Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

“Which genre do you guys want to watch ?”, I yelled as I shuffled through the amazing collection of Kai’s DVDs.

“EROTICA !!!”, the two shameless assholes chimed in together.

“Sappy Romance it is then”, I cheekily answered back and got disgruntled groans in return, much to my satisfaction.

Serves them right !

“Babe, anything but that”, Dominic whined as he joined me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Documentaries then ?”, I teased.

“I feel so tempted to spank your naughty ass right now, babe”, Dominic voiced out his thoughts and I meekly gulped at the warning.

I did not want to be spanked.

“Boring bitch”, Snow scoffed.

“And here comes the bitching queen again”, I announced through the mindlink with sarcasm as heavily laced as chocolate icing on a chocolate cake.

“C’mon hooooman !”, Snow grunted while irritating me with her deliberate mispronunciation of the word ‘human’. “Grow up !! I seriously won’t mind getting bent over and spanked by the two sexy beasts while I count the delicious slaps on our round, naked butt”, she shamelessly dirty talked.

“Eww. I don’t know you”, I said with feeling and forcibly blocked her out.

“I know you are wet by just thinking about it ….”, was the last thing I heard her say before I turned back my attention to my boyfriend.

Snow was right.


This horny wolf corrupted me too.


“You wanna watch Jaws ?”, Dominic asked as he waved the DVDs excitedly like a kid with a new toy.

“That is such a fucking old movie !”, I exclaimed. “I don’t wanna watch”, I humphed.

“Are you pussying out ?”, Dominic asked with an amused smirk forming on his face,

“No”, I answered immediately. Spoiler alert- I was totally pussying out.

“Then let’s watch it !!”, Kai agreed and settled himself comfortably on his soft carpet while leaning on the sofa set in a relaxed stance.

It was so tempting to cuddle in his lap and as if reading my thoughts, he chuckled and summoned me wordlessly with his index finger.

I crawled to him like an obedient pup and instantly forgot about the damn scary movie. Shit !

“You too come here, sexy”, Kai called Dominic after the latter was done with setting the movie and dimming the lights.

Dominic snuggled into us on the floor too and I grabbed the tub of popcorn, nachos and special sauce that I had prepared from behind.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Whoa ! You are damn prepared for movie night, aren’t you ?”, Dominic exclaimed.

“Yeah !! I am so glad we came here for the weekend to relax. Last week was so stressful because of Dominic’s pet bitch and string of quizzes that some jerky professors gave us”, I answered while glowering at Kai.

Ofcourse, he topped the fucking list of grade one asshole professors who gave equally frustrating piles of quizzes and assignments.

“Awww poor you”, Kai cooed. “I have no idea how can teachers be so stringent and harsh on their students. I can never be like them”, he dramatically sighed and shrieked an “OWWW” when he got jabbed from both his sides.

Serves him right !


If he was not my boyfriend, I would have made his life hell in class by now.


“You cocky little bastard”, Dominic growled while strangling our professor’s long, sexy neck playfully. “You are so damn lucky that I did not bend you against the desk and force out the answers out of your pretty mouth while doing you”, he dirty talked and fuck !

In no time the movie was soon forgotten while Kai rode Dominic and heavily made out with me as I sat on Dominic’s face and let him rim my pucker hole with his enchanting tongue.

“Don’t you need to breathe ?”, I panted as I pushed away Kai’s intoxicating lips. He always does that to tease me ! He sucks away all the air deliberately and then does not let go of my assaulted lips !!

Kai chuckled and then suddenly grunted when Dominic decided to be a dick and thrust hard into Kai.

Kai glared at his aggressor but another moan escaped his lips as Dominic rammed into him again and again with powerful thrusts. I took this opportunity to crawl off the two men and settle myself comfortably opposite to them to watch the fucking hot show that I had regretted missing some time back.

I was wearing one of the boy’s loose tee but I was completely bare from beneath and watching them get so hot and heavy made me do something that I could never imagining myself indulging in !

I was freaking fingering myself !!

Today, I was officially designated as an addicted Voyeur and this was now going into my Spank Bank for sure !

“Bella is watching us do it”, Kai suddenly whispered in Dominic’s ears when his head dropped onto the latter’s shoulders after a body electrifying orgasm. ” …. and she is fucking blue masturbating herself !!”, he exclaimed in shock.

Yeah he was right !

I was on the verge of spilling myself and I guess Dominic and I, both screamed are climaxes together while Kai watched me with hooded eyes.

Wow !!

That was so satisfying !

“Shit. I didn’t mean to cum already”, Dominic groaned. “You should not tell me lies, babe”, he chided Kai. “The image of our princess playing with her pink slit had me losing control”, he whined.

“Look for yourself then”, Kai breathlessly said and forced Dominic’s chin in my direction.

His eyes widened in surprise when he saw me biting my lower lip while my fingers were still knuckle deep inside my virgin hole.

“Holy fucking shit !”, he whistled and Kai looked at me with droopy eyes before he passed out tired on Dominic’s naked chest with a wide, happy smile on his face.

“I love you two”, Kai murmured and floated away to Dream Land.

Poor baby.

He must be so tired.

He rode on Dominic the whole freaking time.

He looked so sensually cute !!

Bella’s POV

After putting Kai in bed, Dominic and I took a quick shower- not together ofcourse coz I was too ashamed to face him yet after what I had done but nonetheless that did not stop me from snuggling in my lover’s arms while we watched the terrifying movie that we had abandoned earlier.

Why would someone go to a fucking shark prone zone ?

It did not make sense !!

It was like voluntarily dishing yourself as a meal for the aquatic predators !

Tenderly scratching behind my ears while I wrapped my arms around his neck, Dominic cooed, “Babe, you need to turn around and watch the movie instead of hiding in my chest”, he chuckled.

“I hate sharks officially”, I mumbled and tightened my grip around him when I heard the gory noises of the shark attacking its prey in the background.

I admit that I was a predator- Lycan myself but what the sharks did in the movie was pure sadistic !! It was sickening !

“You are such a cute little brat who gets scared easily”, Dominic teased but nothing was going to get into my ego coz I ain’t turning around to prove him wrong !

“I don’t care”, I grumbled and squeezed my eyes shut tight. “Just tell me that this horrible movie is going to get over”, I pleaded.

Suddenly the noises stopped and my Lycan ears could not catch the sound of the TV going on but that bastard played a cruel trick on me !

He had muted the movie and when I turned around, I swear the house shook and the Earth, in general trembled, when I screamed out loud.

The asshole was shaking as he tried to control his laughter but soon after he was rolling everywhere on the carpeted floor while clutching his stomach as he went into a crazy fit of laughter.

“I HATE YOU SO MUCH, DOMINIC KENT !!”, I hollered and kicked his laughing ass before marching towards Kai’s bedroom to cuddle with him.

I am so not gonna talk to that fucking sadistic jerk !!

I lifted the duvet and nestled into Kai’s side as he involuntarily pulled me closer to him so that he was spooning me completely and the gentle sound of his even breathing caused me to lull to sleep in the midst of his heavenly scent.

I am going to punish that motherfucking dipshit so bad tomorrow.

He is so so so dead.

How dare he scare me that way ?!

Hmfph !!

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