Taming Mr. Black

Chapter 69

Naomi’s POV

” So you don’t want to tell me about this mystery guy that you’re now dating right? And come to think of it, you didn’t tell me why you and Lucky ended. I thought he was a great guy.” I say to Bianca on Saturday morning as we do kitchen chores together while cooking.

Bianca stalls time as she stands on the other side of the kitchen counter and wipes a napkin on the marble island in the middle of the kitchen.

” Bia.” I call, stretching my hand to the other side of the island to flick her nose.

” Ouch.” She whines as she finally looks at me.

I chuckle and roll my eyes, happy that I finally got her attention.

” What are you ashamed of? He’s a guy with a child, so what? I’m dating my boss, remember?”

I dry the last plate and keep it in the rack as I turn around to look at Bianca.

” Lucky and weren’t just feeling it. And you’re right, he’s a great guy, just not what I am looking for. And this new guy, there’s not much to talk about. He’s great, and we are still getting to know each other.”

” You’ve met his kid?”

” Yeah, once. The encounter wasn’t that bad.”

” I get it, you don’t even like kids.” I point out.

” What?” Bianca exclaims with wide eyes. ” Who said I don’t like kids? Kids are adorable, they just cry a lot and it’s fucking annoying.”

” You see what I’m saying?”

” This is different. He’s not really a whiny, annoying child. He’s cool. Don’t worry, you’ll meet him soon, I promise.”

I smile and nod.

We fall silent for a minute as I check the boiling pasta.

” What’s up with Killian by the way? I hope nobody’s giving you a headache at the office?”

” Thankfully, no. We’re still keeping it a secret for now. We can’t afford people finding out and spreading rumors that are actually not meaningful.” I say.

” Damn. But who gives a shit anyway? It’s not like you guys are just fucking, you guys are in love and definitely in a relationship. Even if there’s some sort of rumor, or some crap, it’s going to die down as soon as it starts. You man is rich, and the CEO of his own company, so he’s definitely going to shut anyone up who starts to talk bullshit about you two. I’m sure of that.” Bianca says as she gives me a small smile.

” Thanks, Bia. That speech is really spirit lifting, my spirit is lifted.” I say, making Bianca laugh.

She rolls her eyes and tosses the napkin at me.

” Shut up. That Amber bitch still bothering you?”

” Nah. Killian put her in her place.” I say and turn off the stove to sieve water from the pasta.

Work yesterday, which was Friday and the day Killian wasn’t around because of his brother’s bachelor’s party in Australia, was hectic. It’s not like anybody stomped up to my desk to talk to me about shit, it was just plain awkward. The whispers, the mutters, the side and silent talks, God, it was hell. And the worst case, Raymond was also not around since he’s a part of Keith’s groomsmen. Yesterday at the office, it felt like everyone knew I was actually in a relationship with Killian. The eyes from fellow workers, they didn’t bother to be discreet about it.

And God, I missed him, so much actually. We talked throughout the night, last night actually, but I never really mentioned about the awkward attitude from other workers at the office, especially the women. Amber didn’t bother to hide her hatred toward me, but she was smart enough to not approach me, except she doesn’t value her job.

” You just zoned out. Are you thinking about sex with Killian right now?” Amber asks, with a smirk on her face as she wiggles her eyebrows.

” What?!” I choke on my spit, laughing and shaking my head. ” God, I hate you.” I say, giggling.

” You know you don’t.” I say.

Bianca smiles and rolls her eyes. When the pasta is ready, Bianca and I sit down to eat.

” How’s work by the way? You’ve barely talked about your work. Anyone like Amber at your workplace bothering you?” I ask, stabbing the pasta with my fork as I put it in my mouth.

” Yeah, it’s not really a girl. Just some dude who wants to fuck me. He’s my supervisor, this redhead guy I work under. He’s like my boss, but I can’t call him that. He’s just my supervisor. Well, the douchebag wants to have sex with me and I told him politely that I’m dating someone and I really don’t want to cheat on him, but this guy doesn’t catch my drift. He doesn’t want to get it that I’m not interested in him. He’s getting mad, giving me stupid jobs and throwing shades at me like I’m the cause of his dick not working properly.” Bianca narrates.

I laugh and shake my head.

” Oh my God, how do you know his dick is not working?!” I ask, giggling as I try not to choke on pasta sauce.

” That is the only reason the asshat should be mad. Because his dick is not working.”

I roll my eyes and grab my glass of water.

” But have you thought about reporting him to HR? That’s like sexual harrasment right?”

” I know, but I’m new and I don’t want any unnecessary attention drawn towards me. I believe he’s gonna get tired and get bored and he will probably stop chasing me.”

” And what if he doesn’t? You know, stop chasing you?”

” Oh, he will. Men always get easily bored when they don’t get what they want for a long time. It’s a surprise Killian didn’t get bored. God, he was so determined, it was hot. Sexy even.” Bianca says as she winks at me.

I blush and smile.

” Yeah. It’s still a miracle we’re even together. He’s this hot billionaire with the world at his feet and he can literally get anything, any woman. I’m that plain, simple woman who’s so different from him.”

” Is that your self esteem dropping?”

” Shut up. I’m just stating the obvious.”

” Yeah, you’re this boring nerd and he’s like…” I hurl a sealed bottle of water at her before she thinks of completing her word. She quickly ducks as she laughs.

” I thought we were stating the obvious.” Bianca says, giggling. I chuckle.

” Whatever. Fuck you, bitch. I hate you so much.” I say, giggling.

” I love you so much.” Bianca says, smiling as we continue to eat in silence.

” You know, since we’re both free tonight, why don’t we party?” Bianca asks when we’re done eating.

” Party?” I ask, dropping the dirty dishes in the sink while turning on the tap to wash the plates.

” Yeah. Or is Killian Black against you partying?” She asks, crossing her arms and leaning against the counter.

” Of course not. I don’t think I wanna party tonight though. I’m not really in the mood.”

Bianca raises her eyebrows at me and I avoid her gaze as I start to wash the plates. It’s not like I don’t feel like partying, well I don’t, and also I promise Killian we’d FaceTime tonight.

” Is he coming back tonight?”

” No, he’ll be back tomorrow though.” I answer truthfully.

Bianca hums as she nods.

” Also…” I say, turning off the tap since the water bill is pretty high now and we can’t afford to waste a lot of water.

With my hands stained with lather, I turn to look at Bianca.

” What’s up? What’s bothering you?” Bianca asks.

I sigh and wipe my hands.

” I don’t know, I feel like something is wrong with Killian.”

” What do you mean?”

” Well, he’s been acting strange, asking if anyone was threatening me.”

” Why would anyone threaten you? It’s not like you wronged anyone.”

” Yeah. But he’s always worried someone might be threatening or blackmailing me.” I say and roll my eyes. ” Which is kind of strange because not a lot of people know we’re dating and I really don’t get why anyone would want to threaten or blackmail me. Blackmail me with what exactly?” I say and sigh. ” I’m just worried, you know.”

” I think he’s afraid because he’s your boss and you’re his worker and it’s against a lot of rules that you two are actually together. Also there are a lot of sick hoes out there who would kill you just to make Killian theirs. That’s how desperate and sick these women are.”

” Right.” I sigh and nod. ” It’s just weird though. But thank God, we’re keeping it on a low. I really don’t know what I’m going to do if the people at work find out. They’ll start spreading stupid rumors.”

” Well, I’m here for you and you know that right? And if you feel like punching anyone at work for throwing shades at you, but you don’t have the balls to punch them, I’m just a phone call away.” Bianca says, smiling.

I laugh.

” By the way, why did you tell George where I worked? Did I tell you how it turned out, because it didn’t turn out great.” I’m supposed to be mad at her, but I just can’t.

You can’t stay mad at Bianca for too long. She’s just too sweet.

” God, I’m so sorry. What happened? Please tell me Killian didn’t get to see him, that will definitely be bad.”

” Of course they met, right outside his company where George and I were talking. Killian was just jealous…”

” He was jealous? Wow, that’s so hot.”

” That’s not hot.” I intervene. ” Maybe it was, a little, but still, he thought I still had feelings for George. What the hell!”

” I’m really sorry. He was so whiny about knowing where you worked, and you know I don’t even like George, he’s a fake, obviously. He was all in my space and kept whining. I’m so sorry, I don’t have a valid excuse, I know.”

I cross my arms and stare at her. She pouts and puckers her bottom lip. I sigh and roll my eyes at her as I uncross my arms.

” Fine, whatever. It’s not like I can stay mad at you forever.”

” Yaay. Wanna do groceries together?”

” Sure. What’s the worst thing that can happen while shopping with you?” I ask. Bianca smirks. “God, don’t answer that, I know. You’ll probably spend like six hours reading different labels and comparing products. You’re crazy.” I tell her. She laughs.


” God, which do you think is better? Worcestershire sauce or Baker’s sauce?” Bianca says as she eyes the two different bottles of sauces in her hand.

I shake my head at her and grab the Worcestershire sauce and toss it in the cart in my hand.

She looks at me. ” Worcestershire sauce it is.” She smiles.

After picking the different things we want, with Bianca spending an extra hour comparing products, we finally walk over to the cashier together to check out what we bought.

” We should stop by the mall. I need to pick out a few things. I’ve got a date tomorrow.”

” With your new boyfriend who’s got a child?” I ask Bianca as we step out of the grocery store.

” I don’t think you like him that much.”

” I didn’t say that. I’m just…” sighs. ” I’m just worried about you. It wasn’t long after you got out of a relationship with Lucky.”

” I’m fine, really.”

I know she’s not fine, it’s obvious. I think she’s dating these guys because she’s afraid of being alone. And, I know Bianca enough to know that she dates guys because she doesn’t want to feel like she’s alone or lonely.

” Okay. What’s his name?” I ask as we walk side by side on the curb with grocery bags in our hands.

” Mike.”

” Hmm. Nice name.”

” Is he hot?”

” Yeah. Really hot.”

” Black? White? Or maybe Hispanic, or Arabic?” I ask.

Bianca giggles and rolls her eyes.

” He’s biracial?”

” He’s Hispanic, Naomi. He knows good Spanish too. Well, he’s great. I think you’ll like him.”

I nod. ” Sure, I will. We’ll just speak Spanish together as a friendly bonding.”

” I’d like that.”

The mall isn’t far from the grocery store so it doesn’t take us a long time to get there. Bianca and I step inside the mall. It’s busy since it’s Saturday. I look around, eyeing the countless stores and even restaurants.

” Oh my God. Naomi!” A familiar voice says behind me.

Bianca and I turn around and Celine is standing right in front of us with another rich and classy friend. She eyes my outfit, taking in my simple choice of outfit. I’m wearing a black long sleeve crop top with cream colored joggers and black slippers. My hair is in a ponytail and I’m not wearing makeup. Bianca is wearing a red hoodie, and black joggers too with white running sneakers.

Unlike us, Celine and her friend are beautifully, and fancily dressed like they’re going out for dinner or something. Celine wears a blue satin dress and bra straps with strappy black heels. Her friend also mimics her dress, just that her dress is burgundy.

” You look nice.”

” Thank you.” I mutter.

Celine might come off as nice, but I’m not that dumb. I know she wants something from me and I don’t really like her either, and she being involved with Killian sexually in the past just puts me off.

” Hi.” She turns to Bianca. ” I’m Celine.”

” Bianca.”

” Nice to meet you.”

” You too.” Bianca says.

” This is my friend, Jenna. Jenna, Naomi and Bianca.”

Jenna doesn’t try to hide her irritation and Bianca notices that too. She just nods at us in response to Celine’s greetings.

” What are you guys doing here?” Celine asks, smiling with her lips painted a bright red.

” Oh, shopping.” Bianca says.

” That’s great. We’re meeting friends for dinner. Oh, you two should join us, it would be great.” No, it won’t.

” Oh, no, we don’t want to bother you guys.” I say, giving her a small smile.

” Oh, please. This will be a good time to have that outing we talked about. Please, just come have dinner with us, it would be great for bonding. You know, since you and I specially know Mr. Black.”

Right. ‘Specially.’ She still have the heart to remind me she fucked my man in the past.

I swallow, masking my disgust with a small smile. ” We would like that, but…”

” We will come.” Bianca says at once.

What? I turn to look at Bianca and she’s giving me one of her knowing and creepy smiles. Oh God, no, I know that look.

” We will? I thought you were going shopping for a date tomorrow?” I say, raising my eyebrows at her.

” That can wait. You’re not turning down free food, are you?” She whispers with a smirk as she turns to look at Celine.

” We will come.”

Celine’s friend, Jenna, hates this as much as I do too. Glad she’s on my side on this.

” Great. Please, come on.” Celine says as she starts to walk ahead of us with her friend.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

I turn to look at Bianca, not bothering to hide my irritation. Ahead of us, Celine’s friend whispers something to Celine with irritation. She really hates this just as much as I hate having dinner with Celine and her rich, arrogant friends.

” What the hell?” I ask Bianca.

” Just play along. Everything will be great. Trust me.” She says with a small smile.

I sigh and internally groan, before giving her a smile of my own and nodding.

” Sure.”

” Great, let’s do this.” With that said, Bianca and I trot behind Celine and her rich, arrogant friend.

I have a feeling I will regret this.

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