
Unshift 246

246 Ava: Off-kilter

Staying in the training room for another week is mental torture.

The training isn't the worst part.

It's the tedium.

Vanessa and Marcus are tense and jumpy, even with nothing happening.

Sometimes, the weird training room turns into a quiet beach. In an unfortunate twist, the room can't emulate scent, so it doesn't help much as a change of venue.

Once I'm able to summon fire with ease, Magister Orion announces that it's a great time to return to the Fae Ward.

The clock on the wall shows eighteen hours have passed since we entered.

"Despite sleeping in here, your mind and body aren't truly rested. You should sleep once we


"No, I need to see if Selene's returned, I protest, swaying on my feet. The idea of sleep is tempting, but the worry gnawing at my gut won't let me rest. "What if something's happened?" Magister Orion's eyes soften. "Ava, I assure you, if any important news arrives, I will wake you immediately. But right now, your mental faculties need replenishing. You've pushed yourself hard. While this room is convenient for fast- tracking your training, it comes with downsides." "Days?" I blink, the concept of time slipping through my fingers like sand. "It's only been eighteen


"There, yes. And in here, it's been two weeks."

Right. I knew that.

I'm just a little confused.

My body betrays me with a jaw-cracking yawn. Vanessa steps forward, her hand gentle on my arm. "He's right, Ava. You're dead on your feet." Marcus grabs my other arm, holding me upright. It's only then that I realize I was tilting to the



Their concern warms me, but anxiety still coils in chest. "But what about Lucas?"

"We will keep our ears to the ground," Magister Orion says firmly. "Eight hours of sleep, minimum. That's an order from your teacher."

I bristle at his tone, ready to snap back, but Vanessa's voice distracts me. "He's right, Ava. You're no good to anyone if you collapse from exhaustion.""

The fight drains out of me, leaving behind a bone-deep weariness. "Fine," I concede, "but wake me if anything-and I mean anything-happens." Magister Orion nods solemnly. "You have my word."This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

(C) 240 Ava: Off-kilter


As we exit the training room, the sudden shift back to the ornate halls of the Fae Ward makes my head spin. Vanessa steadies me, concern etched on her face. "Easy there."

I smile. At least, I think I'm smiling. Honestly, everything's a little fuzzy and the world is off its axis. "I'm fine. Just disoriented.

Marcus falls into step beside me, with a gentle shove that tilts me back into a proper angle to the floor. "I'll take first watch. Vanessa will check in with everyone while you sleep.

"Got it." Exhaustion weighs down my tongue; I'm not even sure the words came out sounding right.

By the time we reach my room, I'm stumbling with every step. The bed looks impossibly inviting, and I barely kick off my shoes before collapsing onto it.

The training room did give us the luxury of showers, but it couldn't give us new clothes. Next time, I'll pack clothes.

They feel gross against the clean, cool sheets.

"Sleep well," Vanessa murmurs, her voice already fading as I drift off.

My dreams are a chaotic swirl of fire and water, faces I can't quite recognize, and a persistent sense of urgency. I'm running, always running, but I can't remember what I'm chasing or what's chasing me. The chase stops abruptly when I reach a clearing, and a small stream within.

It's familiar, but I can't imagine why.

I want to walk in it, but something tells me it isn't safe.

It's like I've been here before, and my entire body's screaming at me to run away.

I take a step back, and the water darkens. It goes from crystal clear and blue to murky brown, and there's something moving in its depths.

There's a flash of red in the trees, and a menacing presence that makes it hard to breathe.

Then, suddenly, I'm not there anymore.

There's no water, only a beach, with water lapping at my toes. A white wolf with clear blue eyes stares at me, the only color in her fur a patch of black at the end of her tail.

When I finally surface from sleep, it takes me a moment to remember where I am. The soft bed and ornate furnishings of the Fae Ward come into focus slowly. I blink, disoriented, and reach for my phone out of habit. It's dead, of course.

Oh, wait. It's not.

It's charged, but not powered on.

"m hot and sticky, and feel feverish. My entire body hurts, like Jericho's been putting me through


246 Ava Of-Kitar

"Good morning, sleepyhead, Vanessa's voice startles me. She's perched in a chair by the window, looking far too alert.

"How long was 1 out?" I croak, my mouth dry.

"About ten hours. Magister Orion said to let you sleep as long as you needed."

Ten hours. It feels like I only slept ten minutes. "Why didn't you wake me? Has there been any news?"

Vanessa shakes her head. "Nothing yet. And before you ask, no, we haven't been able to reach Lucas or the pack"

The worry I'd pushed aside during sleep comes rushing back. "We need to do something."


"We need to do something. Lucas is in danger."

She sighs, a mix of understanding and frustration in her eyes. "I know. But rushing in half-cocked won't help anyone. Let Sister Miriam and Selene look around. You need to focus on your training." I feel like I'm missing something. Anxiety tugs at me, but I don't know why everything feels wrong today.

I'm off-kilter, and I don't think it's from the training room.

Vanessa inspects me with concern. "Are you feeling okay? You're flushed."

"I feel like I've been run over with a truck. Pressing my hand against my forehead, I add, "I think I'm okay. Maybe a little sick."

She frowns and replaces my hand with hers. "You have a fever."

That's odd. I haven't been sick in months. When was the last time?

Oh, that's right. In Cedarwood. I was alone and miserable. That's when I met Selene.

As I swing my legs out of bed, the room spins. Vanessa is at my side in an instant, steadying me. "Easy. Your body's still adjusting. Maybe you should just stay in bed. I'll get you some food."

I take a deep breath, waiting for the sensation to fade. "I'm okay. Just need a minute."

She shakes her head. "No. Healer's orders. Get back in bed."

"I have to pee.

"Then I'll take you to the bathroom. And then you're going right back in bed. I need to check your vitals and make sure you're okay. Do you get sick often?"

"No." Keeping my eyes closed makes the spinning worse, but oddly seems to help the nausea. "It's been a long time. I get colds and things, though, like a normal human."

"But not since your constitution's changed, right?"

I peek an eye open. "Constitution?"


240 Ava: Oll-Kilter

Interesting. I never thought of using that word to describe what's happening to my body. "No, I haven't been sick.

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