
Unshift 274

274 Ava: Give Us Both Time.


"...and that's how we met," I finish, my heart racing as I watch Lucas's face for any sign of recognition. His brow furrows slightly, a look of concentration I've seen a hundred times before. But there's no spark of memory in his eyes, no sudden realization. 1

1NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

"That's... quite a story," he says. His tone is polite, interested even, but it's clear the tale doesn't resonate with him on a deeper level. It might as well be a movie plot for all the personal connection he feels to it.

I swallow hard, trying to push down the disappointment threatening to choke me. "Yeah, it is," I agree, forcing a smile. "Not exactly a fairytale beginning, huh?"

Lucas chuckles, the sound achingly familiar yet somehow wrong. It lacks the warmth, the depth of feeling I'm used to hearing. "I guess not. But it sounds like we worked things out eventually."

"We did," I nod, my fingers twisting in the blanket covering his legs. I want so badly to reach out and touch him, to take his hand in mine. But I'm afraid of how he might react, this Lucas who doesn't know me. "It took some time, but we got there.

A heavy silence falls between us. I can feel Lucas studying me, his gaze intense in a way that's familiar and foreign all at once. There's curiosity there, maybe even a hint of attraction, but none of the bone- deep recognition I'm used to seeing.

"Can I ask you something?" I blurt out, unable to bear the tension any longer.

Lucas nods, his expression open. "Of course."

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the answer I'm afraid I already know. "Do you... can you feel our bond at all? Even a little?"

His face falls, genuine regret clouding his features. "I'm sorry, Ava. I wish I could say yes, but..." He trails off, shaking his head. "There's nothing"

My heart sinks, but I try not to let it show on my face. "That's okay," I lie, my voice barely above a whisper. "It'll come back. It has to."

Lucas shifts in the bed, wincing slightly as the movement jostles his injuries. When he speaks. again, there's a note of hesitation in his voice. "There is something I'm curious about, though." I perk up, hope fluttering in my chest. "What is it?"


pestures towards my neck, his eyes narrowing slightly. "If we're mates, why don't I see my

mark there?"

My hand flies to my throat instinctively, fingers brushing

over the unmarked skin. "Oh, I breathe, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. "That's because... well, we haven't completed our mating yet. We're fated mates."

"Why not?" The question is blunt, curious rather than accusatory, but it still makes me flinch. How do I explain the complexities of our relationship? The fears and insecurities that held me back, the external pressures that kept pushing us apart?


274 Ava: Give Us Both Time-END SEASON FOUR!

It seems impossible to condense it all into a few sentences.

"It's complicated," I say finally, hating how inadequate the words sound. "We've both had our reasons for waiting. And then there just never seemed to be the right time, with everything that's been happening." Lucas nods slowly, processing this information. "I see, he says, though I can tell from the slight furrow in his brow that he doesn't, not really.

"But we were getting there," I add hastily, needing him to understand how far we'd come. "Before all this happened, we were in a really good place."

"We were?" There's a hint of something in his voice-surprise? Doubt?

Lucas is quiet, his gaze distant. When he looks back at me, there's a softness in his eyes that makes my breath catch. "I'm sorry," he says quictly. "I can see how much this means to you. How much I mean to you. I wish I could remember"

The lump in my throat threatens to choke me. I blink rapidly, trying to hold back the tears that are suddenly burning behind my eyes. "It's okay, I manage, my voice thick. "You will. Your memory will come back."

I clear my throat, desperate to change the subject and escape the weight of Lucas's confusion and my disappointment. "So, um, how's your healing going? It looks..." My words falter. "Slow?"

A flicker of frustration crosses his face. "No one's sure. Nothing they run explains why I'm not healing at my normal rate."

My brows draw together. Something about this doesn't add up. Alphas heal incredibly fast, even from severe injuries. For Lucas to still be bedridden after all this time... it's unheard of.

I see why Kellan's been on edge when he talks about his alpha's recovery. It isn't just the memory loss; it's the entire situation. There's something weird going on.

"What does your wolf think?"

Lucas stares at me for what feels like an eternity. His golden eyes, usually so warm and full of life, seem dull and distant. When he finally speaks, his voice is barely above a whisper. "My wolf is gone."


My mind reels as I try to process what he's just said. Gone? How can his wolf be gor

"What do you mean, gone?" I ask, my voice trembling. "Like, you can't hear him? Or you can't feel him at all?"

His jaw tightens. "I mean gone. As in not there. There's nothing inside."

"But that's impossible," I protest, leaning forward in my chair. "Your wolf is a part of you. It can't just disappear. Maybe it's just dormant. Or maybe

hiding from the trauma? Like a hibernation?"

"I don't know," Lucas snaps, his patience clearly wearing thin. "I've told you everything I know. Which, in case you haven't noticed, isn't much. He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath before continuing in a calmer tone. "I'm sorry, but I can't do this right now. I need to rest.”

Guilt washes over me. Here I am, badgering him with questions. For me, it's full of concern. For

274 Ava: Give Us Both Time- END SEASON FOUR!

him? I'm a stranger who can't stop bothering him when he's clearly overwhelmed. "I'm so sorry. You're right, I shouldn't be pushing you like this. I'll go."

Lucas nods, some of the tension leaving his shoulders. "Thank you for understanding."

I hesitate at the door, not wanting to leave things on such a sour note. "I'll come back later today, okay? Maybe we can talk more when you're feeling up to it."

To my surprise, Lucas grimaces. “That sounds... exhausting, to be honest. Maybe you should wait until tomorrow. Give us both some time to process everything."

My heart bleeds with every word, but I force myself to nod. "Of course. Tomorrow then.

As I step out into the hallway, closing the door behind me, I feel like I'm leaving a piece of myself behind.

How long did I get with him? Fifteen minutes?

The Lucas I know-my Lucas-would never push me away like this. What's that saying? To appreciate what you have before it's gone...?

I'm feeling that. Hard.

I make it halfway down the corridor before my legs give out. I slide down the wall, drawing my knees up to my chest as the tears I've been holding back finally break free. The sobs wrack my body, and I don't even try to stifle them. Let the whole damn hospital hear. Let the whole world


My mate doesn't remember me. My mate has lost his wolf. And now, he doesn't want me.

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