Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

Just when Dominic fisted the Dark Overlord’s tuft of hair and lifted his magical sword to bring it crashing down on the Dark Overlord’s neck, a familiar female voice suddenly resounded in the war zone.

“STOP !! Stop if you don’t want this Beta and his child to die !”

Dominic’s blood visibly boiled when he saw who it was and one could safely say that the other person on the other side with a knife against Zeke’s neck, was not really glad to see Dominic hale and hearty in flesh, either.

The two of them had a mutual hatred for each other that knew no bounds ! God, they were like oil and water !

It was not surprising but given that I was Kai’s mate too, Dominic was a far more possessive and merciless royal bloodied supernatural than me, and that is what explained his next set of actions.

So it was known that when Dominic saw red, he did not think twice before slashing away his bloodied prisoner’s head and uprooting it completely from his lifeless body with his bare hand !


That was the Dark Overlord’s severed skull crushed in his fist.

And the powdered bone slipped through his fingers, making everyone look at the scene with mixed emotions of joy and fright.

Stunned, Zeke’s captor looked at him shocked, mirroring Ryan’s expression, before Ryan blurted out, “You are pregnant ?” to Zeke, who was squirming under his sister’s hold while protecting his abdomen with his hands.

His answer was non verbally answered when Zeke looked up in Ryan’s eyes, tear faced and bloodshot eyes.

Zeke was evidently upset about his mate finding about the special news this way.

Curse that stupid, dumb woman whom he called his sister !!

However, a furious Kai broke the ensuing silence before Zeke lashed out at the university bitch, “You were about to kill your own brother for this rascal ?”, he growled before gesturing towards the slain Dark Overlord and shifting mid air to leap on top of a dazed Miss Pierce, aka Amanda.

“He was my King”, Amanda gritted out but her voice still sounded weak and unsure.

“And he is our brother !!”, Kai shifted before roaring in fury. “I swear to God, I should have just killed you when I had the chance in my apartment. I could have still killed you after that too but do you know what your brother said when we asked him to carry out the task or give us the permission to do so ? He outright refused inspite of being outnumbered ! He fucking defended you !! And this is what he gets for loving you”, Kai threw his hands up in the air in disgust. “Shame on you, Amanda. Shame on you. Especially when you did this knowing that he was pregnant ! He told you the good news even before his mate or any of us ! That is how much he loves you”, Kai spat out.

I went to Kai and gently removed his furious self off Amanda before Dominic’s warriors hauled her up and took the sobbing mess to the dungeons while Ryan rushed to his pregnant mate and ravished his lips before scooping him in his arms in a loving hug.

While the Beta lovers were in their own bubble of lover’s paradise, no one noticed that the Vampire King was getting high from bathing himself in the Dark Overlord’s blood and feasting on it like a madman.

“Oh fuck !”, Tyra cursed before snatching away their dead father’s bloodless corpse away from her brother, only for him to flash his red Vampire eyes at her in anger and screech like a hell mad vampire at her – which technically he was right now.

Dominic screamed like a crazy bitch before dashing after Tyra in his vampiric speed.

Kai and I were quickly on our fours before we chased after the blood crazed vampire but not before hearing Max murmur, “I knew it he was a gaga, bloodthirsty psycho. The asshole said this could never happen to him”, he said with a shudder.

“You just turned into a wolf and you are already speaking their language”, Ryan chuckled beside him.

Zeke nudged his elbow into Ryan’s and glared at him, “Hey ! Be nice and not all wolves speak against vampires !!”, he pouted.

“Uh huh ? Don’t they ?”, Ryan teased before pressing kisses against Zeke’s arching neck and making him moan. The Beta vampire was going borderline R-rated but Max was there to be a teasing mood dampener for the Beta couple.

“So you guys are gonna make one more baby right here, right now in front of us ?”, he wiggled his eyebrows at the glaring Beta couple.

Ryan flashed his middle finger at him before giving an extremely dirty, sloppy wet kiss to Zeke’s swollen lips. His tongue was practically having s*x with his mate’s mouth.

“Oh God ! Ryan !!”, Zeke bashfully panted out breathlessly after pushing away Ryan by his chest. “Everyone is watching !”, he exclaimed before hiding his shy red face in the vampire’s chest.

Ryan chuckled before wrapping his arms lovingly around his mate and tenderly tilted his pregnant mate’s face out of the latter’s hiding spot by his hair to nuzzle his cheek with his.

“I want everyone to know how much I love the father of my child”, Ryan whispered in Zeke’s ear before kissing it. “I love you so much”, he added fondly.

“I love you more”, Zeke smiled before pecking his mate’s lips. “Now c’mon inside and clean up. You have an appointment”, he added.

“Appointment ?”, Ryan asked confused while scrunching his face.

“Uh huh. You are gonna give me a foot rub, babe”, Zeke teased before running away.

Ryan laughed at his mate’s antics before chasing after him and finally, succeeded in scooping him in his arms and took the squealing, resisting, pregnant Beta to their quarters like a love crazed caveman.

These vampires had extreme emotions.


Just like mine here.

The King of Vampires, who had tackled down Tyra and drinking the life out of their father’s blood till the last dregs.

“Just let him be for some time”, Kai said while letting Dominic have his way. “He needs closure and- …. umm blood”, Kai gagged when he saw what Dominic did before putting a hand on his mouth and throwing up when the Vampire King tore the corpse and pierced his fangs into the vomit inducing pieces.

“Blergh !”

While Tyra rubbed Kai’s back, who was on his knees and clutching his abdomen hard, I hugged the war high, bloodthirsty Vampire King from behind and let my familiar, tantalizing touch and scent calm him down.

“I know you have hated him all your life, but you need to let him go, baby”, I soothingly said before kissing his temple. “I love you so much, Domz but what you are doing with the dead is not justified. Respect the body and bury it respectfully. He might have been a justifiably evil soul but he was the powerful Overlord of all the Kingdoms and the Vampire King’s father. He deserves to be left alone in peace in this realm and let the higher power deal with him and his sins, Dominic”, I coaxed him to let alone the dead beaten corpse and knelt down beside him to let my vampire mate break down in my arms.

“I hated him so much ! Still hate him !!”, he said in a muffled voice against my chest.

“I know. I know, baby. I do too”, I softly said while patting his hair. “The feeling will die out gradually and eventually, now that he is gone but we need to get out all negative thoughts and feelings out of us and for that the first step would be to leave this place, scrub you clean, get you fed and then rest. Ok ?”, I cooed and Dominic nodded before letting me help him up.

The human world might have got complicated for Kai and me but the saga of dealing with supernatural evil had ended for all of us with the Dark Overlord dead and his equally notorious army vanquished.

The Dark Overlord had certainly died an unhappy man but I felt zero remorse for him.

All I could think at the present , was about my dead parents and pack, and looked at the heavens above to smile and silently tell them that I had fulfilled my oath.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

When I looked back at Tyra helping Kai back to the palace just like me and Dominic, I smiled when I saw Kai look up at the sky too and close his eyes momentarily with his lips moving in a quiet prayer as if he was talking to the dead too.

This was our closure- the closure of our life.

This was my and my mates’ royal revenge !

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