Tempting the Billionaire and His Heir



Alexa finally mustered up the courage to talk to Anthony about Cody Nolan, her ex-boyfriend, and Kathy, who happens to be her friend. As she spoke of betrayal by someone close to her on two fronts over a cup of coffee at a quaint cafe nearby, tears rolled down from eyes uncontrollably.

“Why would they do this to me?” Alexa sniffled as she clutched onto a tissue box placed on the table.

Anthony leaned in and took one of Alexa’s hands in his while maintaining eye contact with a comforting smile painted across his face.

“Hey now, it’s going to be alright,” he said gently. “You’re too awesome for them anyways.”

Alexa giggled softly despite herself. It was impossible not to feel better around Anthony – he just had that effect on people.

Later after picking out an outfit from the store where they were nestled; Alexis with shopping bags walked alongside Anthony towards a fitting room.”Let me try this outfit-on inside…”

They quickly left the boutique behind without any further ado so Alexandra could change into it before proceeding toward their dinner reservation at that restaurant which couldn’t come soon enough..

Alexa had been excited for this night out at the restaurant with Anthony. She spent hours getting ready, picking an elegant dress and carefully applying her makeup. As they sat across from each other at a corner table, she felt both nervous and hopeful about where the evening might lead.

She couldn’t help but notice when Anthony’s gaze lingered on her longer than usual – there was something intense in his eyes that made Alexa feel exposed in a way that left her feeling vulnerable.

Despite trying to shake off the sensation of unease that crept up inside of her, it only grew stronger as time went by. Finally unable to ignore it any longer, she mustered all of her courage and spoke up: “Do you only want me because you want to be loved again?”

Anthony seemed taken aback by Alexa’s question yet he didn’t flinch away from answering truthfully either. In a soft voice filled with honesty he responded, “Partly yes… but not entirely.”

“What do you mean?” pressed Alexa wanting further clarification before weighing their future together.

“Well I admit I have longed for someone special who will accept me completely even after knowing my past,” replied Anthony while looking deep into Alexa’s eyes.

“And now seeing your beauty is undoubtedly one part of what drew me towards asking you out… I can’t deny that…But there is another side too….”

Curiosity piqued , Alexia urged him on,” What could possibly be beyond those looks?”

Pausing momentarily allowing himself digest memories within which stirred beneath surfaced due conversation, he continued.” After so many heart breaks, it always stole every possibility creating stable relationships like most folks…. But you showed up and everything changed.”

With tears building up behind them barely holding back, lazily blinking away despite fear rising within added bluntly.

“Yes indeed, the physical aspect did lead us here today! But trust me, getting to know you is worth everything …….. Sorry if forced sharing gets awkward!!!’

They both talked and shared romantic moments, till they left for their homes. Of course Anthony was the one that drove her home.

As much as he wanted to sleep over, Alexa didn’t let him because he had an early meeting to attend the next morning.

So they just kissed each other, after which a very tight hug followed. They really had mutual feelings for each other.

New day…

Alexa tried her best to ignore the niggling feeling in her gut as she scrolled through Facebook on a lazy Sunday afternoon. She had stumbled upon a post by another guy, who shared a picture of Nolan’s girlfriend and captioned it with “Love of my life.” The comment section under the picture was filled with heart emojis and comments like “Couple goals!” It was an open secret that Nolan adored his girlfriend – he talked about her all the time.

Despite knowing this, Alexa could not help but feel for him. She could see why he liked her; she was beautiful both inside and out. However, now there seemed to be a shadow over their relationship.

She wondered if she should tell him what she saw or just stay quiet.

Was it really any of her business? But then again, if somebody knew something potentially harmful about their loved ones’ relationships wouldn’t they want someone to alert them?Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Alexa couldn’t shake off those thoughts from the new discovery away from herself.

She picked her phone and put a call through to Nolan.

“Have you seen anything suspicious online lately?”

Curiosity replaced hunger in Nolan’s eyes as he looked up at Alexa mid-bite sandwich pieces hanging off his lips,”No nothing yet… Why do you ask?”

It took everything within Alexa not burst out crying right here asking herself how such good natured souls oftentimes ended being treated unfairly while giving too much attention towards others rather than themselves.

“Well,” she paused briefly before plunging into ongoing solutionary speech measures, “I happened across something peculiar regarding your girl on social media- A lovey-dovey photo where some boy claims ‘Love Of My Life.”

By now even extended circle colleagues around had stopped eating half-munches food gurisedly listening attentively.

Nolan doesn’t know how is going to react after hearing such news but attempts hiding anxious expression by lifting palms facing upwards covering most face features still visible shaking head: “No way! You must have read that wrong.”

With empathy seeping deep fast inside, Alexa hissed.

“I only show concern because I care, Nolan. If somebody knows valuable information related to anything concerning our well-being, it becomes eminent. I suggest talking things openly with your partner- confrontations may lead to solving conflicts. So sit down together maybe over a cup of coffee and resolve issues, instead jumping conclusions beforehand without further confirmations. That shall clear clouds haze- fingers crossed.”

She prayed ardently hoping that truth always prevailed.

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