

189 Ava: Mom's Legacy (II)

Rubbing Selene's head, my own spins when trying to understand the things she's saying.

Honestly, it's no wonder she's been so subdued.

There are things that clash within me, she says, resting her head

on her paws.

"Like what?"

Her eyes roll in my direction. Like my past as Lycan Queen. remember that I-ruled, but I don't remember how. I fear I will not be able to guide you along as a Luna as well as I once thought I would. "Does it matter? We can learn together." Trying to soothe her

worries, I run both my hands down her spine, giving her a little dog massage. She seems to enjoy it, because she nuzzles a little deeper into the bed, stretching out her legs.

I want to help you, but it's fuzzy. I hate it.

There's a little worry in my head, like this is some portent of some future danger. But how? It's a few missing memories. When you're a soul from the past transplanted into a modern day dog, there's bound to be

I don't know. I've never done it before.

She sounds miserable, so I rub a little harder. "You'll be okay. I don't need you to be overly wise. I just need you to be you. We can figure out all the growing pains as we go."



160 Ava: Mom's Legacy

Selene's tail wags a little as she flops onto her back, paws flailing in the air. A soft whine escapes her throat, her eyes pleading with me to rub her belly. I can't help but chuckle at the sight. For all her wisdom and cryptic warnings, and the soul of a Lycan within, she's still a dog where it matters.

A little to the left, she instructs, her e echoing in my mind. No, no, back to the right. Ah, perfect.

My fingers find the spot she's indicating, and I scratch it vigorously. Her hind leg starts thumping against the bed in a steady rhythm, a sign of pure canine bliss.

A sharp knock at the door interrupts our bonding moment. Three precise raps, followed by the creak of the door as it inches open.

The bodyguard pokes his head in, just as promised, his eyes scanning the interior with a practiced efficiency.

"Doing okay in here, ma'am?" he asks, his voice gruff but not


Feeling a little sheepish, I give him a nod in response. "Yes, everything's fine. Just giving Selene a belly rub."

The guard's expression remains stoic, but I swear I catch a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "Very good, ma'am. I'll be right outside if you need anything. Ten more minutes." He starts to withdraw, but I call out to him. "Wait, what's your

name? I'm sorry, I should have asked earlier."

He pauses, raising one weathered brow, surprised by the question. "It's Marcus, ma'am. Marcus Finley



"Thank you, Marcus. I appreciate you."

His posture remains ramrod straight as he gives me a curt nod in response. "Just doing my job, ma'am. With that, he closes the door, leaving me alone with Selene once more. Suddenly self-conscious about sitting on the bed playing with my dog, I stand up and stretch. Selene rolls back onto her stomach, her head cocked to the side as she watches me.

You don't have to be embarrassed, shys. It's good for you to relax sometimes.

"I know," I sigh. "But I should finish unpacking. We might be here for

a while."

There's no rush. Didn't you say Vanessa wouldn't be here until dinnertime? Let's just watch TV instead.

Selene perks up at the idea of her shows. She hasn't watched them much since the party.

We haven't had much time to breathe since then, and I've spent most of my time pacing around, wondering how to save Lisa.

At this point, it's very obvious it won't be happening anytime soon. I've been avoiding thinking about it too closely, clinging to Sister Miriam's words that she's safe from his clutches due to whatever he's looking for.

Outside of marching my weak ass to the vampire's city and

demanding her return, there's not much I can do

without a lot of help. And all that help requires time for them to figure things out. So I'm doing my best to leave Lisa in Lucas' capable hands, trusting him to save her, while I do my best not to get in his way.


189 Ava Mom's Legacy (11)

The more trouble I get into, the more time will be wasted when he drops everything to rush to my side.

"Let me put everything away, and you can watch something while I order dinner. Jericho said he wanted to talk to us about a few

things anyway."

It's just about you starting your traini again. I heard him talking to the guards about you being softeran room-temperature

butter, and fatter too.


Staring at Selene, I'm not sure how to take that statement.

1 think he was talking about your fat-to-muscle ratio.

"No, I figured that part out."

It didn't sound very derogatory.

"It sounds pretty derogatory."

I don't think he meant it that way.

"I'm sure he didn't."

Still, feeling appalled that my body weight was even in discussion, I find myself in front of the mirror, twisting back and forth, scrutinizing every curve and angle of my body.

Do I look that bad?

Am I really that out of shape?

I poke at my stomach, frowning at the slight give. Maybe I have let myself go a little, but it's not like I've had much time for exercise lately.



189 Ava Mom's Legacy (1)

Not that kind of fat. He called you skinny-fat, Selene pipes up from her spot on the bed, her tone matter-of-fact.

"Skinny-fat?" 1 echo, my brow furrowing. "What does that even mean?"

You know, like when someone looks thin but has no muscle tone.

Staring at her in exasperation, I take one last look in the mirror, sucking in the little pooch of my belly.


I guess I could be considered that.

My body shape is a little weird, with hips that are a little wider than my shoulders and a little more curve to me than Jessa or Mom has, where they're more tall and lean.

But I have a little muscle now when I flex my arms, and my legs feel stronger than ever, with all the training I'd gone through with


Even so... I guess, compared to the wolf shifters he's used to training, I guess I would be filed as skinny-fat'.

No point in moping over my body shape. Lucas likes it well enough, and I'm stronger than I used to be the only two things that should.


Sighing, I turn my attention to the suitcase.

There are only a few things left to put away. As I pick up a soft blue shirt, something small and shiny tumbles from its folds, hitting the floor with a soft clink.

My heart dins. then races.



189 Ava: Mom's Legacy (1)

With trembling fingers, I reach down and pick up the object. A delicate necklace with a slender amethyst pendant.

The same necklace that obfuscated iny power to any keen

observers, lost during my escape and final fight with Todd Mason.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

How did it end up in my suitcase?

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