The Agent’s Badboy

Chapter 44 The day she finds out

“Why do you have a burner phone on your bag?” Yegor demanded, showing her the phone that Ardian gave her for emergencies.

“Why are you snooping at my stuff?”

“And I called the only number there, guess who picked it up?” Yegor asked looking pissed at her.

Karla was finishing up on her work email, it was her last day, and the transition has been nothing but smooth, too smooth for her taste. And just out of curiosity she asked Luka to infiltrate her data and check if there was a correlation between her training overseas, her supervisor, and obviously Yegor.

What she found out hours later shocked her enough that she was silent. The former agent was still thinking about how she’s going to handle the news until Yegor crossed the line.

“Right, and when I asked Luka to check about my training abroad, do you know what he found out?”

Yegor was silent to the question, Luka had made her listen to the encrypted conversation between Yegor and her commanding officer. She heard him clearly telling her boss that he wanted her out of the country, telling him that there’s a big shipment that was going to happen and he didn’t want her interference.

“Answer me, Yegor?”

“Kiska, that was for your safety. I need to make that the threats against you are taken care of.”

“Fuck you! you acted all worried and didn’t want to part with me, while I clearly heard that you’re banishing me because you have a big shipment coming your way. Tell me, are you really stepping down or just for cover so you can be behind the curtain, and make Darko do the leg work while keeping yourself safe and me out of the shadow?”

Karla had her mind set up, and she hated him for it. The deceptions were too much for her taste, and that’s when she closed her laptop and started putting her clothes in her overnight bag.

“Karla, where are you going?”

“Oh, come on! don’t act so surprised! I’m letting you have your privacy to do your business, let me know when you’re done playing mob boss then we can raise our kid together.”

“What the fuck does that supposed to mean?”

“I’m going BACK to my apartment.” She spatted at him furiously.

“But you sold your apartment?”

“Yeah?! think again, do you really think I’m that stupid falling for another man after my last marriage and that I gave up everything just to be with you?”

Karla was actually that stupid and fall hard for Yegor, she wanted nothing but her fairytale ending.

And she did sell her apartment, but she still has a couple of more days to vacate her apartment. She will have to call the buyer to extend her moving out day while finding another apartment, and a less demanding job. That is if she could find any in her pregnant condition.

“Kiska…” Yegor tried to reach out for her, feeling so stupid for not taking care of the matter in a more delicate manner.

“You can keep the phone, I can take care of myself.” She fits all she can into her overnight bag, thinking she’s just going to have to buy the rest.

“Come on baby, it’s going to be you and me again, my handsome Gus.” She took her fat cat and put him inside his carrier, he let out a small meow but sits his fat butt and let his human mom take him where ever she wanted.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Karla, you can’t leave. You’re pregnant with my kid!”

“Yeah? you should think of that before accusing me with stuff!” she quickly wiped her tears when she felt her heart broken into pieces. Karla was feeling the hurt, it was way worse than being beaten up by her abusive ex-husband.

“Just let me leave Yegor, I can’t do this. I need to be away from you right now.”


Yegor knows he had lost her because of his own stupidity. But he intends to get her back, no matter what it takes.

“Don’t, not now.” She let him kiss her cheek but pulled back when he’s trying for more.

“… okay, I’ll have my guys look out for you.”

“I know you would.” She replied in a sarcastic manner.

She knows she can never really escape him, not yet. She didn’t even want to be away from him. But the lies were too much, she needed to think things through. With his business, she knows that there would be things that he’s going to hide from her, and she was not sure if she’s ready for that kind of future.

It took her an hour to finally get back to her apartment. The place looked empty, but Yegor sent Margot with her, he was adamant about it and she gave up thinking at least she’s going to be well-fed while being away from him.


“Let me set up your bed, then you can rest?” the older woman didn’t ask why she was moving out, Margot was simply helping her with whatever she needed.

Karla decided to take a shower after she makes sure Gus was comfortable in his usual corner. Her head was pounding she was ready to cry and did so when she was under the shower.

In all her life she never once cried that hard, not even when her husband beat her and leave her on the side of the road.

“You need to eat, even just for a little. For the baby?” Margot reminded her when she was saying goodnight to her.

“Okay, I’ll eat in my bedroom.”

“No, please eat here. It’s late, I’ll be going to bed now. Just leave the dishes, I’ll clean up in the morning.”

Karla gives her a faint smile and nodded.

The older woman must’ve seen her puffy eyes and know that she was wanting her alone time even for dinner.

“Thank you, I…”

“You don’t have to explain anything to me, one step at a time, and think about the baby.”

Karla took a deep breath and sits on the dining chair, and true to her words Margot leaves her to dine in peace.

The quietness didn’t last long when she had a very unsettling dream. It was the bad dream that used to terrorize her sleep making her wake up covered in sweat and her hands’ tremors.

Karla greeted Gus when she came out of her room, the fat cat purred when she picks him up and caresses his thick fur.

“You always know, don’t you Gus?”

She looked out the window and sits with Gus on her living room sofa, he keeps on purring on her lap showing his human mom that he’s there.

It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours and she needs him already. Karla cursed on the inside, while she kept on stroking GusGus.

For months she would have nightmares about her abusive ex-husband, it had all vanished the day she slept in Yegor’s arms.

She didn’t realize it would all be coming back so soon. She thought it was gone for good, and at that time she knows she will have nightmares and sleepless nights all over again.

Karla didn’t know how long, but she finally falls back asleep suffocating her fat cat Gus with her warmth, while he kept on snuggling comfortably in her arms.

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