

191 Ava: Mom's Legacy (IV)

Vanessa's visit is a welcome distraction from Selene's refusal to come out from beneath the bed.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

She's searched thoroughly, even her bag of medical supplies, before Marcus allows her to step foot into my room, as if she hasn't been one of my biggest supporter ince stepping onto Westwood lands. "Looks like security's been upgraded," she says with a laugh. "I owe Vester dinner."

"Dinner?" Watching as she slides the blood pressure cuff over my arm, I smile faintly. "Did you guys have a bet?"

"We always have a bet going. I usually win. Uncross your legs and relax your arms."

A quick check of all my vitals has her nodding in approval. "Still doing good. Did you get any check-ups done while you were back on pack lands?"


"Of course you didn't." She snaps my file closed with a sigh. "Kellan should have thought about it while you were there, but with. everything going on... Mmm. I can see how it would be missed." The entire pack is in an uproar. I've barely seen Lucas in two days.

"They have the entire Council coming. Even Clayton. Kellan's here to take over for the duration of their emergency session," I explain,

not sure how much Vester's told her.



191 Ava: Mom's Legacy (IV)

"So I've heard. Open your mouth." Using her tongue depressor to clear her field of view, she inspects the back of my throat with a soft hum. "Your tonsils are swollen. Have you been snoring?"

"I have no idea." Of course, my mouth is open with what looks like a popsicle stick holding down my tongue, so it comes out more like, "A-ha-ho-ihea."

Yes, Selene offers up from her place beneath the bed, as Vanessa finishes violating my mouth with her


After swallowing a few times and moistening my mouth, I mutter, "Selene says yes."

"We'll keep an eye on it. Hopefully you aren't about to come down with a cold or anything." There's a dubious note to Vanessa's voice, and I remember that she's a healer to shifters. They don't get things like colds. Or illness in general.

Injury-related issues, sure.

Or poisons.

Which begs the question once again, why are all of my bodyguards supposedly 'retired"? An aging shifter is not the same as an aging human.

I wonder if Vanessa knows.


"Hold on, let me finish." Her cool fingers brush against my neck, tapping and pressing4n spots that only make sense to her. Then she checks over all my limbs and my chest and back, nodding to herself at times



191 Ava Mom's Legacy (IV)

breath or stop jiggling your leg.

"You seem to be back to your normal self, which is great news for Jericho. He wants you to start training again tomorrow."

Despite my new resolve to become more mature, responsible, and (above all) stronger, a groan escapes me. "Really?"

It would be a lie to say that there isn't a part of me that wishes. power would just appear in front of m nd embrace me within it, so I don't have to go through the hell or training.

But as convenient as that would be. I'm not stupid enough to think it actually happens to people, so I straighten my slumped shoulders, clear my throat, and meet Vanessa's amused stare with as much professi like poise as I can muster. "I mean, that sounds great."

"Yes, I'm sure it does. Don't push yourself too hard. I warned him to take it easy on you to start."

"Small blessings."

She laughs as she packs everything away. "You're the one who told him you wanted to get stronger. I'm not sure what you were expecting."

"I know, I know. I do want to get stronger. It's just that Jericho's version of training is a circle of Hell that's better left undisturbed." Watching her brings

a cozy sort of comfort to my chest. Something deeper than a healer-to-patient relationship.

It's unfamiliar, but it's nice.

"Hey, Vanessa?" My fingers twist around each other, a nervous



191 Ava Mom's Legacy (V)

habit I can't seem to break. "Have you figured out how to deal with my mother?"

The playful smile slips from Vanessa's face, replaced by a serious expression to match the topic at hand. "I have." She zips her medical bag closed and sets it on the floor, watching me. "When do you want to vi My mouth dries faster than the S. ra in summer. The idea of facing my mother again, after our last disastrous encounter, sends an Arctic shudder down my spine. But I want answers. "How about in the morning? Vanessa's lips twitch, a glimmer of amusement in her eyes. "Trying to avoid training with Jericho, are we? But tonight would be better! A laugh bubbles out of me, the sound a little too high- pitched to be genuine. We both know that visiting my mother is far worse than any hell Jericho could put me through on the training grounds, but the attempt at levity is appreciated. "You know, I'm glad you're finally opening up to other members of the pack," Vanessa says, changing the subject, as if realizing I don't want to linger on it too long.

She probably does.

She's good at things like that.

Marcus stands by the window, his face a professional blank canvas He acts like he's ignoring our conversation, but I know he's heard every word. I'm pretty sure he reports it all to Jericho. 191 Ava Mom's Legacy (IV)

It's more than a little overwhelming, but I'm trying to get used to it.

"It's not easy, but I'm trying." My lips quirk, just a little. "Someone really opened my eyes, and I've come to see things differently."

"I'm glad to hear she helped you." Vanessa's expression softens. "Lucas has already called me several times, you know. Making sure I won't be putting you in any danger. Still grumbling about this silly idea of y My eyes widen, horror washing o

1. ne. "He what?"

She laughs, the sound rich and genuine. "It's hard being married to an overprotective alpha, isn't it?"

I groan, burying my face in my hands. The secondhand embarrassment and mild frustration over him is too much. "I can't

believe he did that. We talked about it before I left. He was on

board with it!"

"He loves you, Ava. He's just worried."

I peek at her through my fingers, grateful to hear how amused she is, instead of irritated. "I know. I get it. But still. It's too much."

"That's how they all are. 'Just too much. I'm pretty they're born. trying to outdo each other on who's more unrealistically overprotective than the next."

The worst part is, I can't even blame him for his level of concern, considering how much has happened to me. How many people get kidnapped more than once in their life? Most people don't even make it to or



101 Ava Mom's Legacy (IV)

Vanessa's amusement fades, replaced by a more serious

expression. She glances over at Marcus, then back at me. "Is it really necessary to have a guard in the room at all times?"

Dropping my hands into my lap with a sigh, I try my best not to grimace. It isn't like I want Marcus to feel like I don't appreciate his presence. "Sister Miriam was able to get into my room at Westwood. I don't kno there, everyone feels better knowing there's at least someone around, in case it happens again."

Vanessa's brows furrow. "I'd heard something about that. It's concerning, to say the least. Sounds a lot like old magic, and we aren't very familiar with that kind of thing."

"Lucas doesn't want to take any chances."

She nods, her lips pursed. "I'm amazed he was willing to part with you at all, given the circumstances!"

A wry smile tugs at my lips, and I shrug. "After a lot of back and forth, Jericho convinced him to call a Council meeting. He thinks there's a much bigger issue at play and that it affects all the wolf packs."

"I agree with him." Vanessa smiles when my brows raise at her reaction. "As darling as I think you are, and as special as you seem to be, it isn't enough to throw all conventions out the window. Every vampire k

10:27 -

191 Ava Mom's Legacy (IV)

Nodding-because once Jericho pointed it out, I agreed with him-

I add, "Since Selene says a strong wolf can sense the power within me, he wants me to avoid being seen by all the alphas of the Northwestern Territories, so he sent me here. Out of the way, and hopefully a litt "Would it be that big of a problem if the other alphas met you?" Vanessa looks a little doubtfind I shrug.

"I don't know. I'm not familiar with the other alphas, really. Only Clayton."

"Hmm." She reaches out, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "Well, I think it's good that you're here. Facing your mom might help with lot of things you're dealing with."


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