
Unshift 286

286 Ava: Not Yet Ready.

*Sealed? By the water, you mean?"

"Of course not." They look irritated now, likely by how slow my brain is catching up to their thought process. The seals, girl"

"So, a lockbox?"

"Lockb-you humans have such odd innovations." The way they're peering into my face, it feels like they're tearing apart my memories to educate themselves.

"In a sense, I suppose. It isn't that easy" They sit.

In the air.


Just-there. As if one would lower themself into a chair, only there's nothing there.

"Why so surprised?" they ask, tilting their head as they blink owlishly in my direction.

Gesturing toward them, I just say, "You're floating. In mid-air."

They roll their eyes again, a surprisingly human gesture for such an otherworldly being. "And you're standing on the ground. How extraordinary."

Their sarcasm catches me off guard, and I shake my head, trying to refocus. "I'm sorry. I've never seen anything like this before.

"Clearly." They wave a dismissive hand, changing the subject abruptly once again. "Why are here, girl? This isn't a place for casual visitors."


Left off-balance mentally and physically, it takes a while to gather the words. "I was... I was trying to focus on a new connection I felt within me. My magic, I think. I didn't mean to intrude on your, er, world: The spirit clicks their tongue, annoyance flashing across their ethereal features. "You make quite a habit of coming uninvited, don't you?"

"Habit?" I frown, confusion swirling in my mind. "What do you mean? I've never been here before.

A long-suffering sigh, like I'm an obtuse child they're obligated to handle. "Not here, specifically. But you have a penchant for barging in where you're not expected. Grimoire doesn't like to be disturbed, you know," Energy fizzes through my veins, my heart beat rapid and shallow. "Grimoire? You mean my magic book? How do you know about that?"

The spirit's expression remains settled in perpetual annoyance. "I know many things, girl. Including the fact that Grimoire prefers his peace and quiet. Yet here you are, once again, stumbling into places you don't belong "I'm not trying to stumble into anything. I'm just trying to connect with my book. With, uh,

260 Ava: Not Yet Ready

Grimoire?" It makes sense that it-he-would have a name, somehow.

But it's kind of on the nose, isn't it?

"How did someone like you manage a contract with Grimoire? They inspect every inch of me with a curled lip and a slow shake of their head. "Has the world changed so much?"

"How long has it been since you were out in it?" I venture to ask. The spirit must have some experience with the world. The way they roll their eyes and the timing of their humor feels very human. Much more than their appearance. "Acons, perhaps?" They shrug. "Time is inconsequential.

I have a feeling further questioning will only lead me nowhere. They don't seem interested in a two-way conversation, only in satiating their own curiosity. "How can I reach Grimoire?" The spirit blinks, their gaze sweeping around us. I hesitate, then follow suit, scanning our surroundings. Beyond our small circle of vibrant green, there's nothing but a vast expanse of dead forest. The contrast is stark-life and death separated by an invisible barrier.

But no one else is out there.

"Where is Grimoire, little human thing?" the spirit asks, crossing their arms.

Taken aback, I protest, "I thought you were going to tell me. After all, they went on and on about how Grimoire doesn't like to be disturbed and enjoys his peace and quiet. Wouldn't they know better than me?

Their eyes narrow. "You're the one who came barging in here. Shouldn't you know where your own book is?"Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

"I don't know anything about him," I counter. "You seem to know him quite well. I figured you'd know where to find him, too."

The spirit groans, dramatically falling flat on their back in mid-air. It's surreal, watching them float there like they're lying on an invisible bed.

"The future of magic is doomed," they announce to the canopy above, which has parted into a frame of green trees surrounding a sliver of blue sky. "Perhaps I should just set the world ablaze

and start anew."

A chill runs down my spine. This spirit, for all its human-like mannerisms, doesn't seem to have any real empathy for my life. I'm sure it's even worse for a real human.

"Is that... possible?" I ask, unable to keep the worry from my voice.

The spirit's reaction is like something out of a horror movie. They sit up so abruptly it makes me flinch, their eyes burning into mine with an intensity that roots me to the spot.

"Obviously not," they snap. "Or why else would I be stuck in this hellhole?"

Their words hang in the air between us, heavy with frustration and bitterness. I steel myself to request the information again. "Can you help me? You seem to know about Grimoire. How can I reach him?"

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286 Ava: Not Yet Ready

Isn't just a book you can flip open whenever you please. He's... particular

"Particular how?" I press, eager for any information.

The spirit waves a hand dismissively. "He chooses when to reveal himself. If he hasn't shown. himself to you yet, there must be a reason."

Wrapping my arms around me, I fight off the frustration edging into my voice. "But I need to contact him now."

"Ah, there it is," the spirit says, a knowing look in their eyes. "The weight of expectation. It's always the same with you humans."

frown. "What do you mean?"

But it isn't like I can't guess.

want the book because Magister Orion told me to. Because it can teach me magic. Because it as use for me.

espite the feeling of welcoming from this string inside of me, have my expectations been the all between us?

hey lean forward, still floating in the air. "Magic isn't about meeting others' expectations, girl. "s about understanding yourself, your place in the world. Grimoire won't reveal himself until ou're ready to see what's already inside you."

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