..” Jayden uttered.

I was traumatized at his utterance, my heart seized seconds upon seconds. Rage and fire build furiously within me, I had this gut instructing me to walk on over to his side, and have his heart ripped out. but who am I?

I’m nothing but a maid, so I wouldn’t risk putting myself into a mess.

“We should have her questioned, someone might have dragooned her into this act. Perhaps if questioned, she will open up at the expense of her freedom.” Jace emphasized in a dulcet tone, at the hearing of his voice all rage within me subsidized.

“It doesn’t matter if she open up or not, she will still has to die! She’s an accomplice in this case, an attempted murder case against the supreme Luna which isn’t to be taken lightly.” Jayden spouted in rage, his eyes were giving him away. They were bloodshot.

There ensued moments of silence in the courtroom in which we were gathered.

The Alpha was muted and only stared at them.

“Objection!” Jace chimed.

“I think in carrying out a judgment, one thing should be taken into consideration,” he paused and continued. “Which is; our emotions.”

“As a judge, or ruler, or ordinary person, some things might happen in which if you do not curtailed your emotions at that moment, it might ended up putting you in a catch-22.”

“Oh, stop being a woman and just put in to actions. You don’t show any mercy to traitors, evildoers, coquette. You will only be regarded as a weakler and stumbled upon when you tried not to allow your emotions to get over you. When you allow yourself to be captured by your emotions, hammering the gold while it’s out of the furnace, there will definitely be a positive satisfaction.”

“Why do you think the iron despite being taken out of the fire are always be hitted hard on upon? When you strike while it is hot, they wouldn’t dare to make a comeback.” Jayden fired in a tone of annoyance.

This Jayden will certainly wiped out anyone who stood in his way perhaps he become a ruler someday.

“So as to cool the hotness, and have it shaped before it got amok.”

“Overreaction doesn’t solve a problem,”Jace added in a calm tone, my wolf screamed in joy at his words.

“Don’t you think when you strike a snake in your chamber without thinking of the way it had walked in, don’t you think there might be more occurrence of those snakes keep coming into your chamber? The snake must have lay eggs in your chamber unknowingly, or even walked through a hole in, you should clearly investigate by searching your room. Same applies to this; she should be detained, interrogated so as we could know the reasons she had done this, her supporters.”

“Why should she being interrogated? She’s just a cipher! Why waste time on a scum like her?”

“Comport yourself Jayden, you’re in the presence of the Alpha King!”The supreme Luna voice sounded . “Be cagey of your utterance.”

“Sympathy my Lord.”Jayden uttered, falling upon his knees.

“Accepted!”The Alpha King motioned, with a wave of his hands in the air.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“Buoyed up, speak!”My inner wolf adviced amisdt the heated ongoing disquisition.

I demur, listening to their argument.

What if this whole thing was drama? Or just a test in order for them to know each of their capibilty in case they someday managed to be in power?

Or what if my thoughts are just meter illusions? Then I’ll die? My stomach knot at the thought of die.


I’ve always be timid, afraid to voice out whenever I’m being wrong.

Since I’m going to die anyway, I should at least be aware of my crime, I wouldn’t dare to defend myself because I know my words will just be the remains of a shattered egg.

“Your liege, your majesty.” I mustered the whole of the strength left within me to talk.

I could sensed the nervousness in my tone as I stammered.

“How dare you?”Jayden yelled at me in apoplexy.

“How dare you talk when the nobles are speaking?”

I instantly feared for my life, I have this quilt of blame eating through me. My lips pursed into a thin line at their convenience, my heart rise up and down underneath my chest.

I was going to do this! Why?

I can do this but I’ll need a motivation. I stared at Jace, our gaze get honed, I felt a reviving energy surging within me.

I was instantly renewed of energy.

“His Majesty clemency covered and inspired me a common filthy cipher to speak. His Majesty clemency is supreme and endless.” I uttered with my head bowed to the floor.

After my speech, the whole atmosphere was enclouded in a graver silence. Maybe today was not my lucky day. Jayden was going to speak when the alpha king interrupted him. “Let her be!”

“Clemency?”The Alpha King smirked, glazing at me. “Are you trying to sweet talk me?”

” I dare not, your majesty!”

“You may speak!”his tone was conspicuous.

“I Ann the daughter of your servant, Alpha Alfred of Crimson Pack demands to know why I’m being denigrated upon? I’m baffled at the ongoing situations and conversation.”

My heart thumped at my words. What have I said? Why do I have to give my identity away? This my utterance will surely land my parents in a mess.

Why do I have to ask? I should have just taken the blame so as my death would be easy since no one really loves me.

I blinked.

“Bring the dress.” The Alpha King ordered, in which there was a compliance after his order.

I recognized the attire. It was the attire in which I’ve washed alongside with Sugar.

Why are they bringing it up? What connection have the attire got to do with the taking of my life.

I pondered, cogitating.

“Have you by any chance see this dress?”

At his questions, I was thrown into dilemma.

“Yes, your majesty.”I responded in deferences.

“This dress was laced with poison, who was in the care of the cloth? That eventually leads us to you. And now, you’re in trial, they are the judge. Whosoever win, the decision would be taken upon.”

“What?”My eyes widened at the Alpha’s words. Poison?

Why would I dare to poison the supreme Luna?

I tried to talk but my tongue became heavy, and stucked, and dried.

“Your majesty, that’s a besmirch on me. I’m innocent! If proven, you would found no sins in me. I wouldn’t dare to harbour such a thought.”

“Someone might have sweet-talk you.”Jace added.

“Who would that have be?”I inquired, but was not expecting response.

“No one! No one. No one is my close acquittance in this palace. I’ve always be alone.” I cried.

“That’s a weakness!”Jace chimed. “And someone must have notice that, and quietly sweet-talk you”

“I said no one sweet talk me!”Unknowingly to me that I was yelling.

“That we would know after we’ve interogate you.”

The atmosphere returned into it previous state. Silence!

I weep silently, my heart gradually aches, and I felt my wolf going mute.

I cursed the day I was born. I regretted of having being born by mother.

Perhaps she hadn’t flirted with my father, I wouldn’t have be born.

“Here comes the king decree!” The eunuch or should I say the king beta?

“Ann Alfred should be detained and investigated by both of the princes, they should report their observation and judgement during the king centenary birthday, final judgement would be make on the same day by the Alpha King. Court dismissed.” He read.

I was dragged out of the king presence forcefully, I had a one time peep at the King, he was smiling.

I swore that I’d saw him smile.

This situations seems to be convoluted than how neutral it would have appeared to be.

I was thrown into the dungeon, my hands wrapped with shackles.

The conjugated bar of iron stood only the image, with a flame emànating from the candlestick.

The winds whipped around me as I crouched down, dragging my knees to my chest, eating my fingers. Hot trails of salty tears streamed down my cheeks, they even mixed with the mucus which were coming out of my nose, and i swear that I’d taste them.

I didn’t even bother cleaning them.

What if Jayden should win? Then I’ll be condemned and killed of a crime in which I know not.

I’ll be condemned on the same day the king will be celebrating his centenary birthday. A celebration where many prestigious and distinguish nobles would be present, especially my father and my stepmom.

Won’t my case exactly proven and justify their cruelty and hatred towards me?

Won’t it shamed them?

I prayed they never attend this birthday.

I beseech they never attend.

My ears stood up to the sound of the heavy footsteps which fastly approach the room i was.

I haven’t seen the person but his aura already spread around room. I listened doubtingly an instant, to my dismay; the door jerked open.

I stilled, my heart pounding at his behold.

I stared away in revulsion, and pursed my lips into a thin line.

He furthered, walking towards me. I closed my eyes breathing deeply to control the hurricane of emotions which devoured me at the moment.

His movement was swift, and had stopped right in front of me.

His eyes blazed danger when he grabbed my neck tightly.

His words cut me like a sharpened sword which makes me to be dispirited. “Murderer!”

His words only not cut through me but also sent waves of erotic pleasures to me. I felt aroused especially at his touch.


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