The Agent’s Badboy

Chapter 39 The day when she first arrived

It was six weeks later when Karla arrived at Luka’s hometown for her scheduled overseas training program from the agency.

She reached the apartment late in the afternoon, the place was suggested by Luka and she smiled when she was liking the space and the view of the apartment.

“Hey, so… I’m at the apartment,” Karla was calling her fiance mob boss.

Yegor was still upset with her departure, but the Albanians were keeping him busy with their new venture.

“I don’t like being away from you.”

She smiled hearing that he was pissed with the situation, she knows that he didn’t want her to go and it was making her feel things.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I missed you too.”

“Come home…”

She bites her lip knowing anywhere with him is home, but she needed her work and at that moment she was following instructions.

“I’ll be home before you know it, and you can always visit me.”

She can hear him groaning from the other line.

“Six months, Kiska… I don’t understand why you’re making me suffer here.”

“Yegor, maybe some timeout will be good for us? imagine the sex after we haven’t seen each other in months.” Karla said while stretching her legs after her long flight because she was flying business class under the agency expenses.

“I’m not liking it.”

“I know, you’ve been saying that since last week.”

The couple kept on talking until there was a buzz on her unit, she looked at her watch and walked to the door.

“Your boys are here, let me call you later tonight before I go to sleep okay?”

“Okay, tell Nail to call me after he’s done at your place. Karla, I love you.”

“I love you too.” She smiled again then ended the call.

“Nail, come in…”

Nail greeted her and told her that his men will be right up with her stuff and her cat. She nodded to one of Yegor’s trusted men.

When Yegor convinced her that he would send Nail to assess her space she rejected him, but he has his way with her. The mob boss knows just how to persuade and she bends to his wishes and lets him send her Gus and the rest of her belongings with his men.

“Thanks, Nail, though I don’t get why he insists that you need to assist me here. I can take care of myself, I know you’re busy.”

“I will be if anything should happen to you. This way, I’m preventing the mess that I might get myself into, and with Yegor, I know I won’t be alive if you’re hurt on my watch.”

She laughed and said that he has a good point, then she gets two beers from the fridge and gives one to Nail.

“Well, thanks. I’ll make sure you’ll stay alive.”

He smirked and gulped the beer and started working on buffing up her security system with his black shiny laptop.

“You’re settled here, I’m just piggybacking Luka’s feeds to ours to make sure you’re settling in safely and I’ll be checking in with Luka later on.”

Nail had met Luka when he took care of Karla a couple of years back. He was holding down Yegor’s operation while his boss flees to another country and leaves her to marry her former abusive husband.

“Right,” Karla muttered as she was typing on her phone while she waited for Nail to clear her apartment.

“You know Luka had vetted the apartment and he lives just fifteen minutes away from here, right?”

“I know, as I said… just to make sure.”

She was still antsy until one of his men brought Gus up to her apartment.

“My baby,” she greeted her fat cat by taking Gus in her embrace and gently rubbing his thick furry neck.

Nail glanced at her and turned his back before he rolls his eyes. He didn’t want to disrespect his future madame and he was back to busy himself by overlooking his men as they re-enforce surveillance for Karla’s surrounding areas.

“Okay, you’re all set. I will have a man on standby, just press this icon here and he’ll come to your rescue.” Nail said while showing her the emergency button that he had connected to her mobile phone.

“Oh, and Yegor said you should call him once you’re done here.” Karla walked him out the door, then smiled at her ball of fur when she was finally left in peace.

“Luka, I’m here.”

“I know, I can see your entourage earlier. Yegor never settled for his future madam. I’m not saying that I like him but he’s on my good side, for now.” He chuckled from the other line.

“I like the place, thank you.”

“Thanked Olga, it’s one of her friends’ listings. I just put cameras there.”

“I’ll call her later,”

“Don’t. She’s not to be disturbed, the twins have been making her crazy with their birthday lists. Trust me, lay low until this weekend. We will see you at the party, don’t forget the presents they need to remember you, it’s been too long.”

“I will use my ability and training to deduce the trending toys that’ll satisfy your twins.”

He laughed and told her he knows that she won’t disappoint him.

She spent the rest of the day unpacking until it was dark and take her rest. She finally falls asleep when her phone buzzed.

“Hey, so I’m missing a pillow. Do you know anything about that?” his voice was as sexy as she remembered.

It hasn’t even twenty-four hours, yet she missed his warm embrace and she was having a hard time falling asleep.

“Unless you’re here, I’m going back to sleep.”

“I hope I can hold you right now.”

“Me too.”

“You want to go back? and cuffed me to the bed?”

She sighed and smiled while her eyes were still closed.

“Yegor, I have to report to my commanding officer tomorrow morning…”

“I’m sorry baby, I’m going to let you rest now. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

She falls asleep smiling at his words, she was hugging his pillow that she stole the day of her departure.

The agent thought falling asleep was hard, but the next morning was proven harder when she woke up with the urge to get herself to the bathroom. She was puking to nothing, she hadn’t had anything to eat. She knows she couldn’t be pregnant, not with the last blow she gets from the old man Kuznetsova.

“Oh no… no… no…” her mind was calculating in her head, counting down the days she had been missing her period. Karla thought it was because of the stress, or maybe even the happiness and the constant sex that she’s been having making her behind on her period.

Yet she goes out to the twenty-four hours drugstore to buy three different brands of the pregnancy test, and tried them all and wait in anticipation then cursed when all came back positive.


“Good morning agent Federova.”

“Good morning, sir.”

“I must say you look a bit pale, I trust that you’ll be able to carry on with our training?”

“I will, sir.” she lied through her teeth, while her mind was playing different kinds of scenarios, all including the baby mob daddy.

That day she was on an introductory training, she ended the day flawlessly though she was not sure how she was going to slip through the medical assessment by week three of her training program.

And her biggest problem was how she was going to break the news to Yegor, there were so many aspects that she needed to consider. She doesn’t even know if he wanted a kid.

That evening she was relaxing and cuddling up to her fluffy Gus in front of the fireplace when her man calls and asked about her day.

She could never lie to him about the little stuff. Karla didn’t know how but he always finds out. Work issues have always been easy, but anything personal he would sniff her lies like a dog on a tracker.

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